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Salt Lake City choose

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[US] Salt Lake City (UT) 30 Mar. 4/5: He is [...] whittled, raddled .
at whittled (as a penguin), adj.
[US] Salt Lake City (UT) 30 Mar. 4/5: He is [...] overtaken [...] afflicted .
at afflicted, adj.
[US] Salt Lake City (UT) 30 Mar. 4/5: He is [...] jiggered [...] be-argered.
at be-argured, adj.
[US] Salt Lake City (UT) 30 Mar. 4/5: He has [...] a skate on [...] a brannigan on.
at brannigan, n.
[US] Salt Lake City (UT) 30 Mar. 4/5: He is [...] muggy, [...] swipey, podgy, cock-eyed .
at cock-eyed, adj.2
[US] Salt Lake City (UT) 30 Mar. 4/5: He is [...] moony [...] dopey [...] paralyzed.
at dopey, adj.1
[US] Salt Lake City (UT) 30 Mar. 4/5: He has [...] a shine on [...] an edge on.
at edged, adj.1
[US] Salt Lake City (UT) 30 Mar. 4/5: He fell off the water cart .
at fall off the (water) wagon (v.) under fall, v.1
[US] Salt Lake City (UT) 30 Mar. 4/5: He is [...] hazy, foggy.
at foggy, adj.
[US] Salt Lake City (UT) 30 Mar. 4/5: He is [...] half-shot, half-gone .
at half-gone, adj.
[US] Salt Lake City (UT) 30 Mar. 4/5: He is [...] half-shot, half-gone .
at half-shot, adj.
[US] Salt Lake City (UT) 30 Mar. 4/5: He is [...] hazy, foggy.
at hazy, adj.
[US] Salt Lake City (UT) 30 Mar. 4/5: He is [...] jiggered [...] be-argered.
at jiggered, adj.1
[US] Salt Lake City (UT) 30 Mar. 4/5: He is [...] scammered, maggoty, sewed-up .
at maggoty, adj.
[US] Salt Lake City (UT) 30 Mar. 4/5: He is [...] moony [...] dopey [...] paralyzed.
at moony, adj.
[US] Salt Lake City (UT) 30 Mar. 4/5: He is [...] muggy, [...] swipey, podgy, cock-eyed .
at muggy, adj.1
[US] Salt Lake City (UT) 30 Mar. 4/5: He is [...] happy, winey, groggy, muzzy .
at muzzy, adj.
[US] Salt Lake City (UT) 30 Mar. 4/5: He is [...] overtaken [...] afflicted .
at overtaken, adj.
[US] Salt Lake City (UT) 30 Mar. 4/5: He has been taking a little of Paddy’s eyewater.
at Paddy’s eyewater (n.) under Paddy, n.
[US] Salt Lake City (UT) 30 Mar. 4/5: He is [...] moony [...] dopey [...] paralyzed.
at paralysed, adj.
[US] Salt Lake City (UT) 30 Mar. 4/5: He is [...] muggy, [...] swipey, podgy, cock-eyed .
at podgy, adj.
[US] Salt Lake City (UT) 30 Mar. 4/5: He is [...] whittled, raddled .
at raddled, adj.
[US] Salt Lake City (UT) 30 Mar. 4/5: He is [...] scammered, maggoty, sewed-up .
at scammered, adj.1
[US] Salt Lake City (UT) 30 Mar. 4/5: He has [...] a shine on [...] an edge on.
at shined, adj.
[US] Salt Lake City (UT) 30 Mar. 4/5: He has [...] a skate on [...] a brannigan on.
at on a skate under skate, n.
[US] Salt Lake City (UT) 30 Mar. 4/5: He is [...] tangled, stunned.
at stunned, adj.
[US] Salt Lake City (UT) 30 Mar. 4/5: He is [...] muggy, [...] swipey, podgy, cock-eyed .
at swipey, adj.
[US] Salt Lake City (UT) 30 Mar. 4/5: He is [...] tangled, stunned.
at tangled, adj.
[US] Salt Lake City (UT) 30 Mar. 4/5: He is [...] top-heavy.
at top-heavy (adj.) under top, n.
[US] Salt Lake City (UT) 30 Mar. 4/5: He is [...] happy, winey, groggy, muzzy .
at winey, adj.
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