at bone-grubber (n.) under bone, n.1
at maw-wallop (n.) under maw, n.
at clack, v.
at Captain Flash (n.) under captain, n.
at smithereens, n.
at brown bess, n.
at joe, n.2
at yes sir!, excl.
at walloping (n.) under wallop, v.
at big, adv.
at skewed, adj.
at sworn at Highgate, phr.
at dreadnought, n.1
at si quis, n.
at bogland (n.) under bog, n.3
at tip the brads (v.) under brad, n.1
at go, n.1
at smack-dab (adv.) under smack, adv.
at broomstick marriage, n.
at Scotchie, n.
at crack, n.4
at finger-smith (n.) under finger, n.
at St Vitus’s dance, n.
at French cream (n.) under French, adj.
at snakes (alive)!, excl.
at flapping, n.
at shab-rag, adj.
at clap-trap, n.1
at see which way the cat jumps (v.) under cat, n.1
at swellhead, n.2
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