Green’s Dictionary of Slang

pee v.

[abbr./euph. piss v. (1)]

1. (also pee-pee) to urinate; thus pee-er n., one who urinates.

E. Picken Poems ‘The Favourite Cat’ 47: He never stealt though he was poor, He never pee’d his master’s floor [F&H].
[UK] ‘Old Randy Moll’ Sparkling Songster 36: She felt an itching in her quim, and when she went to pee, / She found she’d got a scalding, and a stain on her chimee.
[UK]Cythera’s Hymnal 38: And when he would, with head erect, / A stream pee in his po.
[UK]Pearl (1970) 216: Your private parts, or cunny, / Should not be let for money, / They’re only meant to pee with.
[UK]‘Walter’ My Secret Life (1966) I 77: If you sit down to pee, you show your legs.
[US]Mencken letter 7 Aug. in Riggio Dreiser-Mencken Letters II (1986) 381: The other day a dog peed on me. A bad sign.
[UK]D.H. Lawrence ‘True Democracy’ in Pansies in Complete Poems 434: I wish I was a gentleman / as full of wet as a watering-can / to pee in the face of a police-man.
[US]H. Roth Call It Sleep (1977) 37: You’d better go in and ‘pee’ first.
[US]‘J.M. Hall’ Anecdota Americana II 9: Mrs. Goldenwasser had a little daughter, Sylvia, who was in the habit of saying ‘I wish to pee-pee,’ when she wanted to go to the toilet.
[US]C. McCullers Heart is a Lonely Hunter (1986) 164: He was always wanting to stop off behind bushes and pee and play with himself awhile.
[UK]A. Sinclair My Friend Judas (1963) 9: I hopped on to the parapet to pee into the Cam.
[Aus]R.S. Close With Hooves of Brass 102: ‘ABC...I wanta pee!’ he chanted.
[US](con. 1920s) J. Thompson South of Heaven (1994) 106: Fella [...] probably wouldn’t know which end of his dingus to pee with.
[UK]P. Barnes Ruling Class I v: All these years I’ve been working for the Revolution, spitting in the hot soup, peeing on the Wedgwood dinner plates.
[Aus]Tharunka (Sydney) 9 Mar. 9/1: [W]e do know that peeing there is lots of fun.
[US]G. Swarthout Skeletons 7: A kind of guy who thinks he pees Perrier.
[Aus]Benjamin & Pearl Limericks Down Under 31: A hitchhiking girl from Marlee / Wondered where she could pee.
[US]C. Hiaasen Skin Tight 259: I can’t pee with somebody watching.
[Ire]B. Quinn Smokey Hollow 11: You told him I peed on the cabbages.
[UK]Indep. Rev. 26 Jan. 7: He’s simple, smells nice and doesn’t pee in the sink.
[UK]M. Amis Experience 129: I had to persuade Nancy that it was all right for her to pee where she was.
[Aus]L. Redhead Rubdown [ebook] I got up to pee only to find the door to the bathroom closed.
[Aus]L. Redhead Thrill City [ebook] ‘I need to pee,’ Kate crossed her legs and squirmed.
[UK]Times Review 30 Apr. 11/4: Conor ‘farted hugely as he stood in the bathroom to pee’.
[US]B. Masterman Rage Against the Dying (2014) 36: I wish I’d peed once more before leaving the house.
[Aus]G. Gilmore Headland [ebook] ‘I didn’t want you to hear me peeing’.
[UK]‘Aidan Truhen’ Price You Pay 44: I go to the men’s room and pee.
[US]S.A. Crosby Blacktop Wasteland 23: ‘Has she peed on someone on purpose again?’.
[UK]J. Meades Empty Wigs (t/s) 94: The giants had peed on them.

2. (US black) to abuse verbally.

[US](con. 1930s) C.E. Lincoln The Avenue, Clayton City (1996) 9: Don’t pee on me! Every time you open your mouth you tear your ass.

3. (US) to do something very well [fig. use or abbr. SE perform].

[US]B. Rodgers Queens’ Vernacular 147: pee [...] 3. to excel.
[US]Eble Campus Sl. Oct. 7: pee – perform well, excel: After leaving the banquet she had organized, M. said, ‘Did I pee tonight, or what!’.

4. to rain (hard); usu. as pee down [var. on piss v. (3)].

[UK]S. May No Exceptions in Best Radio Plays (1984) 129: Got your car today, Bill? Come off it, it’s peeing down.

In phrases

pee between two heels (v.) (also straddle a chamberpot) [the position of a woman when urinating]

(US black) a phr. used when referring to a woman, or to female qualities, e.g. the finest bitch that ever peed between two heels.

