1981 D. Jenkins Baja Oklahoma 20: ‘You a roadie or a groupie?’ ‘What’s the difference?’ ‘They both give blowjobs but a roadie has to carry an amp’ .at amp, n.
1981 D. Jenkins Baja Oklahoma 223: ‘What’s this mean, Beecher? “We’re No. 4!”?’ ‘Number four’s ass,’ Beecher said. ‘We’re so No. 1 right now, our second string’s 1-A’ .at ass, n.
1981 D. Jenkins Baja Oklahoma 235: ‘Women don’t get hard-ons,’ Doris said. ‘We get doughnuts.’ Doris tittered.at doughnut, n.1
1981 D. Jenkins Baja Oklahoma 295: [used of a woman] ‘This is really intense, man. [...] We’re talking about a couple of far-out dudes’ .at dude, n.1
1981 D. Jenkins Baja Oklahoma 53: Perhaps one day Dove might try something legitimate, if first he didn’t wind up making license plates on the farm.at farm, n.2
1981 D. Jenkins Baja Oklahoma 199: ‘Too many people know he’s got the best flake—eighty-two percent. They know he keeps blocks of ice’.at ice, n.1
1981 D. Jenkins Baja Oklahoma 295: ‘This is really intense, man. [...] We’re talking about a couple of far-out dudes’ .at intense, adj.
1981 D. Jenkins Baja Oklahoma 346: He had pleased Susan, his wife, by giving the Trinity Episcopal Church a $1,100 contribution. The church had only wanted $1,000, but Foster thought the church ought to get the juice just like the bookmaker.at juice, n.1
1981 D. Jenkins Baja Oklahoma 7: The sky was bluer than a bathroom wall. As the days came and went for Juanita Hutchins, she called it a keeper.at keeper, n.
1981 D. Jenkins Baja Oklahoma 84: [H]er shape, which was, to borrow from the language of the steel-bellied-airhead admirer, ‘just fuckin’ lights-out’ .at lights-out, adj.
1981 D. Jenkins Baja Oklahoma 53: Aspen, as he sized it up, was where he could make a load and become a civilian again.at load, n.
1981 D. Jenkins Baja Oklahoma 19: ‘[P]epperbelly food [...] Beans and cheese and cornmeal is all it is. [...] Pepperbellies eat pepperbelly food but they don’t know any better’.at pepper belly (n.) under pepper, n.
1981 D. Jenkins Baja Oklahoma 222: ‘I like the Over on Arkansas-Rice. I’m teasing the Aggies with Alabama and Army. Oregon’s the West Coast saver’.at saver, n.
1981 D. Jenkins Baja Oklahoma 119: ‘Pretty ladies attract men and sell lots of beer and setups’.at set-up, n.1
1981 D. Jenkins Baja Oklahoma 223: ‘Notre Dame’ll shit in your hat and hand it back to you before you get to the scrimmage line’ .at shit in someone’s hat (v.) under shit, v.
1981 D. Jenkins Baja Oklahoma 53: Dove made Juanita a promise: Candy would never have any ‘smart stuff’ in her pocket. He would never let her ‘hold’ .at smart stuff (n.) under smart, adj.
1981 D. Jenkins Baja Oklahoma 94: ‘Hey, man, know where I can score some whiff?’ Nobody talks like that but a narc’ .at whiff, n.
1981 D. Jenkins Baja Oklahoma 109: [A] pompadour would come into a men’s room [...] where Evan happened to be. [. . . .]. Suddenly, Evan would sink to his knees and do a zipper caper on the body-builder.at zipper sex (n.) under zipper, n.