c.1943 S .J. Baker Aus. Vulgarisms [t/s] 8: cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey: Bitterly cold.at cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey, phr.
c.1943 S .J. Baker Aus. Vulgarisms [t/s] 7: bugger about like a fart in a bottle: To waste time, dawdle, to hinder another person. Also, bugger about like a fart on a curtain rod.at bugger about like a fart in a bottle (v.) under bugger about, v.
c.1943 S .J. Baker Aus. Vulgarisms [t/s] 10: growl: The female pudend. [...] Ex rhyming slang, growl and grunt.at grumble (and grunt), n.
c.1943 S .J. Baker Aus. Vulgarisms [t/s] 10: growl: [...] 2. Coition. Ex rhyming slang, growl and grunt.at grumble (and grunt), n.
c.1943 S .J. Baker Aus. Vulgarisms [t/s] 9: fartarse about: To dither, waste time, dawdle.at fart-arse, v.
c.1943 S .J. Baker Aus. Vulgarisms [t/s] 7: arse up with care (worry): To be greatly agitated, worried, anxious.at arse up under arse, n.
c.1943 S .J. Baker Aus. Vulgarisms [t/s] 7: arse over, go: To fall head over heels, come a gutser. More often go arse over tip.at arse over under arse, n.
c.1943 S .J. Baker Aus. Vulgarisms [t/s] 11: on the bones of one’s arse: Penniless, broke.at on the bones of one’s arse under arse, n.
c.1943 S .J. Baker Aus. Vulgarisms [t/s] 14: tinarsed: Lucky, especially when the luck is of a fantastic type. This term is the original of the colloquial tinny.at tin-arsed, adj.
c.1943 S .J. Baker Aus. Vulgarisms [t/s] 14: tied up like a bundle of arseholes: Confused, bewildered.at tied up like a bundle of arseholes (adj.) under arsehole, n.
c.1943 S .J. Baker Aus. Vulgarisms [t/s] 6: Bloody: blast, blow, blazes, blinking, blank, blanky, ruddy, muddy, bleeding, blessed, blooming, blamed, bally. Blimey and blighter are also related.at bally, adj.
c.1943 S .J. Baker Aus. Vulgarisms [t/s] 9: full of piss (shit) and wind like a barber’s cat: Said of a person who talks a lot to little point, or who brags of his own dismal merits.at barber’s cat (n.) under barber, n.1
c.1943 S .J. Baker Aus. Vulgarisms [t/s] 6: Bloody: blast, blow, blazes, blinking, blank, blanky, ruddy, muddy, bleeding, blessed, blooming, blamed, bally. Blimey and blighter are also related.at blame, adj.
c.1943 S .J. Baker Aus. Vulgarisms [t/s] 6: Bloody: blast, blow, blazes, blinking, blank, blanky, ruddy, muddy, bleeding, blessed, blooming, blamed, bally. Blimey and blighter are also related.at blank, adj.
c.1943 S .J. Baker Aus. Vulgarisms [t/s] 6: Bloody: blast, blow, blazes, blinking, blank, blanky, ruddy, muddy, bleeding, blessed, blooming, blamed, bally. Blimey and blighter are also related.at bleeding, adj.
c.1943 S .J. Baker Aus. Vulgarisms [t/s] 6: Bloody: blast, blow, blazes, blinking, blank, blanky, ruddy, muddy, bleeding, blessed, blooming, blamed, bally. Blimey and blighter are also related.at blessed, adj.
c.1943 S .J. Baker Aus. Vulgarisms [t/s] 11: pick the bones out of this!: A cant phrase of contempt which accompanies the spitting out of a gob of phlegm.at pick the bones out of that under bone, n.1
c.1943 S .J. Baker Aus. Vulgarisms [t/s] 7: brits up, have the: To be afraid, timid, cowardly. i.e., have the shits.at have the Britts/brits (up) (v.) under Jimmy Britts, n.
c.1943 S .J. Baker Aus. Vulgarisms [t/s] 7: bullsh: Nonsense, humbug. Short for bullshit.at bullsh, n.
c.1943 S .J. Baker Aus. Vulgarisms [t/s] 7: bunghole: Cheeze [sic]. (Because of its constipating effect).at bunghole, n.2
c.1943 S .J. Baker Aus. Vulgarisms [t/s] 7: cake: Sexual intercourse. Also, a piece of cake.at cake, n.1