ride v.
1. in sexual senses.
(a) of a man, to have sexual intercourse; also sometimes of a woman, thus riding, sexual intercourse.
Dyvers Balettys and Dyties Solacyous ii line 21: He rydyth well the horse, but he rydyth better the mare. | ||
Poems (1932) 52: And with hir playit, and maid gud game, Syne till his breist did hir imbrace, And wald haif riddin hir lyk ane rame. | ‘The Wowing of the King in Dunfermeling’ in Mackenzie||
Hickscorner Avii: Wanton Sybble [...] She is so sure in dede Ryde and you wyll ten tymes a daye. | ||
Wife Lapped in Morrelles Skin in Early Popular Poetry IV line 547: I could not lye still, nor rest take me: Sometimes on my syde and sometimes on my backe He rolde [sic] and layd me. | ||
Proverbs II Ch. iiii: A man may love his house well, / Though ryde not on the ridge, I have hearde tell. | ||
‘Cambridg Libell’ in May & Bryson Verse Libel 337: A ryding jade, she needs no staff. | ||
Euphues (1916) 104: My counsel is that thou have more strings to they bow than one. It is safe riding at two anchors [...] the mind enamoured on two women is less affected with desire. | ||
Gesta Grayorum in Progresses and Processions of Queen Elizabeth (1823) III 327: John the pander claimes to hold [...] two tenements called the Cunyborrowes, lyinge in Stinke Court, by townage in capita, to finde three Flanders mares yearly, for sixe of his Highnes Black Guard, to ride uppon any Requiem. | ||
Westward Hoe V i: This Monopoly is an arrant knaue [...] sufferd to ride vp and downe with other mens wiues. | ||
O per se O O2: Take heede thou, too, thou hackney-mare who ne’er art ridden, but paid. | Canting Song||
‘Statute for Swearers and Drunkards’ in Pepysian Garland (1922) 191: You that consume your states, by debosht courses; / Riding the Turnbole Iades, like hackney horses. | ||
Sparagus Garden IV iv: [He] has never top’d her in the way we treat of, / Before he wed her: for my sonne shall not ride / In his old boots upon his wedding night. | ||
New Brawle 12: I was never [...] taken by the Watch with the Bawdy Barber [...] when you ask’d him, Whether he would ride a trott , or a gallop. | ||
Musarum Deliciae (1817) 59: If we set a ganneril on their docks, Ride them with bits, or on their geer set locks. | ‘To a Lady Vex’d with a Jealous Husband’||
Wandring Whore I 4: The several postures are necessary, because all men do not affect one and the same riding. [Ibid.] IV 10: They are ridden and stridden oftner then the variest Hackney jades in Coleman street. | ||
Etheredge: Poems (1963) 36: And if you do not there provide / A Port where I may safely ride / Landing in haste in some foul Creek, / ’Tis ten to one I spring a Leak. | ‘Letter from Lord Buckhurst to Mr. Etheredge’ in Thorpe||
Vinegar and Mustard B: When the fellows Breeches were down, and he got up thou was ask, whether he was ride a galops or a trots? | ||
Wits Paraphras’d 82: Like him a Princess to bestride, / Is’t nothing els but up and ride? | ||
Bog-house Misc. 24: D---n Molley H——ns for her Pride, / She’ll suffer none but Lords to ride. | ||
York Spy 44: An old Maiden-head Broker came out, Gentlemen, said he, pray walk in, I have as bonny a Tit came last Night, as any in Town, I’ll let her out for Twelve pence a Stage, and she rides as well as any young Philly. | ||
View of London & Westminster (2nd part) 42: [in a list of prostitutes] Miss Saddle [Is Visited] By Lord Ridewell. | ||
Order of the Beggar's Benison and Merryland (1892) 31: Dinner Sentiments [...] Instructions in Riding ‘[...] secure your seat in the saddle, and then try posting between a pair of shafts’. | ||
Description of Merryland (1741) 44: Steer along Shore to the Bby-Mountains [sic], where there is good Riding; and [...] push in boldly for the Harbour. [Ibid.] 47: The more you veer, the better you will ride. | ||
The Tricks of the Town Laid Open (4 edn) 66: Their [i.e. a prostitute] Legs will direct you that they have rid hard in former Times. | ||
Bloody Register I 133: And, what is worse than thieves can do, / Cheat you of soul and money too; / Lead scandalous and wicked lives, / And, like Bell-swagger, ride your wives. | ||
Heigh for Bread and Cream [Scots song] She poppit into bed, And I popp’t in beside her; She lifted up her leg, And I began to ride her [F&H]. | ||
Covent Garden Jester 86: May we ride till sixty without falling off. | ‘Sentiments & Toasts’||
An Essay on the Art of Strangling 7: Mounting men, unaccustomed to hard riding [...] urge them to drive on at so unconscionable a rate. | ||
song in Papers of Francis Place (1819) n.p.: He took her to the river side and there he laid her legs so wide / And on her belly he did ride. | ||
Satirist (London) 15 July 229/3: The Countess of Coventry, we hear, figures away at Rome occasionally, in a jockey dress. Her Ladyship has been pretty well noted at home for her riding habits. | ||
‘O, Saw You My Ass When ’Twas Out On The Green’ Flash Chaunter 13: They wish for to ride it, but e’er they do mount, / I make ’em come handsomely down with their blunt. | ||
‘A Young Flash Lass & An Old Jack Daw’ Nobby Songster 45: I should like to ride you now, / Said the young flash w---- to the old Jack Daw. | ||
Gleaner (Manchester, NH) 1 Apr. n.p.: Lowell Wants to Know [...] Where J.J. went when he took Miss S.R. to a sleigh ride [...] and whether it was good riding or not, how is it Jim? | ||
Satirist & Sporting Chron. (Sydney) 25 Feb. 1/1: He has certainly descended from his high Estate [...] or he never would have descended to ride a jack-ass’s daughter. | ||
The C — , The Open C — [broadside] Her legs were stretch'd, her C—t gap'd wide, / In the happy hour when I did ride. | ||
Life in Boston & N.Y. (Boston, MA) 28 June n.p.: Somewhere in that street, was a ‘knight of the whip’ [...] with a married woman, probably they went to take lessons in the riding school. | ||
letter q. in Wiley Life of Billy Yank (1952) 258: In the evening Horizonal Refreshments or in Plainer words Riding a Dutch gal. | ||
Dead Bird (Sydney) 28 Dec. 7/2: ‘Aw yas, wal I’ll ride MisS — — any day in the week for a fiver.’ [...] Miss P— , with a look of indignation on her brow, bounced out of the room. | ||
Vocabula Amatoria (1966) 11: Aller l’amble = to copulate; ‘to ride’ gently. | ||
Forbidden Fruit n.p.: She asked me how I had enjoyed my riding.—‘Oh, it was delightful, Mamma,’ I said thinking of her and Patty. | ||
Ulysses 317: And what do you think, says Joe, of the holy boys, the priests and bishops of Ireland doing up his room in Maynooth in his Satanic Majesty’s racing colours and sticking up pictures of all the horses his jockeys rode. The earl of Dublin, no less. – They ought to have stuck up all the women he rode himself, says little Alf. [Ibid.] 727: That blackguardlooking fellow with the fine eyes peeling a switch attack me in the dark and ride me up against a wall without a word. | ||
🎵 I’m a jockey by trade, I’ve rode the best in horses that run / And if you don’t start jumpin’, I will show you how the ridin’s done. | ‘Best Jockey in Town’||
Roofs of Paris (1983) 260: Sid is riding her and Ann has passed out cold. | ||
(con. 1870s) Pedlocks (1971) 66: Have you heard the story of the old Irish woman who was asked if she was ever bedridden? ‘Hundreds of times,’ she answered, ‘and once in a sled!’. | ||
(con. 1930s) Lawd Today 186: ‘He’s riding her like a bicycle!’ ‘And she look like she likes it!’. | ||
Dopefiend (1991) 89: He mounted her with the intention of riding her roughly. | ||
Out After Dark 148: ‘Belfast? What do you want to go to Belfast for?’ He looked at me as if at a thick. ‘To ride women, what do you think?’. | ||
Bad Debts (2012) [ebook] Didn’t know old Oscar [i.e. Wilde]rode horses. Knew he rode evereything else. | ||
Breakfast on Pluto 112: Making up stupid fantasies about his mother just because she was rode by a priest. | ||
Holy City 182: I rode your mother, C.J. Slipped her a length of pipe, as the boys used to say. | ||
‘Cinders’ in ThugLit Aug. [ebook] So good-looking [...] Mitch almost wants to strip and ride all over again. | ||
Decent Ride 4: Eh wis ridin that burd [...] tidy fuckin boady oan it. | ||
Old Scores [ebook] But the young man who’d been riding Candice was sober, which at least showed a degree of smarts. | ||
Braywatch 20: ‘It was alt the riding that helped me readize that Shadden was the wooden I really lubbed,. |
(b) of a woman, to have sexual intercourse.
