Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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John of Paris choose

Quotation Text

[UK] I. Pocock John of Paris I i: And such a customer, ecod!
at ecod!, excl.
[UK] I. Pocock John of Paris II i: Yet to dine with a citizen—Faw!
at faugh!, excl.
[UK] I. Pocock John of Paris I i: I’ll be hanged if I know.
at I’ll be hanged! (excl.) under hang, v.1
[UK] I. Pocock John of Paris II i: A princess dine with a mechanic! oh, monstrous degredation!
at mechanic, n.
[UK] I. Pocock John of Paris II ii: john: I heard your daughter sing a couplet. [...] ped: That’s right, Rosee; clear your pipes (she takes a guitar).
at clear one’s pipes (v.) under pipes, n.1
[UK] I. Pocock John of Paris II i: I see how it is, you’re a wag, Mr. John’s man, you’re a queer one,—you wanted to frighten me, but it won’t do; I’m up to your rig.
at rig, n.2
[UK] I. Pocock John of Paris I i: ’Sdeath! he’ll set my blood on fire!
at ’sdeath!, excl.
[UK] I. Pocock John of Paris I i: Hey! zooks! I’m all in a flutter.
at zooks!, excl.
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