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May God Forgive choose

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[Scot] A. Parks May God Forgive 141: ‘She was definitely something. Not there half the time’.
at not all there, adj.
[Scot] A. Parks May God Forgive 154: ‘Two lookers like that? He’d have been all over them like a cheap suit’.
at all over, adj.2
[Scot] A. Parks May God Forgive 223: ‘Lab boys turn anything up from the fruit market?’ [...] ‘Bugger all,’ said Murray.
at bugger all, n.
[Scot] A. Parks May God Forgive 143: ‘My arse,’ said Faulds.
at my arse! (excl.) under arse, n.
[Scot] A. Parks May God Forgive 32: Normally they can’t tell their arse from their elbow. [...] Had a tip-off, I think’.
at not know one’s arse/ass from one’s elbow (v.) under arse, n.
[Scot] A. Parks May God Forgive 58: ‘How did they find the body? This is the back arse of nowhere’.
at back arse of... under back, adj.2
[Scot] A. Parks May God Forgive 69: ‘Thought you were one of they reporter bastards’.
at bastard, n.
[Scot] A. Parks May God Forgive 321: ‘What was up with Dessie? [...] Why was he on a bender?’.
at bender, n.2
[Scot] A. Parks May God Forgive 52: ‘Who told you that?’ ‘Your other half’.
at better half, n.
[Scot] A. Parks May God Forgive 227: ‘That’s you told,’ chipped in the woman behind the desk. ‘Big time’.
at big-time, adv.
[Scot] A. Parks May God Forgive 91: [T]wo girls dressed as bobby-soxers.
at bobby soxer, n.
[Scot] A. Parks May God Forgive 127: ‘Smell of this place is giving me the boak’.
at give one the boke (v.) under boke, n.2
[Scot] A. Parks May God Forgive 90: I’ve got black bombers, sulph, mandies, couple of tabs left—’.
at bomber, n.1
[Scot] A. Parks May God Forgive 295: Men with bookies’ slips in front of them.
at bookie, n.
[Scot] A. Parks May God Forgive 97: ‘No more fucking wide stuff [...] I’ll handle any bother’.
at bother, n.
[Scot] A. Parks May God Forgive 73: [H]e kept getting bigger and broader. Six foot three of a brick shithouse bodyguard.
at built like a brick shithouse (adj.) under built, adj.
[Scot] A. Parks May God Forgive 66: ‘Things people will do for a cash bung’.
at bung, n.1
[Scot] A. Parks May God Forgive 301: ‘Got a cig?’.
at cig, n.
[Scot] A. Parks May God Forgive 254: ‘We ran like the clappers’.
at like the clappers (adv.) under clappers, n.3
[Scot] A. Parks May God Forgive 94: McCoy saw a young guy in a denim jacket clock Cooper, face lit up as he hurried past them out the pub.
at clock, v.1
[Scot] A. Parks May God Forgive 55: ‘[I] called someone I know at the Cruelty. The family are “known”, as they say’.
at Cruelty, the, n.
[Scot] A. Parks May God Forgive 70: ‘Told me to fuck off, told me I was a bourgeois cunt’.
at cunt, n.
[Scot] A. Parks May God Forgive 130: Two pints of Guinness and he was half cut.
at half-cut, adj.2
[Scot] A. Parks May God Forgive 143: ‘I was going to go into the office but fuck that for a game of soldiers. I’m not getting the third degree from Murray’.
at third degree, n.
[Scot] A. Parks May God Forgive 65: ‘[S]he was all dressed up. Out for a meal or a drink before the dirty deed’.
at do the dirties (v.) under dirty, n.
[Scot] A. Parks May God Forgive 54: ‘[F]ell in with the wrong crowd at school. Been done for shoplifting, breach of the peace, the usual stuff’.
at do, v.1
[Scot] A. Parks May God Forgive 73: ‘He been drinking and drugging again?’.
at drug, v.
[Scot] A. Parks May God Forgive 311: ‘[S]he’s a face like a skelped arse’.
at ...a smacked arse under face like..., phr.
[Scot] A. Parks May God Forgive 74: ‘Didn’t know you had a new flame?’ [...] ‘I only met her last night’.
at flame, n.
[Scot] A. Parks May God Forgive 68: The inside of the house was as flash as the outside.
at flash, adj.
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