2012 D. Spivey ‘If You Were Only White’ 173: There were those who were faithful married men who did not mess around.at mess about, v.
2012 D. Spivey ‘If You Were Only White’ xxi: Paige [...] was neither the ‘Bad Nigger’ that Jack Johnson personified nor the ‘House Negro’ that some characterized Joe Louis as being.at bad nigger (n.) under bad, adj.
2012 D. Spivey ‘If You Were Only White’ 137: In some respects he was becoming, in the old adage, bigheaded.at big-headed (adj.) under big head, n.1
2012 D. Spivey ‘If You Were Only White’ 265: Robert Mitchum had a long history of loving to booze it up.at booze up, v.
2012 D. Spivey ‘If You Were Only White’ 143: ‘[S]oon as he comes back here they’re going to throw him in the clinker!’.at clink, n.1
2012 D. Spivey ‘If You Were Only White’ 70: He entertained the spectators with great pitching and the drama he often provided by coming through in the clutch.at in the clutch under clutch, n.
2012 D. Spivey ‘If You Were Only White’ 100: It was difficult, however, to imagine athletes wanting to coast with so much hype injected into the contests.at coast, v.
2012 D. Spivey ‘If You Were Only White’ 5: [T]he art of the game [i.e. ‘the dozens’] being to top your opponent’s verbal jousts with superior comebacks.at comeback, n.1
2012 (con. 1968-69) D. Spivey ‘If You Were Only White’ 271: [Hank] loved to play the dozens with Paige, ribbing him from time to time, and Paige wisecracking back at him, with both of them laughing and admiring the other’s retort.at dozens, n.
2012 D. Spivey ‘If You Were Only White’ 54: Children goggle-eyed [the automobile], and men were intrigued by the machine.at goggle-eye (v.) under goggle-eyed, adj.
2012 D. Spivey ‘If You Were Only White’ 85: The setting was perfect for a hero or an absolute flop.at flop, n.4
2012 D. Spivey ‘If You Were Only White’ 47: When the team did have the resources to stay at an available hotel, it was typically one of the flea bags with the inevitable ‘hot bed’ [...] they often supported a living menagerie of tiny bloodsucking bedbugs known [...] as chinches.at hotbed (n.) under hot, adj.
2012 D. Spivey ‘If You Were Only White’ 62: Paige would [...] earn the reputation of being unflappable, cool as they come, the ice man.at iceman, n.
2012 D. Spivey ‘If You Were Only White’ 264: Paige was outraged by the decision. That in combination with his lower pay was absolutely it for him.at it, n.1
2012 D. Spivey ‘If You Were Only White’ 89: The auditions culminated with a mega performance in Soldier Field.at mega, adj.
2012 D. Spivey ‘If You Were Only White’ 5: Some of the favorite fishing spots down by the Bay were always good for a few discarded moneymakers.at money-maker (n.) under money, n.
2012 D. Spivey ‘If You Were Only White’ 49: [T]he hustlers suggested upping the ante. He obliged, and the sharpies then played him for real, quickly relieving him of five dollars.at sharpie, n.1
2012 D. Spivey ‘If You Were Only White’ 141: The Argentine story was, of course, a fabrication on Paige’s part, as he shined the media on.at shine, v.2
2012 D. Spivey ‘If You Were Only White’ 5: He excelled at the art of ‘playing the dozens,’ the old West African game of signifying [...] the art of the game being to top your opponent’s verbal jousts with superior comebacks.at signifying, n.
2012 D. Spivey ‘If You Were Only White’ 85: Paige was a notorious trash-talker, and he did not make the All-Star Game an exception. He talked stuff continuously to his old buddy.at stuff, n.
2012 D. Spivey ‘If You Were Only White’ 41: Paige [...] admired [Jack Johnson’s] boasting, trash talking to opponents, and superiority in the ring.at trash talk, v.
2012 D. Spivey ‘If You Were Only White’ 50: The Pelicans went over the top, at least in Paige’s mind, when they added an old Model T to the offer.at go over the top (v.) under top, n.
2012 D. Spivey ‘If You Were Only White’ 142: ‘Satchel is a great pitcher and would help our club [...] but we cannot let even a twirler so good as Paige run our leagues’.at twirler, n.1
2012 D. Spivey ‘If You Were Only White’ 10: In the length and ferocity of the ‘whup’in,’ Mother Lula [...] laid wood with righteous indignation.at lay wood on someone’s ass (v.) under wood, n.1
2012 D. Spivey ‘If You Were Only White’ 169: The master hurler began letting them fly with a fair amount of zip on them.at zip, n.2