Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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[US] T. Wolff Old School 189: Arch had taken up riding only after his leg got bunged up.
at bunged up, adj.
[US] T. Wolff Old School 40: Frost sounded like a man who’d been stung by a taunt, showing he could take it and come back with some chaff of his own.
at chaff, n.1
[US] T. Wolff Old School (con. 1962) 104: Purcell began to cut daily chapel. [...] We were allowed a fair number of cuts, but by the end of April he’d used his up.
at cut, n.1
[US] T. Wolff Old School 112: Our regular dances were licentious enough, within the limits set by the vigilant, and of course envious, spinsters who rode shotgun at these affairs.
at ride shotgun (v.) under ride, v.
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