‘Cuckolds Haven’ in Merry Songs and Ballads (1897) III 42: So long as they can goe or ride, / They’l have their husbands hornify’d. | ||
Amanda or the Reformed Whore 23: Young bold-fac’t Queanes, and old fore-ridden Jades. | (prisoner)||
Memoirs (1983) 99: His tool was one of the longest I have ever seen (and as thick as it was long), so that when I rode him [...] I at first had to do so with care. | in Blatchford||
🎵 Me and my gal we was side by side, / She said, ‘Daddy, I would like to ride’. | ‘Freeze to Me Mama’||
Down All the Days 210: Sure she’d ride anything, that one. | ||
Faggots 319: She’d ride him to the moon and stars. |
(c) to sodomize.
Journal of Murder in Gaddis & Long (2002) 48: I rode them old and young, tall and short, white and black. | ||
Queens’ Vernacular 88: anal intercourse [...] ride (‘Did you ever ride Chris?’ Syn: ride a bull = to fuck a virile man). | ||
Ringer [ebook] n.p.: Or I’ve had the arsehole rode off me by some big-time buftie-boy. |
(d) (US) to play an instrument with rhythm and competence.
Down Beat’s Yearbook of Swing n.p.: ride : to play effortlessly, but with intensely rhythmic phrasing. | ||
(con. 1948) Flee the Angry Strangers 33: I’m diggin a lot of Armstrong, ’cause he’s the man. You wanna hear how I go loose’n take off ridin like Louie. |
(e) (US prison) to trade sexual favours for immunity from physical attack by fellow inmates.
Other Side of the Wall: Prisoner’s Dict. July 🌐 Ride: (1) To pay commisary or sexual favors to prevent being assaulted by other inmates. (2) To go along with someone. (TX). |
2. (US campus) to use a translation in an examination or when preparing classwork [pun].
College Words (rev. edn) 255: Hobbies are used by some students in translating Latin, Greek, and other languages, who from this reason are said to ride, in contradistinction to others who learn their lessons by study, who are said to dig or grub. | ||
Student Sl. in Cohen (1997) 11: ride v. Same as ‘pony’ v. q.v. ‘let him prepare his lessons and pass his examinations, and no one asks ... whether he walked or rode through the difficult places.’. | ||
DN II:i 54: ride, v. To use a translation. | ‘College Words & Phrases’ in||
AS IX:4 290: ride To use a pony (horse or trot) in an examination, as in I rode all the way in that exam. | ‘Negro Sl. in Lincoln University’ in||
AS XXXIV:2 156: Cribbing, or riding, though not condoned, is an established fact. | ‘Gator Sl.’
3. in verbal or emotional senses; to ‘get on someone’s back’.
(a) to pressurize.
Bulletin (Sydney) 23 Aug. 14/4: I was frightened to ‘ride’ the old chap – thought his legs wouldn’t stand – but, bless you, he’d forgotten all about them himself. About a hundred yards from home the boy made his run, and I sat down on Pol. and asked him the question he had never shirked. By God, sir, it does my heart good to think of it now! | ||
AS VIII:3 (1933) 31/1: RIDE. Persecute or make work unduly hard. | ‘Prison Dict.’ in||
Three Soldiers 75: ‘This is the life,’ said Fuselli. ‘Ye’re damn right, buddy, if ye’re don’t let them ride yer,’ said Dan. | ||
Red Wind (1946) 42: Something was riding him when he turned and took two bullets. | ‘Red Wind’||
Amboy Dukes 115: You’re riding us when we didn’t do anything. | ||
Criminal (1993) 11: Henley didn’t ride me about a thing for the rest of the day. | ||
Run Man Run (1969) 102: What would this district attorney do with that, riding the department as he is? | ||
Double Whammy (1990) 235: Dennis was impatient, he was riding Bobby pretty hard. | ||
Rivethead (1992) 206: With a tight grip on the whip, the new bossman started riding the crew. No music [...] No horseplay. No drinking. | ||
Robbers (2001) 239: You riding me pretty hard, Rule. | ||
Life During Wartime (2018) 3: You just needed to ride him a bit hard. | ‘Freedom Bird’ in
(b) (US campus) to reprimand, to scold.
DN II:i 54: ride, v. To censure. | ‘College Words and Phrases’ in||
Three Soldiers 404: They won’t light on a feller unless they have to.’ ‘That’s a goddam lie,’ cried Chrisfield. ‘They like ridin’ yer. A douboy’s less’n a dawg to ’em.’. | ||
Hooch! 96: They’re a cheap bunch, but they know I can ride ’em if I don’t like the way they act. | ||
Foundry 269: If Duffy knew you were taking out my daughter, he’d ride hell out of you. | ||
Railroad Avenue 199: The old man was always ridin’ me. | ||
Jungle Kids (1967) 31: So she rode me for it [i.e. committing a crime]. She didn’t understand. | ‘Vicious Circle’
(c) to annoy, to irritate.
Plastic Age 200: How come you ’re picking on me? Why don’t you ride some of them for a while? | ||
Rough Stuff 181: If you fall down on the job, I’ll ride you till the end of your time. | ||
Cry Tough! 49: He kept ridin’ me all the time. He hated me. | ||
Always Leave ’Em Dying 102: His needling me then until I’d flipped a little myself, and his continuing to ride me in the papers. | ||
Mute Witness (1997) 3: Don’t let him ride you, either. | ||
Black Short Story Anthol. (1972) 80: He just rides me, that’s all. | ‘Dandy’ in King||
Doing Time : . | ||
(con. 1940s) Hold Tight (1990) Why you riding me like this? What did I do to you? |
(d) to tease, to taunt; to harass verbally.
