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Thoughts in a Makeshift Mortuary choose

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[UK] J. Hobbs Thoughts in a Makeshift Mortuary 158: Af. Lit., sies!
at Af, n.
[UK] J. Hobbs Thoughts in a Makeshift Mortuary 35: Ag, that’s normal where there’s flats. The girls make a bleddy packet on the side.
at ag!, excl.
[UK] J. Hobbs Thoughts in a Makeshift Mortuary 32: ‘Aikona!’ says the old woman.
at aikona!, excl.
[UK] J. Hobbs Thoughts in a Makeshift Mortuary 35: Ag, that’s normal where there’s flats. The girls make a bleddy packet on the side.
at bladdy, adj.
[UK] J. Hobbs Thoughts in a Makeshift Mortuary 159: Don’t be such a mompara, Bra Jake.
at bra, n.
[UK] J. Hobbs Thoughts in a Makeshift Mortuary 145: The student body divided [...] into four factions: the studious, the rugger buggers, the social set and the lefties.
at rugger bugger, n.
[UK] J. Hobbs Thoughts in a Makeshift Mortuary 198: He put his hand up to his fuzz of dark hair and grabbed a fistful. ‘This is bush, see? And I’m a bushy. Not quite black and not quite white.’.
at bushy, n.1
[UK] J. Hobbs Thoughts in a Makeshift Mortuary 21: It’s a waste of money to send washing out to the coolies.
at coolie, n.1
[UK] J. Hobbs Thoughts in a Makeshift Mortuary 159: I won’t stand for foul language any more than the racist dreck you’ve been talking.
at dreck, n.
[UK] J. Hobbs Thoughts in a Makeshift Mortuary 175: There were cops everywhere. [...] People used to call them ginger-cakes because of the khaki uniforms they wore.
at ginger-cake (n.) under ginger, adj.
[UK] J. Hobbs Thoughts in a Makeshift Mortuary 92: Though she came from Natal, she did not use the pidgin Zulu once known as kitchen kaffir, but now that the word ‘kaffir’ was acknowledged as insulting, called Fanagalo.
at kitchen kaffir (n.) under kaffir, n.
[UK] J. Hobbs Thoughts in a Makeshift Mortuary 277: ‘And the klonkie up the ladder?’ He jerked his head at Jake.
at klonkie, n.
[UK] J. Hobbs Thoughts in a Makeshift Mortuary 304: Row after row of shiny new corrugated iron lavatory huts [...] ‘Long drops’.
at long drop (n.) under long, adj.
[UK] J. Hobbs Thoughts in a Makeshift Mortuary 173: Magtig, but those soldiers slept well!
at magtig!, excl.
[UK] J. Hobbs Thoughts in a Makeshift Mortuary 159: Don’t be such a mompara, Bra Jake.
at mompara, n.
[UK] J. Hobbs Thoughts in a Makeshift Mortuary 423: Monkey’s wedding: simultaneous rain and sunshine.
at monkey’s wedding (n.) under monkey, n.
[UK] J. Hobbs Thoughts in a Makeshift Mortuary 379: You can talk! What about necklacing?
at necklace, v.
[UK] J. Hobbs Thoughts in a Makeshift Mortuary 136: Rose had been able to fling ‘shotgun baby’ at her mother.
at shotgun wedding, n.
[UK] J. Hobbs Thoughts in a Makeshift Mortuary 158: Af. Lit., sies!
at sis!, excl.
[UK] J. Hobbs Thoughts in a Makeshift Mortuary 224: Does he wear slip-slops?
at slip-slop, n.
[UK] J. Hobbs Thoughts in a Makeshift Mortuary 34: I’ll run down to the tickey-box and phone Dr Van Coller.
at tickey box (n.) under tickey, n.
[UK] J. Hobbs Thoughts in a Makeshift Mortuary 171: My youngest sister Yasmin [...] runs with a tsotsi gang.
at tsotsi, n.
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