1978 H.R. Haldeman Ends of Power 5: Colson’s ‘black’ projects were [...] widely rumored around the White House.at black, adj.
1978 H.R. Haldeman Ends of Power 74: Nixon also had a terrible temper, but almost always succeeded in keeping it under control in public. In private, with one of us who worked closely with him, he could really blow.at blow, v.1
1978 H.R. Haldeman Ends of Power 220: 1971 saw the rise of [White House counsel Charles] Colson as Nixon’s ‘can do’ man.at can-do, adj.
1978 H.R. Haldeman Ends of Power 103: [T]he [wire] taps never produced anything. As Nixon said gloomily, later, ‘A dry hole. Just globs and globs of crap’.at dry hole (n.) under dry, adj.1
1978 H.R. Haldeman Ends of Power 5: Chuck Colson had become the President’s personal ‘hit man’; his impresario of ‘hard ball’ politics.at hardball, adj.
1978 H.R. Haldeman Ends of Power 5: Chuck Colson had become the President’s personal ‘hit man’; his impresario of ‘hard ball’ politics.at hit man (n.) under hit, n.
1978 H.R. Haldeman Ends of Power 11: If brother Colson is involved in this little jamboree [i.e. the Watergate break-in], we’re in for a lot of problems.at jamboree, n.
1978 H.R. Haldeman Ends of Power 81: [B]y pressing a switch under his desk, LBJ could turn the recorder on or off, thereby omitting some very juicy conversations.at juicy, adj.
1978 H.R. Haldeman Ends of Power 220: Colson answered Nixon’s request for the Gelb report with his famous rallying cry: ‘No problem!’.at no problem, phr.
1978 H.R. Haldeman Ends of Power 74: I didn’t require a lot of ‘oiling’—and [Nixon] wasn’t good at ‘oiling’; or what LBJ called ‘schmoozing’.at schmooze, v.
1978 H.R. Haldeman Ends of Power 30: Much of the money had come from sources who, for various reasons, did not want their contributions known. Some [. . .] just didn’t want to get on the ‘sucker lists’ .at sucker list (n.) under sucker, n.1
1978 H.R. Haldeman Ends of Power 163: As a further sweetener, the President offered him his choice of an overseas trip on ‘special assignment’.at sweetener, n.2