TAD Lex. (1993) 69: Riding A Hard Boiled Egg Gay Dog Whose Wife Has Just Returned After An Extended Visit To The Mountains. | in Zwilling||
Smile A Minute 56: This Slugger Weir guy kept sneerin’ that I prob’ly was gonna treat ’em all to ice-cream sodas, so’s they’d lay off ridin’ me. | ||
Coll. Short Stories (1941) 91: He warned the boys not to ride him or play too many jokes on him. | ‘Hurry Kane’ in||
(con. 1920s) Studs Lonigan (1936) 337: Jesus, them turkeys down there would ride the pants off me. | Young Manhood in||
Farewell, My Lovely (1949) 19: Ride me [...] Okey, go ahead and ride me. Everybody else does. | ||
On the Waterfront (1964) 212: ‘Don’t tell me a member of the high-ocracy is [...] gettin’ his hands dirty,’ Runty rode him. | ||
Inside Daisy Clover (1966) 73: Gloria, I’ll stop riding you if you can’t take it. | ||
(con. 1970) 13th Valley (1983) 95: What the fuck’s with you? You’ve been ridin my ass since I came in. | ||
Doing Time 67: [Y]ou don’t have to wheel the whip to be a sadist [...] , there’s a lot of ways that screws here can crucify a crim. Be getting on their back, by riding hell out of them. | ||
Mr Blue 380: I was riding Willy as a joke. It was part of the relationship. | ||
Boobslang [U. Canterbury D.Phil. thesis] 153/1: ride v. 1 to harass, to persecute, to continually take advantage of another’s fear and emotions 2 to trick a person by pretending to be his friend, building up his confidence, and then suddenly destroying it. | ||
All the Colours 308: [T]his blowhard at the bar starts riding the guy, cracking funnies. |
(e) (US black) to show off.
Pittsburgh Courier (PA) 22 Aug. 7/6: Ride— (showing off). |
(f) to pursue closely.
Rumble on the Docks (1955) 101: They’re ridin’ our ass already [...] Scatter. | ||
When Shadows Fall 7: The dark limousine [...] rode the bumpers of smaller cars till they gave way. | ||
(con. 1962) Enchanters 58: I rode her back bumper [...] She’d never notice. |
(g) to overcome.
in Sweet Daddy 9: Once hit a double for two grand [...] was really riding them [i.e. the bookmakers] there for a while. |
4. (US Und.) to move from a local gaol to prison proper.
Haunch Paunch and Jowl 69: The bulls nailed him and the Dope and the Dago. And now they’re going to ride [...] The court committed them for an eighteen months’ minimum sojurn in the dreaded House of Refuge on Randall’s Island. | ||
Prison Sl. 9: Waiting to Catch the Chain Inmates waiting to be transferred from jail to a prison. (Archaic: ship, ride). |
5. (US) to endure, to suffer, to experience.
Broadway Racketeers 182: The last time I went through [prison] I rode for a sixty grand score. | ||
We Who Are About to Die 191: It’s a tough beef he’s ridin’— plenty tough. | ||
(con. 1948) Flee the Angry Strangers 131: Boy, you’re riding, Buster. | ||
Choirboys (1976) 331: No sense anybody else riding this beef. | ||
London Fields 417: I see no alternative to riding it out. | ||
Scholar 117: They killed me puttin’ the bone back in place, but tomorrow I get a big off cast an’ the painkillers’ll help me ride it until den. | ||
Hooky Gear 38: Fat years. Fat fat fat years. I been ridin it. I have. An now they got me again. | ||
Hard Stuff 187: [O]nce hooked, he had no choice but to ride it to the bitter end. | ||
What They Was 185: Rex is in pen riding a four-year sentence. |
6. (US gang) to appear in, to frequent; to involve oneself in the gangster life .
LAbyrinth 141: [S]ince people thought Southside had killed Tupac, his people, the Mob Piru, would be riding in our neighborhood. | ||
Corruption Officer [ebk] cap. 54: Suck it up nigga. You knew what it was when you decided to ride. |
7. see punk out v. (2)
8. see ride the lightning
In derivatives
of a woman, sexually alluring.
(con. 1980s) Skagboys 68: Do you actually know how phenomenally fucking rideable your daughter is? |
Pertaining to sexual intercourse
In phrases
(gay) to fellate an uncircumcised penis.
Sex Variants. | ‘Lang. of Homosexuality’ Appendix VII in Henry||
Guild Dict. Homosexual Terms 4: blind piece, to ride a (v.): To fellate an uncircumcised man. | ||
Queens’ Vernacular. |
see under St George n.
(US) of a man, to have sexual intercourse.
‘Bastards of Apathy’ in ThugLit Sept./Oct. [ebook] ‘I wouldn’t mind riding that train.’ ‘You’d fuck her?’. |
to have sexual intercourse without a condom.
Argot in DAUS (1993). | ||
Queens’ Vernacular. | ||
At Home on the Stroll 179: Regulars were often allowed to ‘ride bareback’. |
of a man, to have sexual intercourse.
DSUE (8th edn) 974/1: mid-C.17–18. |
to marry another man’s ex-wife or widow, or to start keeping his former mistress.
Sparagus Garden IV iv: [He] Has never top’d her in the way we treat of, / Before he wed her: for my sonne shall not ride / In his old boots upon his wedding night. | ||
in Pills to Purge Melancholy II 11: If you love riding in others old Boots, / For God’s sake make hast with your Journey. [Ibid.] IV 172: And he shall Ride in both our Boots, / That comes the next to Wooe her. | ||
, | Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue (2nd, 3rd edn) n.p.: To ride in anyone’s old boots; to marry or keep his cast-off mistress. | |
Lex. Balatronicum. | ||
Grose’s Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue. |
(US prison) to befriend officers in the hope of gaining favours.
Other Side of the Wall: Prisoner’s Dict. July 🌐 Riding Leg: Becoming friendly to staff to get a favor. ‘He sure is riding that Lt’s leg hard to get a bunk change.’. |
as a euph. for sexual intercourse, i.e. to gallop.
‘Hide-Park Frolick’ in Merry Songs and Ballads (1897) III 77: For my part I will [...] find out a Russet-coat Wench and a Hay-cock, / And there I will ride Tan-tivee. |
(US prison) to perform anal intercourse.
AS VIII:3 (1933) 31/1: RIDE THE DECK. Commit sodomy. | ‘Prison Dict.’ in||
Sex Variants. | ‘Lang. of Homosexuality’ Appendix VII in Henry||
DAUL 177/2: Ride the deck. 1. (Central and Western prisons) To practice active pederasty. | et al.||
Guild Dict. Homosexual Terms 39: ride the deck (v.): To pedicate. (Slang.). | ||
Queens’ Vernacular. | ||
Gay Sl. Dict. 🌐 anal intercourse: [...] Syn: ride the deck. |
(US campus) to have sexual intercourse.
Sl. U. | ||
🌐 A great number of expressions are used instead of the expression ‘to have sex’, which has probably lost its power to shock, for example ‘to ride the hobby horse’, ‘to make someone scream’, ‘to do the wild thing’, ‘to boost’, ‘to boink’, ‘to ball’ or ‘to bump’ to name a few. | ‘University Euphemisms in Calif. Today’
to have homosexual anal intercourse.
Lingo 115: Related usages are to ride the tan track; dirt-track rider; ride the chocolate canyon, and to drill for vegemite. |
a paid / kept male lover.
