c.1614 Countess of Somerset in British Museum Additional Mss 15476.92: In her foal-age shee began to wince And hath beene a striker ever since.at striker, n.1
1642 British Museum Additional Mss 37999.lf.66: They would haue [...] run on tick with Piggin for inke and songs, rather than haue lost the show of your presence [OED].at run on tick (v.) under tick, n.3
1676–84 ‘Acrostick’ British Museum Additional Mss 34362.47: Each F–ster now this title’s grown so mean Rules his dull Whore & calls her Mazareen.at fuckster (n.) under fuck, v.
1682 ballad in British Museum Additional Mss 34362.18: [She] Goes to’t Leg & foot Level coyle w’h a Prince & a Player.at play (at) level-coil (v.) under play (at)..., v.
c.1682 ‘Man in the Moon’ British Museum Additional Mss 34362.49v: It was his sacred function To thrust a great T— In his Lordshipps Arse And give him the Extreame Unction.at tool, n.1