Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Saline County Journal choose

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[US] Saline Co. Jrnl (KS) 9 Mar. 2/1: The name of William A. Phillips appeared, but e town acted the wet dog so bad that his name was unanimously stricken out.
at act the wet dog, v.
[US] Saline Co. Jrnl (KS) 17 May 4/3: I’ll bet my socks on it.
at bet one’s boots (v.) under bet, v.
[US] Saline Co. Jrnl (KS) 10 May 1/4: Vorrhees Tells him to His Teeth That he is a Liar and a Dirty Dog.
at dirty dog (n.) under dirty, adj.
[US] Saline Co. Jrnl (KS) 19 Apr. 3/5: One hundred and fifty Democratic electoral votes were in the southern half of the Union, and the northern doughface fellows are the tail of that dog.
at doughface (n.) under dough, n.
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