Nocturnal Revels I 15: She [i.e. a retired bawd] lives snug, and enjoys herself and her riding-master [...] 58: Riding-masters for Ladies, capable of giving the most sensible lessons at almost a minute’s warnig. |
(US prison) to have a sexual relationship with.
Didn’t Nobody Give a Shit 15: Frenzy, the new man she was riding with. |
Meaning to attack
(US prison) to attack in a group.
[ | Racket Act III: delaney (Impatiently): What’ll they do? [...] What they always do—ride us down. mcquigg: No. This time, by God, I’ll use their machine myself to push Scarsi to trial]. | |
Prison Sl. 90: Ride Down When a group of inmates or a gang attacks other inmates. |
1. (US black) to attack verbally, to criticize heavily.
Runnin’ Down Some Lines 251: ride (one) down to the ground See holler. |
2. to get down to the facts.
Central Sl. 19: down to the ground with it To get to the point. To get to the essence of something. ‘If they start askin’ why I didn’t come, we’re goin’a get down to the ground with it.’. |
(US Und.) to ensnare a victim into a confidence trick.
Big Con 305: To ride in (a mark). To rope a mark and bring him to the store. |
(US) to scold, to reprimand.
A Steady Rain I iii: She was fuckin’ hysterical. And choosing this opportune moment to ride my ass. |
1. exhausted.
Detroit Free Press (MI) 1 Aug. TV Sec. 7/6: ‘He looks like he had been rode hard and put away wet’ is one of [Tennessee] Ernie [Ford]’s standard desciptions of someone [...] looking dishevelled or heat up. | ||
Cincinnati Enquirer 7 June 18/2: A drama about rodeo life [...] which will be known as —‘J.W. — Rode hard and Hung Up Wet’. | ||
Palm Beach Post (FL) 4 Mar. 5C/3: He once said he ‘felt like a horse that had been rode hard and hung up wet’. | ||
Olympics Out of Cobb Spiked! 175: ‘I feel like I’ve been rode hard and hung up wet to dry’. | ||
Boy from County Hell 275: Desmarteaux grinned like he’d just left Shooter’s wife rode hard and put away wet. |
2. (US) of a woman, in a man’s opinion past one’s prime, no longer sexually attractive.
Blacktop Wasteland 150: Maybe the time to upgrade was now. Jenny was beginning to look rode hard and hung up wet anyway. |
SE in slang uses
Pertaining to menstruation
In phrases
to be menstruating.
CUSS 221: White horse, on the Be menstruating. | et al.||
DARE II 1109/2: Qu. AA27, [...] Expressions [...] for [...] menstruation Inf MI78, Riding a cotton horse; WV20, White horse. | ||
Runnin’ Down Some Lines 157: There are a variety of expressions [...] that refer to a women’s menstrual period – to be on the rag, red Mary, to ride the white horse. |
(US) to menstruate.
Twenty-eight Days 17: Some other [terms for menstruation] known are: ‘riding the cotton bicycle,’ ‘the hammock is swinging’ (from the shape of the sanitary pad), [...] and ‘she’s covering the waterfront’. | ||
Bloodrot 1-7 55: The menstruating women may be "riding the rag" or "have the rag on;" she may bear a "manhole cover;" she may also ride the cotton pony" or "the cotton bicycle." . | ||
Curse 117: The menstruating woman may [...] ‘ride the cotton pony’ or ‘the cotton bicycle’. | ||
Online Sl. Dict. 🌐 ride the cotton pony 1. to menstruate. (‘She’s riding the cotton pony this week.’). | ||
Verbatim XXV:1 Winter 24: There are over one hundred codes for menstruation, from the gentle euphemism (that time of the month) to the vulgar (riding the cotton pony) to the downright peculiar (the woodchuck has arrived). | ‘A Visit from Aunt Rose’ in
(US black/campus) to have a menstrual period.
CUSS 181: Rag, ride the [...] Rag, wear the Be menstruating. | et al.||
Runnin’ Down Some Lines 157: My sisters dey smell like ol’ trout when they ridin’ the rag! | ||
Curse 117: The menstruating woman may be ‘riding the rag’ or ‘have the rag on’. |
(US) to be menstruating.
Verbatim XXV:1 Winter 25: Codes that refer to blood include [...] the Red Sea is in, having the painters in, the reds, wearing red shoes, are you a cowboy or an indian? a red-letter day, and riding the red horse. | ‘A Visit from Aunt Rose’ in
Pertaining to walking
to walk.
[ | Detection of Vyle and Detestable Use of Dice Play in Judges (1926) 48: He shall be forced to trip on his ten toes homeward, for lack of a hackney to ride on]. | |
Good and Badde in Grosart (1879) 14: His travell is the walke of the woful, and his horse Bayard of ten toes. | ||
Worthies (1840) II 108: At last he undertook to travel into the East Indies by land, mounted on an horse with ten toes. | ||
Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue. | ||
‘Modern Dict.’ in Sporting Mag. May XVIII 98/2: To ride bayard of ten toes is to walk on foot. | ||
Lex. Balatronicum. | ||
Grose’s Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue. | ||
Hereford Times 15 June 4/3: To ride bayard of ten toes is to walk on foot. |
see shanks’s pony n.
(US tramp) to walk.
White Cloud Kansas Chief (KS) 18 June 2/3: Special Correspondence of the Chief: By the Shoe-Leather Express. | ||
Brattleboro Reformer (VT) 7 June 7/3: The party [...] decided to come to this town via the shoe leather express. | ||
Harrisburg Teleg. (PA) 21 June 10/5: The truck broke down, and the young folks were compelled to travel via ‘Shoe Leather Express’. | ||
Alexandria Gaz. (DC) 29 Oct. 1/5: Their destination is San Francisco and every step of the way [...] will be by way of the ‘Shoe Leather Express’. | ||
Wise-crack Dict. 8/2: Go by shoe leather express – To walk. | ||
‘Jargon of the Und.’ in DN V 461: Ride the shoe leather express, To walk. | ||
Sun & Eric Co. Indep. (Hamburg, NY) 25 Sept. 9/4: The Shoe leather Express! [...] only walkers are members. | ||
Pittsburg Exp. (PA) 18 Oct. It isn’t reasonable to believe all of them will ride the shoe leather express: . | ||
Plain Speaker (Hazelton, PA) 21 Mar. 13/3: [advert] The Shoe Leather Express that takes boys and girls farther for less! | ||
Criminal Sl. (rev. edn). | ||
Billboard 15 Dec. 9/2: Epic is hot with [...] ‘Shoe Leather Express’ by Richard Downing. | ||
Nervous People 270: If he doesn’t have any money, let him take the shoe-leather express. | ||
Morn. Call (Allentown, PA) 26 Sept. 32/1: I could have been [...] getting to where I wanted to go on the Shoe Leather Express. | ||
Matter of Betrayal 27: Needless to say, I’ve decided to use shoe leather express from now on. | ||
Cincinnati Exp. (OH) 26 Oct. 1/2: Hopefuls ride the shoe-leather express [...] The way to your vote is the path to your door. | ||
(ref. to 1945) | Young Ones 137: The Shoe Leather Express was the group of 8,000 guys from our camp that went on the march instead of being transported by boxcar.||
House in the Middle of Nowhere 137: I pulled Harlan along suggesting we abandon our monster home on wheels and take what George calls the ‘Shoe-Leather Express’. |
Pertaining to drugs
(US campus/drugs) to be under the influence of MDMA.
