1853 Pall Mall Gaz. 9 May 4/2: Mr Cape’s other ‘Romance’ [...] — ‘Jemmy Jessamy, the Runner’.at jemmy jessamy, n.
1865 Pall Mall Gazette 19 Oct. 9/2: If the timber merchants persist in putting on blacklegs, a serious disturbance will ensue, as the men on strike are determined to hold out until the end is gained .at blackleg, n.2
1865 Pall Mall Gaz. 12 Apr. 3/1: We fancy too that a cabman would object to his vehicle being described as a ‘bounder,’ a ‘drag,’ a ‘cask,’ or a ‘bird-cage’.at bounder, n.
1865 Pall Mall Gaz. 19 Oct. 9/2: They enquired of the ‘gaffers’ if their term were agreed to by the employers.at gaffer, n.2
1865 Pall Mall Gazette 28 Oct. 5: But why [...] do people call him [Bp. Wilberforce] Soapy Sam? at soapy, adj.
1866 Pall Mall Gaz. 13 Nov. 5/2: He urged his supposed daughter to become his accomplice in crime — to be a moll-hook.at moll hook (n.) under moll, n.
1866 Pall Mall Gaz. 1 Feb. 9/1: I am plagued with the blues [...] I am quite eat up with the mulligrubs.at mulligrubs, n.
1867 Pall Mall Gaz. 2 Nov. 5/2: The cod he buys at that magnificent price are [...] as different from shallow water cod as ‘staggering bob’ is from prime beef.at staggering bob, n.
1867 Pall Mall Gaz. 25 Oct. 3/2: The master degenerates into something worse than a gerund-grinder.at gerund-grinder, n.
1867 Pall Mall Gaz. 18 Jan. 1/1: ‘Lime-juicer’ is the nickname for British sailors among American ones.at lime-juicer, n.
1868 Pall Mall Gaz. 15 May 12/1: A race of budding swindlers [...] classed with Mr Charlton who plays ‘dark’ at billiards in the hope of getting some money ‘on’ before contending for the cue.at play dark (v.) under dark, adj.
1868 Pall Mall Gaz. 2 Sept. 9/2: You showed me all that [...] and gallows nice it looked. But I’m gormed if i find my pockets any warmer.at gormed, adj.
1868 Pall Mall Gazette 4 May n.p.: Buccaneer [...] was nobbled, i.e. maimed purposely [F&H].at nobble, v.2
1868 Pall Mall Gaz. 15 May 12/1: A race of budding swindlers [...] classed with Mr Charlton who plays ‘dark’ at billiards in the hope of getting some money ‘on’ before contending for the cue.at on, adv.1
1869 (ref. to 16C) Pall Mall Gaz. 12 Oct. 10/1: Gervase Markam [...] speaks of ‘the goose-headed peasants, who, notwithstanding that they are altogether ignorant, grow rich at our costs and charges’.at goose-headed, adj.
1870 Pall Mall Gaz. 17 Mar. 3/3: The celebrated species of jury-man known as the boot-eater [...] One boot-eater , feeling [...] that his religion and love of country depended on his holding out [...] could baffle the most elaborate attempt to bring a criminal to punishment.at boot-eater (n.) under boot, n.2
1872 Pall Mall Gazette 23 June n.p.: [...] one week of political reunions, concerts, balls, and crushes would be as disastrous in its effects as two months of absinthe drinking [F&H].at crush, n.1
1872 Pall Mall Gaz. 13 Dec. 10/2: Le ‘Tipster’ and Le ‘Tout’. An excellent Frenchman has undertaken to make his countrymen familiar with ‘la langue du turf’.at tipster, n.
1874 Pall Mall Gaz. 14 Apr. 11/2: A Maccaroni, with his affected airs and fanciful attire, is not now a very conceivable creature.at macaroni, n.1
1875 Pall Mall Gaz. 5 Oct. 1/1: Surely there is no pedantry so beetle-headed as to believe [etc.].at beetle-head (n.) under beetle, n.1
1876 Pall Mall Gaz. 26 Oct. 10/1: That wouldn’t have done for me — not ‘by chalks’.at by chalks under chalk, n.1
1876 Pall Mall Gaz. 8 Feb. 11/2: Citizen Cochepaille feelingly and thumpingly entered his protest against the tyranny exercised by men of mind.at thumpingly, adv.
1877 Pall Mall Gaz. 23 Feb. 10/2: Theatrical Garbage [...] So much pestilential stuff has been poured out from French theatres.at garbage, n.
1877 Pall Mall Gaz. 22 May 10/1: The Young Obadiah and the old Obadiah. Mr [John] Bright is his younger days was often violent and unreasonable.at Obadiah, n.
1879 Pall Mall Gaz. 2 Dec. 9/2: Our author makes no mention [of] any French ‘blue-pigeon flyewr’ — the man whose trade it is to strip and steal lead from the roofs.at blue pigeon flyer (n.) under blue pigeon, n.
1879 Pall Mall Gaz. 2 Dec. 9/1: A French journalist has published a description of the thirty-six methods of appropriation practised in [...] the world of the ‘cross-cove’.at cross-cove (n.) under cross, adj.
1879 Pall Mall Gaz. 2 Dec. 9/1: ‘Diving,’ ‘buzzing,’ ‘cly-faking,’ or more decently and intelligibly, [...] pocket-picking.at dive, v.