2020 B. Dempski et al. Dalko 233: Brian and Bill were therefore ‘all in’ for doing the definitive biography of Dalko.at all in, adj.
2020 in B. Dempski et al. Dalko xi: [M]most of the talk was about the octane coming out of the left arm of Dalkowski [...] This guy could really bring it.at bring it (v.) under bring, v.
2020 B. Dempski et al. Dalko 27: In spite of Barrows’s passing and Dalkowski’s ability to ‘carry the mail,’ New Britain lost.at carry the mail (v.) under carry, v.
2020 in B. Dempski et al. Dalko 31: Steve [...] reportedly has had batsmen biting the dust fairly regularly to avoid his erratic tosses in practice games.at bite the dust (v.) under dust, n.
2020 B. Dempski et al. Dalko 103: [In Mexico] they could maintain their competitive edge, work on their game, and earn good money in the off-season.at edge, n.1
2020 B. Dempski et al. Dalko 10: His coach [...] considered Steve a ‘phenom’ from the first time he saw him pitch.at phenom, n.
2020 B. Dempski et al. Dalko 48: Players traveled in rattletrap cars, stayed in cheap hotels, and made do with meager meal money.at rattletrap, adj.
2020 B. Dempski et al. Dalko 37: [H]ard-working hard-drinking men who spent long weeks in the factories, then relaxed and blew off steam in the neighborhood taverns.at blow off steam (v.) under steam, n.