Campus Sl. Apr. 8: ride the E Train – to be under the influence of Ecstacy: ‘Diva took two hits of X and is riding the E Train hard’. | ||
Sl. and Sociability 71: Ride the E Train, ‘feel the effects of the drug Ecstasy’. |
(drugs) to take heroin; thus horseriding, on horseback, using heroin.
(con. 1948) Flee the Angry Strangers 395: How you gonna take care of the kid if you’re on horseback? | ||
Monkey On My Back (1954) 195: He had been riding the horse a long time. | ||
Diet of Treacle (2008) 114: Start riding the horse and I cut you off clean. I don’t sell to junkies. | ||
Burn, Killer, Burn! 92: Okay, dad, you and your horse-riding momma find another place to nod. | ||
Carlito’s Way 8: I’m gonna ride the horse, or the horse gonna ride me? |
see under mainline n.
(drugs) to smoke opium.
Narcotics Lingo and Lore. | ||
Drug Lang. and Lore. |
(US black) to be intoxicated with drugs.
AS XXX:2 88: RIDING THE WHITE HORSE, ger. phr. Drugged dreaming; many boxes of drugs have the figure of a white horse on the outside. | ‘Narcotic Argot Along the Mexican Border’ in||
Cross of Lassitude 239: He can understand very little, most of it seeming to be about someone who was ‘caught in a snowstorm,’ and ‘riding the wave’. | ||
Blood Posse 368: He’d hit the scag trail [...] He was on the white horse that was riding him to death. | ||
Online Sl. Dict. 🌐 ride the white horse v 1. to use an illegal white powder stimulant (e.g. cocaine, crystal meth, crank, etc.) (‘Man, Jeremy’s losing a lot of weight. You think he’s riding the white horse?’). |
General uses
(US) to work as a clerk or any otherwise deskbound occupation.
US Army Aviation Digest 65/3: The flight surgeon knows that a fellow may be able to ride a desk while experiencing a bout of upset stomach and diarrhea. | ||
With Pen or Sword 145: Still reluctant about accepting an appointment to ‘ride a desk rather than a horse,’ William in November wrote thus to this brother [etc.]. | ||
Instrument 63: This law still applies even though I now ride a desk and don't go out news hunting any more. | ||
Scouting Mar.-Apr. 46: Boys’ Life editors were expected to rove for stories as well as ride a desk. | ||
Plainclothes Naked (2002) 44: He came up riding a desk at the State Department of Motor Vehicles. | ||
Straw Men 199: I liked Las Vegas and had no desire to ride a desk and become a bureaucrat. | ||
The Force [ebook] Malone had to ride a desk until [the enquiry] was cleared. |
(US campus) of a woman, to attempt to get to know a man of her own peer group with the intentions of ultimately having a relationship with that person because of his personality, not his material possessions.
K. Marquis ‘Canadian/US Sl. Words and Phrases’ on Academy 🌐 ride a jock USA; Pittsburgh, PA; when a female attempts to get to know a male of her own peer group with the intentions of ultimately having a relationship with that person because of his personality, not his material possessions. |
see under bitch n.1
see .
(US) to drive around when carrying narcotics or guns.
UGK ‘Ridin’ Dirty’ 🎵 Ridin dirty, know what I'm sayin / Comin down on the slab, boy / Ridin dirty, for real tho, ridin dirty. | ||
🎵 They see me rollin’ / They hatin’ / Patrolling and tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty. | ‘Ridin’’||
Forensic Linguistic Databank 🌐 Riding dirty - going out armed and/or in possession of drugs. | (ed.) ‘Drill Slang Glossary’ at||
Cherry 246: I know what I’m selling. No problems. No riding dirty. No scales or any of that bullshit. |
(UK black/gang) to pursue revenge.
Forensic Linguistic Databank 🌐 Ride for - retaliate, seek revenge. | (ed.) ‘Drill Slang Glossary’ at
to be bad-tempered or sulky.
, , | Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue. | |
Lex. Balatronicum. | ||
Grose’s Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue. |
(US) to control or manage someone or something, to admonish, to beat.
Wolfville 61: He s’poses all the time later, she’s inside ridin’ herd on her progeny. | ||
Actors’ Boarding House (1906) 367: Buck was riding herd on all the Dutch ovens in camp. | ||
Hopalong Cassidy Returns 88: Quit ridin herd on him. | ||
Law O’ The Lariat 109: Ridin’ herd on a girl ain’t my idea of a man’s job. | ||
Dust Tracks On a Road (1995) 572: My mother rode herd on one woman with a horsewhip about Papa. | ||
Trespass 139: Still the pain came to ride herd through her, to stampede her insides all to hell and gone. | ||
Meanwhile, Back at the Front (1962) 206: I don’t know what it takes to ride herd on one bleeding staff sergeant, but I plan to find out right now. | ||
Go-Boy! 47: They would ride herd on us from a distance of a hundred yards. | ||
in Amaroc News 123: The editor justified his riding herd on the men so closely. | ||
Robbers (2001) 102: We don’t ride close herd on ol’ Harvey, you gonna have his wrecker in your rearview. |
(UK Und.) for a condemned villain to sit on his coffin as the cart proceeds from Newgate prison to the Tyburn gallows.
‘Jerry Abershaw’s Will’ in Fal-Lal Songster in Spedding & Watt (eds) Bawdy Songbooks (2011) III 16: And vhen I ride in state, I vill make the svells to star, / If my pals will come and play a game at fives. |
to hitchhike.
Twentieth Century Authors 694/2: He has crossed the continent several times by various means — to New York on a bicycle, by jalopy to California [...] by riding his thumb and the brake-rods all over the West. | ||
Proud Highway (1997) 239: Monday I’ll ride my thumb south. | letter 28 Oct. in||
Billboard 20 July 16/5: Rodriguez has also developed into a prolific songwriter, with hits such as ‘Riding My Thumb to Mexico’. | ||
Wordplays 4 21: Tom: You ride your thumb, hunh? Alice: Yeah, sure. I get good rides. | ||
Those Were the Days 106: The only way for me to make the trip was to hitchhike, or ‘ride my thumb’ as the saying was. |
(US) completely loyal, supportive.
Confidence Man 509: [Acknowledgements] At the Times, Michael Schmidt was my ride-or-die and closest collaborator. |
1. to be a highwayman.
London Prodigal in DSUE (1984). |
2. (US black/teen) to leave; also as imper.
DSUE (8th edn) 974/2: London teenager: late 1950s. | ||
Ebonics Primer at www.dolemite.com 🌐 ride out Definition: another way of saying ‘get out of town’. |
3. (US prison) to move to another prison.
Other Side of the Wall: Prisoner’s Dict. July 🌐 Ride Out: Transfer to a new prison. ‘They’re riding out tomorrow.’. |
4. (US black) an excl. of dismissal, disbelief.
Ebonics Primer at www.dolemite.com 🌐 ride out Definition: another way of saying [...] ‘I cant believe it’. Example: Fuck you nigga, ride out. |
(UK black/gang) to pledge one’s support, irrespctive of the facts.
Forensic Linguistic Databank 🌐 Ride out for (someone) - to defend, even if guilty. | (ed.) ‘Drill Slang Glossary’ at
(UK Und.) to work on the prison treadmill.
New and Improved Flash Dict. |
(US tramp) to pay for one’s seat (and thus travel in comfort).
