1958 J.C. Holmes Horn 221: Kelcy Crane is blowing goofy, goofy things, Baby, [...] Have you caught him yet?at catch, v.1
1958 J.C. Holmes Horn 18: For ‘cutting’ was, after all, only the Indian wrestling of lost boyhood summers, and the trick was getting your man off balance.at cut, v.5
1958 J.C. Holmes Horn 215: Anyone makes a hassle this next set, I’ll show ’em put-downs if that’s all they’re after.at put-down, n.
1958 J.C. Holmes Horn 55: So then this square cab driver hung me up for a buck getting over here to Geordie’s.at hang up, v.1
1958 J.C. Holmes Horn 129: The grandiloquent county politician stumping the hustings with a barrel of ‘hard’.at hard, n.
1958 J.C. Holmes Horn 40: But he ain’t good enough any more to justify this kind of hype.at hype, n.1