2020 A. Parks Bobby March Will Live Forever 153: ‘[Y]ou’re the only polis that gives a shit for people like us’.at give a shit, v.
2020 A. Parks Bobby March Will Live Forever 132: ‘He might not be all there, but that doesn’t mean—’.at not all there, adj.
2020 A. Parks Bobby March Will Live Forever 268: ‘My cousin Anne’s brought a pal. She was all over me like a cheap rash’.at all over, adj.2
2020 A. Parks Bobby March Will Live Forever 101: Thomson [...] kept his eyes on the lads with the ropes, shouting advice, telling them how much of an arse they were making of it.at make an arse of (v.) under arse, n.
2020 A. Parks Bobby March Will Live Forever 257: Americans [...] think that because their great-grandfather came from the back arse of Limerick they’re in the bloody provos.at back arse of... under back, adj.2
2020 A. Parks Bobby March Will Live Forever 16: ‘He was like the rest of that shop. Backhanders, fit-ups and the path of least resistance’.at back-hander, n.
2020 A. Parks Bobby March Will Live Forever 104: ‘Word is they were about to pull Raeburn in for a bollocking’.at ballocking, n.2
2020 A. Parks Bobby March Will Live Forever 174: ‘Beat it, McCoy,’ she said [...] ‘Just get out my sight’.at beat it, v.
2020 A. Parks Bobby March Will Live Forever 128: ‘Well, somebody’s an eager beaver.’ Jackson [...] took out a small glassine bag, held it up. Bobby grabbed it.at eager beaver, n.
2020 A. Parks Bobby March Will Live Forever 55: ‘I’ve known more bent polis than you’ve had hot dinners’.at bent, adj.
2020 A. Parks Bobby March Will Live Forever 203: ‘Wattie, go and make sure that your better half’s behaving herself’.at better half, n.
2020 A. Parks Bobby March Will Live Forever 152: ‘Was sleeping rough the other night, passed out with the biddy’.at red biddy (n.) under biddy, n.2
2020 A. Parks Bobby March Will Live Forever 39: If McCoy needed reminding what a big deal the Glasgow Fair was, he got it as soon as the cab turned into Killermont Street.at big deal, n.
2020 A. Parks Bobby March Will Live Forever 185: Chances were he’s been bumming his chat about how he and Keith Richards were such big-time [heroin] users.at big-time, adj.
2020 A. Parks Bobby March Will Live Forever 8: [of police] Longer the girl was missing, the more incompetent the polis would look and the big boys couldn’t have that.at big boy, n.
2020 A. Parks Bobby March Will Live Forever 144: ‘Cooper wasnae that happy when he discovered his stash had been binned on your say-so’.at bin, v.
2020 A. Parks Bobby March Will Live Forever 138: ‘They go for the boys from the teams. If they’re bladed up, all the better’.at bladed up (adj.) under blade, n.
2020 A. Parks Bobby March Will Live Forever 79: New stuff. Liquid this time, not blotters.at blotter, n.1
2020 A. Parks Bobby March Will Live Forever 133: ‘Starts banging his head on the table, screaming blue murder’.at scream blue murder (v.) under blue murder, n.
2020 A. Parks Bobby March Will Live Forever 93: Harry remembered what it was about Margery that drove him bonkers. She never shut up.at bonkers, adj.
2020 A. Parks Bobby March Will Live Forever 107: Never ceased to amaze him how eager people were to put the boot in.at put the boot in (v.) under boot, the, n.
2020 A. Parks Bobby March Will Live Forever 305: ‘Thinks he’s going to get bounced out, no pension’.at bounce, v.1
2020 A. Parks Bobby March Will Live Forever 250: ‘[P]eople on the run, either from the police or the Boys’.at boys, the, n.
2020 A. Parks Bobby March Will Live Forever 194: ‘He brown-nosed Pitt Street [e.g. Glasgow police headquarters] for years’.at brown-nose, v.
2020 A. Parks Bobby March Will Live Forever 233: If they wanted to play silly buggers so be it.at play silly buggers (v.) under bugger, n.1
2020 A. Parks Bobby March Will Live Forever 185: Chances were he’s been bumming his chat about how he and Keith Richards were such big-time [heroin] users.at bum, v.2
2020 A. Parks Bobby March Will Live Forever 163: ‘Watch it, Watson. You may be Raeburn’s bum chum but I’m still your superior officer’.at bum chum (n.) under bum, n.1
2020 A. Parks Bobby March Will Live Forever 25: ‘He still giving you the bum’s rush, is he?’ ‘Yep. Not allowed anywhere near anything’.at bum’s rush, n.