Phantom Detective Sept. 🌐 When I leave this burg, I ride on plush an’ have my breakfast brought to my drawin’ room. | ‘Time Will Tell’ in||
Memoirs of a Maverick Publisher 71: I never had the nerve to ride the rods. Hobos I met rubbed it in that I was not one of them. ‘Riding plush’ [...] put me in a lower social category. | ||
(con. 1920s) Legs 1: Must be somethin’ to ride the plush and use a tile can stead a hangin’ your ass out a boxcar door. |
see under punk n.1
see under pussy n.
to be ill-tempered or sullen.
Authentick Memoirs of Sally Salisbury 66: She, as the Saying is, rid very Rusty. | ||
Burlesque Homer (3rd edn) 74: They’re not to blame for being crusty, / ’Twould make a Highlander ride rusty. | ||
, , | Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue. | |
Lex. Balatronicum. | ||
Pirate II 288: Even Dick Fletcher rides rusty on me now and then. | ||
Navy at Home II 230: Come, old boy [...] don’t ride rusty, it’s all in good part. | ||
New Sprees of London 11: [B]e careful never to ride rusty. | ||
Era (London) 25 Apr. 5/1: Ther General sase thay ride preshos rusty iv anybody tries to get near im. | ||
Swindon Advertiser 11 Nov. 4/1: Your Carnarvons might ride rusty, or your Cranbornes cut up crusty. |
1. (orig. US) to sit in the seat next to the driver in a car, also fig. use.
From Here to Eternity (1998) 793: This is your orderly room. I only ride shotgun on it. | ||
(con. 1950) March to Glory (1962) 108: Even the men who ‘rode shotgun’ in the cabins [...] were men who could not walk. | ||
Pagan Game (1969) 85: Riding shotgun on the mail lorry down to the station to catch the express. | ||
Tharunka (Sydney) 8 Nov 28/3: [A]nother, younger fucker with a five o’clock shadow on his head, who is a little scared of riding shotgun for God or whoever the fuck he is. | ||
Scully 33: He used t’ride shotgun on the School Meals Wagon, but now he’s the driver. | ||
Grease 194: Out cruised Greased Lightnin’ with Kenick at the wheel and Mrs. Murdock riding shotgun. | ||
A-Team 2 (1984) 87: If you don’t mind riding shotgun on a motorcycle, I’d be glad to give you a lift. | ||
Deathdeal [ebook] ‘Now he’s got his nephew riding shotgun’. | ||
(con. 1970s) King Suckerman (1998) 130: Jerry riding shotgun with Dewey driving. | ||
Indep. Rev. 10 July 11: She was, she insisted, merely the facilitator. VN was the stagecoach with the bullion; she simply rode shotgun. | ||
Robbers (2001) 208: The Walker hound rode shotgun gazing out of the passenger window. | ||
Campus Sl. Nov. 6: shottie – front seat, passenger side of a car. | ||
Rubdown [ebook] She [...] dived in and sprawled across the back seat [...] I rode shotgun. | ||
Pound for Pound 54: As usual, he rode shotgun with his grandfather. | ||
Killing Pool 138: Puffing himself up ready to make the young girl ride shotgun with the body. | ||
Finders Keepers (2016) 27: Freddy drove the Chevy Biscane which was old. Morrie rode shotgun. | ||
🌐 Vlad Demchenko riding shotgun, me in the back. | ‘Bad Days in Bakhmut’ in JohnSweeneyRoars 7 Sept.
2. (US, also run shotgun) to act as a security guard, esp. on a vehicle.
Faro Nell 105: If thar's money aboard, an' the express outfit wants it defended, they slams on some sport to ride shotgun that trip. | ||
‘Stage to Lordsburg’ n.p.: The stage and its six horses waited in front of Weilner’s store [...] John Strang rode shotgun guard and an escort of ten cavalrymen waited behind the coach, half asleep in their saddles]. | ||
(con. 1900-29) Big Bankroll 239: [T]he Diamond gang [...] rode in the trucks, guns ready [...] Just as in the old days of the West, when the stagecoaches traveled through hostile or dangerous territory, they ‘rode shotgun’ . | ||
Dopefiend (1991) 168: Big Ed and the other doorman riding shotgun. | ||
Knapp Commission Report Dec. 104: [of policemen working with narcotics dealers] They were either suppliers of drugs [or] they themselves were sellers of drugs; or they ran shotgun’. | ||
A-Team Storybook 60: I’ll ride shotgun for you. | ||
Makes Me Wanna Holler (1995) 129: Frog Dickie was riding shotgun. | ||
Layer Cake 99: Nuisance or not it’s good to have him riding shotgun tonight. | ||
(con. 1975–6) Steel Toes 78: I’m headed into Chicago to deliver some hardware to the South Side. Wanna ride shotgun? | ||
Night Gardener 98: Rhonda Willis, riding shotgun in the [...] four-banger Impala. | ||
‘The Hurt Business’ in ThugLit July [ebook] At first, I just rode shotgun on John’s house calls. Looked scary. Applied pain when needed. | ||
Back to the Dirt 120: [T]he ghostly image of Childers riding shotgun. |
3. to act as a chaperone.
Old School 112: Our regular dances were licentious enough, within the limits set by the vigilant, and of course envious, spinsters who rode shotgun at these affairs. |
(US) to toady to.
(con. 1991-94) City of Margins 54: The guy rides Big Time Tommy’s dick, but [...] Big Time Tommy thinks he’s nothing but a joke. |
(S.Afr.) to cling to the outside, or stand on the roof, of a moving train, having boarded it while in motion.
Staffrider 1:1 Editorial n.p.: A staffrider is, let’s face it, a skelm of sorts [...] He is part of the present phase of our common history, riding ’staff’ on the fast and dangerous trains [DSAE]. | ||
Pace Apr. 72: There are those who will go one up, ‘ride staff’ then go on to climb on top of the moving train and do dangerous balancing acts on top of the coach as the train hurtles at speeds of up to 90km per hour [DSAE]. | ||
Weekly Mail (S.Afr.) 13 Oct. 9: They thought I was playing staff, and wanted to arrest me, but later one of them understood [DSAE]. | ||
Oxford Companion to Twentieth-Century Lit. in Eng. 640: Staffrider, a South African cultural magazine (taking its name from the young men who ride ‘staff’ on the crowded commuter trains from Johannesburg’s black townships). |
In phrases
(N.Z. prison) an invitation to a fellow-inmate to be sent a (marijuana) cigarette; it is placed on a sheet of paper and slid under the cell door.
Boobslang [U. Canterbury D.Phil. thesis] 153/1: come for a ride n. to be the recipient of a cigarette or a marijuana joint sent to one after lockup, specifically by being slid under one’s cell door on a magazine page: ‘Do you want to come for a ride? Just wait by your door. |
see ride the rods
(US Und.) to take the blame.
(con. 1937) Cell 2455 88: I heard you rode the beef for a lot of other people when your partner squealed. | ||
On the Yard (2002) 296: ‘My friend was passing checks. I was helping him.’ ‘And he let you ride the beef?’ ‘I offered.’. | ||
Killing Time 195: They never take any action on the floorwalker or building tender. The inmate who got into it, he rides the beef. He’s automatically wrong. | ||
(con. 1975) Monster (1994) 10: If anybody get caught for this, ride the beef, ’cause ain’t no snitchin’ here. |
to be in a bad temper.
