1968 J.Q. Wilson Police Behavior 196: [A] directive was sent to all [Oakland P.D.] officers ordering them to refrain from using language that ‘has a derogatory connotation’ in dealing with minority group members; specifically [...] boy, spade, jig, nigger, blue, smoke, coon [etc] .at blue, n.1
1968 J.Q. Wilson Police Behavior 145: The officer [...] meted out curbstone justice that would instill, if not the fear of God, then at least the fear of cops.at curbstone justice (n.) under curbstone, adj.
1968 J.Q. Wilson Police Behavior 47: [T]he ‘third degree’ [...] was once the form of violence most commonly referred to in both popular and serious studies of police work.at third degree, n.
1968 J.Q. Wilson Police Behavior 123: [T]he nearby county farm where persons sentenced on drunk charges serve their time.at farm, n.1
1968 J.Q. Wilson Police Behavior 196: [A] directive was sent to all [Oakland P.D.] officers ordering them to refrain from using language that ‘has a derogatory connotation’ in dealing with minority group members; specifically [...] black boy, black, shine, ape, spick, Mau Mau.at mau-mau, n.
1968 J.Q. Wilson Police Behavior 49: The young patrolman is taught ‘not to stick his head out’ and to ‘keep his nose clean’ .at keep one’s nose clean (v.) under nose, n.
1968 J.Q. Wilson Police Behavior 156: [A] patrolman [...] has little incentive to ‘play up’ to the citizens.at play up to (v.) under play up, v.
1968 J.Q. Wilson Police Behavior 182: [A]rrest prostitutes and you reduce the number of rollings.at rolling, n.1
1968 J.Q. Wilson Police Behavior 150: The police in Albany and Newburgh [...] have been ‘on the spot’ several times [...] in Albany the chief backed up his men and in Newburgh he did not.at on the spot (adj.) under spot, n.3
1968 J.Q. Wilson Police Behavior 108: Men, mostly white, drive slowly through the Negro area [...] girls hail them and they negotiate through the open car window [...] The practice is called ‘trolling’.at troll, v.