Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Star and Sentinel choose

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[US] Star and Sentinel (Gettysburg, PA) 4/5: ‘Bobtail’ – A soldier discharged by reason of misconduct.
at bobtail, n.3
[US] Star and Sentinel (Gettysburg, PA) 4/5: ‘Dog robber’ – a soldier who acts as a lickspittle to his superiors.
at dog-robber, n.
[US] Star and Sentinel (Gettysburg, PA) 4/5: ‘To throw down’ – To get a chum into trouble.
at throw down, v.
[US] Star and Sentinel (Gettysburg, PA) 4/5: ‘Gugu’ – An insurgent native, said to be invented by the 20th Kansas Volunteers.
at goo-goo, n.1
[US] Star and Sentinel (Gettysburg, PA) 4/5: ‘Slumgullock,’ otherwise ‘slum’ – Hash as obtained in the average Chinese restaurant [in Hong Kong].
at slum, n.4
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