Chameleon 182: We ourselves describe a man in the sulks as riding the black donkey [F&H]. | ||
Dict. of Phrase and Fable I 372/1: Ride the black donkey To be pigheaded, obstinate like a donkey. Black is added, not so much to designate the colour, as to express what is bad. |
(US tramp) to ride for free in the closed baggage compartment of a train.
Tramp Diary in Jack London On the Road (1979) 35: I took the overland out about 7:30 riding the blind. [Ibid.] 35: We went out ahead but the brakeman rode the blind out. | ||
DN III:iii 153: ride (the) blind, v. phr. To steal a ride on a blind baggage car or on a railway train. ‘I’ve spent all my money; I’ll have to ride the blind back.’. | ‘Words from Northwest Arkansas’ in||
🎵 I asked the brakeman / Let me ride the blinds. | ‘Freight Train Blues’||
(con. 1900s–10s) 42nd Parallel in USA (1966) 67: Ever hopped a freight or ridden blind baggage, Mac? | ||
🎵 Well, leave this mornin’ if I have to, ride the blinds / I feel mistreated, and I don’t mind dyin’ / Leavin this mornin’, if I have to ride the blind. | ‘Walkin’ Blues’||
Dust Tracks On a Road (1995) 692: Who care anything about no train fare? [...] I can ride de blind, can’t I? | ||
Book of Negro Folklore 380: I’m gonna leave heah dis mawnin’ ef I have to ride de blind. | ||
Get Your Ass in the Water (1974) 203: We scattered through the railroad yards, we left the bulls far behind, / a thousand caught freights for other states, and me, I rode the blinds. | ||
Panzram (2002) 257: Jack London rode the blinds for hundreds of miles, defeating train crews’ efforts to dislodge him. | ||
(con. 1920s) Legs 210: I thought [...] you’d be fanning your ass up front now and ride the blind until the train gets going too fast for him to catch it. | ||
The World Don’t Owe Me Nothing 154: [I] blinded a passenger [train] fsrom Chicago to St. Louis . |
1. (US prison) to threaten or intimidate another inmate; to prophesy.
Bounty of Texas (1990) 212: ride the broom, v. – to point out the possibility that the undesirable may happen: to say, ‘You may not make parole,’ is riding the broom; to speak of it may cause it to happen. | ‘Catheads [...] and Cho-Cho Sticks’ in Abernethy||
Prison Sl. 36: Riding the Broom Conveying threats or intimidation to other women prisoners. A woman is also riding the broom when she prophesies something may or will happen to someone. |
2. (US drugs, also ride the broomstick, ...the witch’s broom) to participate in drug taking.
Back Alley Jungle (1963) 94: Only it wasn’t like we talked them into anything—that wasn’t so! Everybody wanted to ride the broomstick. | ‘Gold Ring’ in Margulies||
Narcotics Lingo and Lore. | ||
Drug Lang. and Lore. |
see ride the rods
1. to ride in a passenger car rather than in a boxcar; thus cushion-rider n.
[ | Anaconda Standard (MT) 20 May 3/2: They had a glorious trip, but enjoyed the homeward ride on the cushions of the car seats much more]. | |
Albuquerque Dly Citizen (NM) 7 Aug. 7/2: Mr Starr also gave them passports which entitled them to ride the cushions inside of varnished cars. | ||
Bismarck Dly Trib. (ND) 27 Jan. 5/6: The bill even demand that the members of the railroad commission [...] will have to dig up the cash if they wish to ‘ride the cushions’. | ||
Modern Hobo 10: You look as if you’re going to ‘ride the cushions’. | ||
Confessions of a Twentieth Century Hobo 93: I went down to one of the stations intending to ride the cushions out of town. | ||
Main Stem 16: Slim and I rode the ‘cushins’ into Pittsburgh. | ||
Sister of the Road (1975) 34: ‘How much money you got?’ he demanded. ‘Not a nickel. If I had I’d be riding the cushions.’. | ||
Really the Blues 17: Riding the cushions on my way home made me think of another train ride I once took. | ||
Laughing to Keep from Crying 60: The latter, or cushion riders, were sometimes inclined to turn flat noses high at those who rode the rods. | ||
Panzram (2002) 25: [...] people rode the trains. With money they ‘rode the cushions’; without money they rode the freights. | ||
Airtight Willie and Me 146: We’re gonna ride the cushions as soon as I can [...] borrow a hunk of bread. | ||
(con. 1920s) Legs 7: Those passenger trains are built for comfort, but you got to ride the cushions to get it. |
2. in fig. use, to prosper, to be comfortable.
Criminal Sl. (rev. edn). |
(US) to eavesdrop.
DAUL 177/2: Ride the earie, or Erie. To eavesdrop. | et al.||
(con. 1940s–60s) Eve. Sun Turned Crimson (1998) 117: You guys should soft peddle a little — you don’t know who is riding the Erie. | ‘Johnnie I’ in
(US campus) to be initiated into a secret society.
DN II:i 54: ride, v. [...] In phrase ‘ride the goat,’ to be initiated into a fraternity. | ‘College Words and Phrases’ in||
Dict. Amer. Sl. |
(US) of an out-of-work cowboy, to travel around seeking work while subsisting on hand-outs.
Las Vegas Dly Optic (NM) 29 July 2/2: Cattle thieves [...] riding the grub line [...] sneakingly placing brand(s) upon other people’s calves. | ||
Brand Blotters (1912) 14: Right about now he’s ridin’ the grub line, unless he’s made a strike somewhere. | ||
Forest City Press (SD) 13 June 8/2: Jas. Hackett [...] was occupying himself chiefly at riding the grub line. | ||
Story Everyday Things 303: Cowboys hired for the season saddle up and ‘ride the grub line’ from ranch to ranch, looking for another job [DA]. |
(US teen) to ride in the front passenger seat of a car.
Probert Encyc. 🌐 Ride the gun is American slang for to ride in the front passenger seat of a car. |
(US) to masturbate.
🌐 In High School, I was probably as homophobic as your average straight teenager, but I never associated ‘riding the handcar’ with homosexuality. I never felt guilty about choking my chicken. | ‘International Answers: Spammers’ Message’ on LBO Talk list 14 Jan.
to be hanged.
Proverbs (2nd edn) 253: You’ll ride on a horse that was foal’d of an acorn. That is the gallows. | ||
Gargantua and Pantagruel (1927) II Bk V 622: May I ride on a horse that was foaled of an acorn, if this be not as honest a cod as ever the ground went upon. | (trans.)||
Sir Launcelot Greaves I 166: I believe as how ’t is no horse, but a devil incarnate; and yet I’ve been worse mounted, that I have – I’d like to have rid a horse that was foaled of an acorn. | ||
Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue ms. additions n.p.: Acorn To Ride a Horse foald by an Acorn i.e. the Gallows or Wooden Horse. You will be hanged. | ||
Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue n.p.: Acorn. You will ride a horse foaled by an acorn, i.e. the gallows, called also the Wooden and Three-legged Mare. You will be hanged. | ||
Lex. Balatronicum. | ||
Pelham III 295: The cove is a bob cull, and [...] as pretty a Tyburn blossom as ever was brought up to ride a horse foaled by an acorn. | ||
Paul Clifford I 24: He’ll [i.e. Dick Turpin] ride a oss foaled by a hacorn yet, I varrants! | ||
Bradford Obs. 3 Sept. n.p.: Our thief was [...] sentenced to be hang’d [...] The hangman [...] strung him up, and turn’d him off, to take his acorn ride* [...] *‘To ride a horse foaled of an acorn’ is a fashionable periphrasis for being hanged. | ||
Burnley Express 8 Aug. 4/8: To ‘ride a horse foaled of an acorn’ was one delicate way of alluding to the unpleasant performance [i.e. hanging]. |
1. (US) to be executed in the electric chair.
