Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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fast sam, cool clyde, and stuff choose

Quotation Text

[US] W.D. Myers fast sam, cool clyde, and stuff 111: Later, I got to split.’ Sam said that he had to leave and he sort of be-bopped away.
at bebop, v.
[US] W.D. Myers fast sam, cool clyde, and stuff 125: ‘Look, Sam, I’m not on your case, man. But it’s a problem and you know that.
at on someone’s case under case, n.1
[US] W.D. Myers fast sam, cool clyde, and stuff 152: If you were asking her about something off the wall she would bring it right down front. And if you were saying one thing and meant something else, she would bring that down front, too.
at down front (adj.) under down, adv.1
[US] W.D. Myers fast sam, cool clyde, and stuff 117: Everybody wanted to know what he wanted to talk to Gloria about [...] Chalky told us anyway. ‘I’m going to go up there and see if I can get some’.
at some, n.
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