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[US] R.D. Abrahams Positively Black 80: It is this ‘tombstone disposition’ which seems most characteristic of these badmen, because it illustrates a willingness to place one’s life on the line, perhaps to die if only the dying can be done in proper style.
at bad man, n.
[US] R.D. Abrahams Positively Black 155: In the uprisings on campus we witness an exhibition of soul-brothering in the deliberate use of street-style rapping [...] It is process talk, in which someone ‘caps’ on another, ‘charging,’ ‘mounting,’ ‘running it out.’.
at cap, v.5
[US] R.D. Abrahams Positively Black It is not meant here that no one is considered the winner of such contests [i.e. ‘the dozens’], for certain men-of-words are regarded as inevitable cappers: .
at capper, n.1
[US] R.D. Abrahams Positively Black 88: The ‘cool cat’ figures in many of the stories in the Negro storyteller's repertoire.
at cool cat (n.) under cool, adj.
[US] R.D. Abrahams Positively Black 92: [T]he cat must decide that style or ‘flash’ is best served through [...] convenient brutality. This means that he must be prepared, when he knows another is vulnerable, to become violent even though this may temporarily ‘blow his cool,’ the style on which he most commonly relies.
at blow one’s cool (v.) under cool, n.2
[US] R.D. Abrahams Positively Black 126: [I]t is one's friends who take one away from the home and who ‘badmouth’ one’s partner. In such situations a number of traditional arguments are given by friends: [. . .] ‘she’s getting down on you to her friends,’ ‘you can’t trust any of them,’ and so on.
at get down on, v.1
[US] R.D. Abrahams Positively Black 50: [T]here has been a changing attitude [. . .] so the accommodating pose is no longer regarded as viable, and those who use this approach are called ‘rag-heads’ and ‘Uncle Toms’.
at rag-head, n.
[US] R.D. Abrahams Positively Black 132: The practice of joning is quite prevalent among young ghetto dwellers [...] The exchanges can occur between two boys who are alone, and it is even possible for them to jone on some third absent person, usually one of their peers.
at jone, v.
[US] R.D. Abrahams Positively Black 114: This equation of food and sex is a ‘natural’ since both are concerned with hungers and their satisfaction.
at natural, n.
[US] R.D. Abrahams Positively Black 92: [I]n ghetto-Negro parlance, ‘pimp’ is a laudatory term.* [...] [fn:] ‘Pimp’ as an adjective commonly means ‘sharp’ or ‘beautiful’ .
at pimp, adj.
[US] R.D. Abrahams Positively Black 155: In the uprisings on campus we witness an exhibition of soul-brothering in the deliberate use of street-style rapping [...] [...] It is ‘throwing a rap’ at the others, asking for a response in kind. It is process talk, in which someone ‘caps’ on another, ‘charging,’ ‘mounting,’ ‘running it out.’.
at rapping, n.2
[US] R.D. Abrahams Positively Black 158: Whether blacks will be able to ‘get their shit together’ remains in question, but if they do, it will certainly be in the style of soul.
at get one’s shit together under shit, n.
[US] R.D. Abrahams Positively Black 122: This emphasis on knowing a large number of people does not mean that fidelity in friendships is not valued. Indeed being ‘up tight’ with someone, having him as an ‘ace boon coon,’ is a state which is much admired.
at uptight, adj.3
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