Black Mask Aug. III 61: You’ll ride for his murder. | ||
Coll. Stories (1990) 292: He [...] had returned in less than a year after his release to ride the lightning in the hot-squat. | ‘His Last Day’ in||
Charleston (WV) Daily Mail 2 Sept. 6/4: Psychologist James Hargan of Sing Sing prison has collected slang phrases from prisoners [...] ‘ride the lightning’ – electrocution. | ||
DAUL 177/2: Ride old smoky. (Scattered; South) To die by electrocution in capital punishment. | et al.||
Essential Lenny Bruce 273: All right Ruby, you’re gonna ride the lightning! | ||
Stand (1990) 240: Then you go on to Death Row at state prison and just enjoy all that good food until it’s time to ride the lightning. | ||
Homeboy 290: The judge sentenced him to ride the lightning. |
2. to be given a course of electro-convulsive therapy (ECT).
Locked Ward (2013) 87: Dr Bankstreet decided to try ECT [...] riding the lightning, as we call it. |
to travel by train without paying a fare.
Sporting Times in DSUE (1984). | ||
Materials for a Dict. of Aus. Sl. [unpub. ms.] 104: Travelling in the train on the odno – without paying the fare. |
(US tramp) to ride on the cowcatcher of the locomotive.
Rough Stuff 45: We tried our first experience of ‘riding the pilot’. This means riding on the cowcatcher of the locomotive. |
(US campus) to sit on the bench during an athletic or sporting event, esp. when one wants desperately to take part.
Campus Sl. Mar. | ||
Sl. U. | ||
Confessions of a Caddie 28: I had to ride the pine both times, but I stuck it out until every other caddie either got a loop or left after the first light sprinkle. |
1. to ride inside a passenger train.
[ | Appeal (St Paul, MN) 4 Feb. 3/2: The ‘Jim Crow’ car law [...] the first provision [...] is that the Negro [...] will ride on plush and velvet]. | |
Eve. Star (Wash., DC) 5 May 6/7: Harvest over, the tramps [...] are expected to ‘ride on the plush’ — that is, in passenger cars. | ||
‘Jargon of the Und.’ in DN V 461: Ride the plush, To ride inside a passenger car. | ||
Criminal Sl. (rev. edn). |
2. in fig. use, to be well provided with material comforts.
Criminal Sl. (rev. edn). |
1. to vomit.
Online Sl. Dict. 🌐 ride the porcelain bus v 1. to vomit. (‘She’s in the bathroom riding the porcelain bus.’). | ||
Lingo 135: As over-indulgence in alcoholic beverages may induce vomiting, the Lingo is well stocked with terms for this, including [...] ride the porcelain bus. | ||
Syney Morn. Herald 5 Jan. 174/3: ‘Sorry guys, I can’t wait for the bill, I need to ride the porcelain taxi to Tijuana’. |
2. to have diarrhoea.
Mad Cows 114: Ben a bit crook in the guts [...] Been riding the porcelain pony all bloody day. | ||
Roger’s Profanisaurus in Viz 87 Dec. n.p.: ride the porcelain bus euph. An involved visit to the lavatory. For example, one which encompasses pebble dashing (qv). |
(US) to accept the consequences of one’s crimes, such as arrest and imprisonment, and deal with them as well as possible.
🌐 So there’s no choice now but to roll with the punches and ride the rap. | ‘State of crisis, crisis of State’ in Weekend Express 22–23 Jul.
(US tramp) to ride on the steel bars beneath a freight car; fig. to be a tramp; thus rod-rider n.; rod-riding adj.
Tramp Diary in Jack London On the Road (1979) 33: I rode the bumpers the rest of the way. [Ibid.] 35: Two of us jumped the palace cars & decked them while the third went underneath on the rods. | ||
Bookman XV Aug. 541–44: To ‘ride the rods’ requires nerve, and skill, and daring. | ‘Rods and Gunnels’ in||
Salt Lake Herald Republican (UT) 11 Dec. 6/11: I have been riding the rods over the big Arizona desert. | ||
From Coast to Coast with Jack London 37: We recognised the rod-rider, though he failed to see us as he held his eyes tightly shut against dust and cinders which whirled about in the draught created by the train. | ||
White Moll 176: I guess mostly he beat his way there ridin’ the rods. | ||
Plastic Age 78: They ‘bummed’ their way. Some of them emulated professional tramps and ‘rode the beams,’ but most of them started out walking, trusting that kind-hearted motorists would pick them up. | ||
Milk and Honey Route 124: This would be a great boon to riding the bumpers if he could only persuade the railroads to accept it. | ||
Sister of the Road (1975) 25: He managed this by riding the rods and decking the coaches as far as Butte, Montana. | ||
Argot: Dict. of Und. Sl. 42: ride the beams – stealing a ride on a train beneath a car. | ||
Really the Blues 256: Hoboes ride the rods, blinds and tops of trains. | ||
Laughing to Keep from Crying 60: The rod-riders got off nowhere near the station. | ||
Junkie (1966) 95: This type cop could just as well be an old-time rod-riding thug. | ||
World’s Toughest Prison 815: riding the rods – Riding on the braces beneath a car. | ||
Gonif 5: He [...] taught me how to board a train while riding the rods. | ||
You Can’t Win (2000) 11: Where are the hobo jungles, the hop joints, the old rod-riding yeggs, where is Salt Chunk Mary? | Foreword in Black
(US Und.) to take responsibility for a crime.
In For Life 230: The fact that I was recaptured [...] kept me from riding the rumble for that killing. |
to practise highway robbery.
DSUE (1984) 1242/1: ca. 1810–50. |
(US black) to enjoy a pleasant experience on a drug.
Jailhouse Jargon and Street Sl. [unpub. ms.]. |
(US) to wait, e.g. outside someone’s office, on a bench.
Wire ser. 4 ep. 12 [TV script] They got me out here riding the wood. | ‘That’s Got His Own’
1. to be blunt, properly, you may ride to Romford on this knife.
Polite Conversation 74: lord sm.: (Carving a Partridge.) Well, one may ride to Rumford upon this Knife, it is so blunt. |
2. to get a new pair of breeches or to get a new bottom put in an old pair.
, , | Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue n.p.: To ride to Rumford to have one’s backside new bottomed: i.e. to have a pair of new leather breeches. Rumford was formerly a famous place for leather breeches. | |
Lex. Balatronicum [as cit. 1785]. | ||
Grose’s Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue. |
1. to side with (in a fight).
Maledicta V:1+2 (Summer + Winter) 266: A prisoner hooks up with a gang and he rides with or sides with someone during a fight. |
2. (US prison) to perform sexual or other favours for someone in exchange for physical protection or commissary items.
Austin American-Statesman (TX) 14 Oct. 9/4: Texas Prison Gangs Slang [...] Ride with: Do favors for another convict — sexual or otherwise — in exchange for protection or commissary items. |
In exclamations
(Aus.) a general term of abuse; the implication is that the subject is ‘a goat’.
Digger Dialects 43: ride-on-your-back! — Term of abuse signifying goat. |