Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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The Girl from Rector’s choose

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[US] G. Rector Girl from Rector’s 68: In passing their tables I often heard such sinister words as ‘the mouthpiece,’ ‘the big store,’ ‘the mob,’ ‘the iron theatre,’ and ‘the rap.’.
at iron theatre (n.) under iron, adj.
[US] G. Rector Girl from Rector’s 68: In passing their tables I often heard such sinister words as ‘the mouthpiece,’ ‘the big store,’ ‘the mob,’ ‘the iron theatre,’ and ‘the rap.’ [...] the rap was either an accusation or a term in jail.
at rap, n.1
[US] G. Rector Girl from Rector’s 68: In this case, ‘tub worker’ did not mean bending over the week’s wash in the back of a Chinese laundry. This group of tourists worked the tubs. The tubs were ocean liners.
at work the tubs (v.) under work, v.
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