1920 Post 28 Mar. 11/1: Everybody I meet seems to be smoking the fierce black cigarette that is commonly met with in France [...] They used to be called ‘stinkers’ by the Tommies.at stinker, n.1
1921 Post (Lanarks.) 8 May 3/4: I was pulled down on my knees, and, Mother o’ Moses! the nigger told me to salaam.at Moses!, excl.
1922 Post 26 Nov. 13/2: It was a great finish to a glorious game married only by one deliberate act that earned Howieson his walking orders.at walking orders (n.) under walking, n.
1927 Post (Lanarks.) 23 Oct. 7/4: Charged with shebeening on three separate occasions [he[] was fined £75. His wife [...] sold one and a half gills of whisky to an eleven-year-old girl.at shebeen, v.
1941 Post (Lanarks.) 10 Aug. 2/1: ‘Ecilop lortep snopuoc teg dir fo meht.’ [...] (Police ptrol coupns. Get rid of them). [...] This urgent message in backslang is alleged to have been shouted to a woman [etc.].at esclop, n.
1941 Post (Lanarks.) 11 May 6/3: I lost my ‘wool’ due to shell shock from the 1914-18 war.at wool, n.1
1942 Post (Falkirk) 29 Mar. 4/1: While the British fought we debated. We waited for the enemy to knock our ears off so we could be certain that he meant us no good.at knock the ears off (v.) under ear, n.1
1942 Post (Lanarks.) 29 Mar. 7/5: Only in recent years has the jawbox bath become an out-moded institution.at jarbox, n.
1942 Post (Lanarks.) 9 Aug. n.p.: Highpockets caught and saddled a runty, jug-headed roan for her.at jugheaded, adj.
1943 Post (Lanarks.) 7 Feb. 18/4: Services Slang [...] Navy [...] Gannet — greedy seaman.at gannet, n.
1943 Post (Lanarks.) 7 Feb. 18/4: Services Slang [...] Navy [...] Head Rails — Teeth.at head rails (n.) under head, n.
1944 Post (Lanarks) 23 Apr. 6/2: The alligator’s adenoids, the bee’s knees, [...] the butterfly’s boots, the caterpillar’s kimono, the duck’s quack, eel’s hips, elephant’s eyebrows, gnat’s whistle [...] oyster’s ice skates, pig’s wings. They all mean top notch in Chatanooga!at bee’s knees, n.
1944 Post (Lanarks) 23 Apr. 6/3: Can’t cut the mustard — unable to take punishment.at cut the mustard, v.
1944 Post (Lanarks) 23 Apr. 6/2: Johnny at the rat-hole —prompt.at johnny-at-the-rat-hole (n.) under johnny, n.1
1944 Post (Lanarks) 6 Aug. 9/1: They put me down as [...] a ‘soft mark’.at soft mark (n.) under mark, n.1
1944 Post (Lanarks) 23 Apr. 6/3: Full suit of mourning — two black eyes.at full suit of mourning (n.) under mourning, n.
1944 Post (Lanarks) 23 Apr. 6/2: Warming pan — one who temporarily fills another’s office.at warming pan, n.1
1944 Post (Lanarks) 23 Apr. 6/3: Walk Spanish — discharged (by the nape of the neck and seat of the trousers).at Spanish walk (n.) under Spanish, adj.
1946 Post (Lanarks.) 21 Apr. 4/2: Hard Neck! [...] You might send down two men to dig the garden. I want to get my vegetables in.at hard neck (n.) under hard, adj.
1946 Post 18 Aug. 8/3: How many seconds might be expected to elapse before the Lieutentant-Colonel’s little grey cells began to work.at little grey cells (n.) under little, adj.
1949 Post (Lanarks.) 25 Sept. 8/2: [headline] The Whole jing-Bang Vanished in a Night.at jing-bang, n.
1949 Post (Lanarks) 6 Mar. 9/1: [headline] New Kind of Shop Does a Roaring Trade.at roaring trade (n.) under roaring, adj.