at alley cat, n.
at alley cat, n.
at apple-knocker, n.
at up to one’s armpits under armpit, n.
at baboon, n.
at in the bag under bag, n.1
at balmy, adj.
at belly laugh (n.) under belly, n.
at big dick (n.) under big, adj.
at bitch up, v.1
at break, v.2
at chippie-chaser (n.) under chippie, n.1
at cooch show (n.) under cooch, n.
at doghouse, n.
at dog’s meat, n.
at dummy, n.1
at -eroo, sfx
at fanny, n.1
at floperoo (n.) under flop, n.5
at girlie, adj.
at goal, v.
at grope, v.
at gruesome, adj.
at gut-ache (n.) under gut, n.
at headache, n.
at highwater, adj.
at honkytonk, adj.
at hotcha, adj.
at hotsy-totsy, adj.
at jigger!, excl.
at jingleberry, n.
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