Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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[Aus] J. Hibberd Dimboola (2000) 70: Let’s crack a few.
at few, a, n.
[Aus] J. Hibberd Dimboola (2000) 95: mutton: They don’t call me Mutton Gun for nothing. bayonet: And me, Bayonet. mutton: Master of the pork sword.
at bayonet, n.
[Aus] J. Hibberd Dimboola (2000) 88: I’ll smash your boiled-bum face in.
at boiled-bum (adj.) under boiled, adj.
[Aus] J. Hibberd Dimboola (2000) 78: bayonet: There was once a Reverend parson / Loved by all in the parish of Karson / However his love for a boy in the choir / Grew to an uncontrollable fire, / And led to the abominable crime of arson. mutton: Brilliant!
at brilliant, adj.
[Aus] J. Hibberd Dimboola (2000) 69: Come on, no funny buggers. Everyone settle down.
at play silly buggers (v.) under bugger, n.1
[Aus] J. Hibberd Dimboola (2000) 77: What’s wrong with that, you old cancer case?
at cancer case (n.) under cancer, n.
[Aus] J. Hibberd Dimboola (2000) 70: Put a cork in it, Aggie.
at put a cork in it! (excl.) under cork, n.1
[Aus] J. Hibberd Dimboola (2000) 104: Aggie, Aggie, face like a bum, dirty and daggie!
at daggy, adj.
[Aus] J. Hibberd Dimboola (2000) 94: Drop dead, dumb-bum.
at dumbum (n.) under dumb, adj.1
[Aus] J. Hibberd Dimboola (2000) 79: Teach that Catholic filth a lesson, Angus.
at filth, n.
[Aus] J. Hibberd Dimboola (2000) 76: Drop dead, you old goanna.
at goanna, n.1
[Aus] J. Hibberd Dimboola (2000) 81: dangles: [to shirl] How’s your knot-hole? shirl: Funn-nee! Not for you mate.
at knothole, n.
[Aus] J. Hibberd Dimboola (2000) 83: Delighted, Delilah! My little maggot.
at maggot, n.
[Aus] J. Hibberd Dimboola (2000) 83: Put your meat-hooks up!
at meathook (n.) under meat, n.
[Aus] J. Hibberd Dimboola (2000) 78: father o’shea: Dickies. General laughter [...] knocka: Jesus, never thought I’d hear a reverend say something like that. Especially a mick one.
at mick, adj.
[Aus] J. Hibberd Dimboola (2000) 95: They don’t call me Mutton Gun for nothing.
at mutton gun (n.) under mutton, n.
[Aus] J. Hibberd Dimboola (2000) 81: The most notorious notch in the neighbourhood.
at notch, n.1
[Aus] J. Hibberd Dimboola (2000) 73: Don’t talk to me, you bloody old crow!
at old crow (n.) under old, adj.
[Aus] J. Hibberd Dimboola (2000) 78: bayonet: We all know what he concentrates on. mutton: Always points his great parsnip at the choirboys. aggie: Angus!
at parsnip, n.
[Aus] J. Hibberd Dimboola (2000) 77: mavis [to horrie]: Just wait till I get you home! bayonet: Hang one on her, Horrie! horrie: I wouldn’t pee on her.
at wouldn’t pee on... under pee, v.
[Aus] J. Hibberd Dimboola (2000) 81: I did poo, Mummy.
at poo, n.1
[Aus] J. Hibberd Dimboola (2000) 94: mutton: I knew he was a poofta. bayonet: A pansy.
at poofter, n.
[Aus] J. Hibberd Dimboola (2000) 95: mutton: They don’t call me Mutton Gun for nothing. bayonet: And me, Bayonet. mutton: Master of the pork sword.
at pork sword (n.) under pork, n.
[Aus] J. Hibberd Dimboola (2000) 71: What a pack of possums you’ve turned out to be. Starting without me.
at possum, n.
[Aus] J. Hibberd Dimboola (2000) 97: Back to Mildura, quince-head!
at quince, n.
[Aus] J. Hibberd Dimboola (2000) 87: aggie. This is an outrage. horrie. Shut your sewer.
at sewer, n.
[Aus] J. Hibberd Dimboola (2000) 71: You old shit-stick.
at shit-stick (n.) under shit, n.
[Aus] J. Hibberd Dimboola (2000) 79: april: Job him, Darcy. florence: Smash him, Angus!
at smash, v.1
[Aus] J. Hibberd Dimboola (2000) 87: astrid: He’s nice. Always showing me his pet lizard. mutton: Not to mention his carpet snake.
at snake, n.3
[Aus] J. Hibberd Dimboola (2000) 87: dangles: Sit down you poove. darkie: Or we’ll snot you one. knocka: Right between the sockets.
at snot, v.
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