2022 M. Haberman Confidence Man 328: She was initially reluctant about working in government and felt burned by a barrage of negative headlines during her first months.at burned (at), adj.
2022 M. Haberman Confidence Man 39: Fred [Trump] was written into contracts as Donald’s not-quite-silent partner, as reassurance to city officials that the project could not go belly-up.at belly up, adj.2
2022 M. Haberman Confidence Man 284: He later blamed a blip in his memory for the oversight.at blip, n.1
2022 M. Haberman Confidence Man 156: NBC decided to bump his salary by a relatively small amount.at bump, v.1
2022 M. Haberman Confidence Man 303: That episode was a relatively minor ding on Priebus’s standing, which was already more heavily dented by the internal rivalry between Kushner and Bannon.at ding, n.1
2022 M. Haberman Confidence Man 21: Because Friedrich [i.e. Fred Trump] had ducked military service, he was not allowed to stay in Germany and was ultimately expelled.at duck, v.1
2022 M. Haberman Confidence Man 452: [T]hey [i.e. Trump’s campaign team] could deliver a more elaborate, visually pleasing, and high-octane event.at high-octane, adj.
2022 M. Haberman Confidence Man 418: [J]ust before the program began he was caught on a hot mic exasperatedly saying ‘Fuck!’ .at hot, adj.
2022 M. Haberman Confidence Man 17: Even by Moses’s standards, this project was a particularly heavy lift; it had come to fruition only after decades of failed attempts to link the two boroughs.at lift, n.
2022 M. Haberman Confidence Man 122: He finally had to abandon his pitch to build a new neighborhood centered around the world’s tallest skyscraper on Manhattan’s West Side.at pitch, n.1
2022 M. Haberman Confidence Man 509: [Acknowledgements] At the Times, Michael Schmidt was my ride-or-die and closest collaborator.at ride-or-die (adj.) under ride, v.
2022 M. Haberman Confidence Man 150: Trump, roasted in some corners of the press a decade earlier for keeping a copy of Hitler’s speeches by his bedside, saw a chance to flip the script.at flip the script (v.) under script, n.
2022 M. Haberman Confidence Man 324: Trump aides who opposed the move [a proposed spending bill] prodded him to shoot it down publicly.at shoot down (v.) under shoot, v.
2022 M. Haberman Confidence Man 456: Trump badgered Biden, interrupting and insulting him for ninety minutes. Most observers treated the evening as a train wreck for Trump.at train wreck, n.2
2022 M. Haberman Confidence Man 423: Kushner’s team started [...] directing them to look for ways to ‘unfuck’ the supply chain on specific alternative therapeutics Trump was touting.at unfuck, v.
2022 M. Haberman Confidence Man 172: [Trump] could say [using Twitter] whatever he wanted on almost any topic, not be directly challenged, and then walk away without having to take ownership of whatever he had just whipped up.at whip up (v.) under whip, v.1