[US]D. Maurer Big Con 195: He was ‘married to the most beautiful woman who ever straddled a chamber-pot’.
[US](con. 1950s) D. Goines Whoreson 111: I believed in my heart I could make as much money as any whore that peed between two heels.
pee (in) one’s pants (v.) [var. on piss (in) one’s pants v. (1)]

1. to be terrified.

[US]‘Tom Pendleton’ Iron Orchard (1967) 137: You like to peed in your britches today.
[US]F. Salas Tattoo the Wicked Cross (1981) 299: Remember that when the guy looked like he was gonna pee his pants, he showed him that it was just a play gun.
[US]J. Sayles Union Dues (1978) 219: They call my number. I’m like peeing in my pants.
[US]J. Stahl Permanent Midnight 247: I’d forgotten that I’d peed my pants.

2. to lose emotional control.

[US]J. Roe The Same Old Grind 29: ‘Now who is goung to announce me?’ ‘Don’t pee your pants, lady. I’ll do it’.

3. to laugh hysterically.

[SA]Mail & Guardian (Johannesburg) 22 Sept. 🌐 ‘Cultural googlie’ nearly made me pee my pants.
[Scot]A. Parks Bloody January 45: ‘She was brilliant sometimes, made you pee your pants laughing’.
pee off (v.) [abbr./euph. piss off v.]

1. to leave, to depart.

[UK]P. Larkin letter 9 Dec. in Thwaite Sel. Letters (1992) 3: Then we peed off, I lugging my suitcase that became unbearably heavy as the day wore on.
[UK]J.W. Warden Wayward Legionnaire 104: The section sergeant approached the Fell and told them to ‘pee off’, but none showed any inclination to depart.

2. to annoy, to irritate.

[US]H. Ellison Web of the City (1983) 97: She peed me off and I took the blade to her, is all.
[UK]Guardian 26 Mar. 3/2: I’m peed off with the guy.
pee on (v.)

1. to treat harshly, to bully.

[UK]P. Theroux Picture Palace 137: You peed on Weston, so you’re peeing on me.
[US]Eminem ‘Who Knew’ 🎵 So read up, about how I used to get beat up / peed on, be on free lunch, and change school every 3 months.

2. to ignore, to dismiss.

[US]D. Pinckney High Cotton (1993) 99: They gave him an engraved silver tray and ‘peed on’ the mover’s bill.
pee (oneself) (v.)

to fig. (or lit.) urinate on oneself due to extreme emotion, esp. in the context of being utterly terrified or hugely amused.

[Aus]D. Stivens Jimmy Brockett 267: Every time I thought of what it had about Dargan I nearly peed myself laughing.
[Aus]P. White Solid Mandala (1976) 147: The little one nearly peed himself.
[US]B. Rodgers Queens’ Vernacular 147: pee 1. to become excited, overemotional. [...] 2. to become indignant through fear.
L. Dawson The Spy Who Came... 65: I stood there peeing myself.
[UK]P. Barker Blow Your House Down 87: She was peeing herself laughing.
[US]J. McWhorter Woke Racism 15: We have become a nation of smart people attesting that they ‘get it’ while peeing themselves.
think it’s just to pee through (v.) (also think it’s just to piss through) [piss v. (1)]

a phr. denigrating an unsophisticated, inexperienced youth who supposedly has yet to appreciate the alternative function of his penis; also used of a similarly unsophisticated young woman.

[US]H. Selby Jr Last Exit to Brooklyn 253: Aint nobody gonnna want ta fuck lucy. I bet she thinks its ta piss through.
J. Harrison Letters to Yesenin 39: As my humble country father said in our first birds and bees talk so many years ago ‘That thing ain’t just to pee through’.
[US]Maledicta IX 195: This article and series devoted to sexual slang would be incomplete without some notice of catch phrases, both British and American: […] he thinks it’s just to pee through.
C.J. Stevens Folks from Greeley’s Mill 75: Some other woman will give him a tumble. The barn door is open now that he knows the little thing he’s got ain’t just to pee through.
A. Marland Monaro 287: ‘Didn’t waste much time sinking the sausage, Mrs Cummings is well and truly up the duff.’ ‘Good old Cupie, he knows it’s not just to pee through now.’.
wouldn’t pee on...

a phr. demonstrating one’s absolute contempt for someone.

[Aus]J. Hibberd Dimboola (2000) 77: mavis [to horrie]: Just wait till I get you home! bayonet: Hang one on her, Horrie! horrie: I wouldn’t pee on her.