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Back to the Dirt choose

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[US] F. Bill Back to the Dirt 167: ‘he man gave zero fucks’.
at give a fuck, v.
[US] F. Bill Back to the Dirt 83: ‘Look, ain’t fucking around, this is grade A shit!’.
at grade A, adj.
[US] F. Bill Back to the Dirt 178: [in fig. use] ‘You blacked out on me. Went fucking AWOL’.
at A.W.O.L., adj.
[US] F. Bill Back to the Dirt 121: ‘Your acid trip, takes about forty-five minutes to an hour’.
at acid trip (n.) under acid, n.1
[US] F. Bill Back to the Dirt 11: Roid rage amped through his hands.
at amp, v.
[US] F. Bill Back to the Dirt 85: Nathaniel wasn’t in the mood for favors. [...] ‘Not in the mood for reach arounds today. Know him or not?’.
at reach-around, n.
[US] F. Bill Back to the Dirt 11: [I]f he got caught handing Kimball his ass he could lose his job.
at hand someone their ass (v.) under ass, n.
[US] F. Bill Back to the Dirt 100: ‘[Y]ou still got a good ass handing coming down from me again, you swindler’.
at hand someone their ass (v.) under ass, n.
[US] F. Bill Back to the Dirt 161: ‘[S]ome nights we’re so busy we can’t find our asses with both hands’.
at can’t find one’s ass with both hands (in broad daylight) (v.) under ass, n.
[US] F. Bill Back to the Dirt 242: ‘You’s about a sorry-ass racist son of a bitch’.
at sorry-ass, adj.
[US] F. Bill Back to the Dirt 240: ‘Maybe you need to explain that to your lard-ass boss’.
at lard-ass, n.
[US] F. Bill Back to the Dirt 69: ‘We worked together back in the day, watched your lard ass sleep on shift’.
at lard-ass, n.
[US] F. Bill Back to the Dirt 12: ‘You gonna tug on that cancer stick all damn night or you gonna light his ass up?’ ‘I’m gonna ignite his ass like napalm, motherfucker’.
at light someone’s ass up (v.) under ass, n.
[US] F. Bill Back to the Dirt 10: [T]he drill instructor stepped onto the bus, a chiseled but crazed, pale-faced, box-topped hard-ass.
at hard-ass, n.
[US] F. Bill Back to the Dirt : .
at -ass, sfx
[US] F. Bill Back to the Dirt 159: ‘“Look, wiseass, we need to say you’re looking for Shelby’.
at wise-ass, n.
[US] F. Bill Back to the Dirt 93: [B]eing a twelve-year-old kid, he’d horse assed around.
at horse’s ass, n.
[US] F. Bill Back to the Dirt 96: ‘We give our humanity to [this country] and pansy-ass shit birds [...] take all we fought for’.
at pansy-ass, adj.
[US] F. Bill Back to the Dirt 19: Monica, a bleach-bottle blonde with shoulder-length hair, fake-and-bake tan, toned and shapely.
at fake-bake, n.
[US] F. Bill Back to the Dirt 244: [H]e got in his banged-up El Camino [...] Firing up the vehicle, shifting to drive, he navigated down the gravel.
at banged up, adj.1
[US] F. Bill Back to the Dirt 182: They’re all drunk, and it’s harder to attack two targets when you’re this banked up on booze.
at banked up (adj.) under bank, v.2
[US] F. Bill Back to the Dirt 171: [H]is old beater of a Ford.
at beater, n.2
[US] F. Bill Back to the Dirt 116: ‘Look, I’ve never had no beefs with you’.
at beef, n.2
[US] F. Bill Back to the Dirt 96: ‘[T]his saddlebag honey says she’s gonna blow the beets’.
at blow the beets (v.) under beets, n.
[US] F. Bill Back to the Dirt 137: [M]aybe the wreck spit a concussion upon him, rung his bell.
at ring someone’s bell (v.) under bell, n.1
[US] F. Bill Back to the Dirt 120: ‘I smoked my share of the wacky weed [...] but I never did no mind benders’.
at mind-bender, n.
[US] F. Bill Back to the Dirt 53: Were there good cops? Yes there were. Were there bad cops? Bet your ass there were.
at bet one’s (sweet) ass (v.) under bet, v.
[US] F. Bill Back to the Dirt 239: They traveled to Pensacola every winter. Couple of snowbirds.
at snow bird, n.1
[US] F. Bill Back to the Dirt 78: [B]usted for slinging dope, black tar, H, Night Train.
at black tar (n.) under black, adj.
[US] F. Bill Back to the Dirt 120: Miles eyed the shape [...] it was sectioned off by many squares like graph paper [...] ‘Hell you got there?’ ‘Blotter acid’.
at blotter, n.1
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