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Turning Angel choose

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[UK] G. Iles Turning Angel 157: You think they got the acid from Marko Bakic?
at acid, n.1
[UK] G. Iles Turning Angel 389: He’s all up in that dope, just like most of these young no-goods.
at all up in, phr.
[UK] G. Iles Turning Angel 451: She’s happy as a clam.
at ...a clam under happy as..., adj.
[UK] G. Iles Turning Angel 173: Some gay-ass white boy?
at -ass, sfx
[UK] G. Iles Turning Angel 317: He said you put a lot of bad outlaws away in Texas.
at put away, v.
[UK] G. Iles Turning Angel 342: I told that kopile whatever would get his gun out of my mouth. He was bad news, man.
at bad news, n.
[UK] G. Iles Turning Angel 387: Cyrus be bad, man. He’s like the devil when he’s mad.
at bad, adj.
[UK] G. Iles Turning Angel 399: You sent a lot of people to Huntsville Prison. Bangers, killers, Klan, everything.
at banger, n.6
[UK] G. Iles Turning Angel 163: That drives me batshit.
at batshit, adj.
[UK] G. Iles Turning Angel 122: She [...] belly-laughs as though I’ve just told a dirty joke.
at belly laugh (n.) under belly, n.
[UK] G. Iles Turning Angel 122: Ellen grins slyly. ‘You bet your ass it could.’.
at bet one’s (sweet) ass (v.) under bet, v.
[UK] G. Iles Turning Angel 108: That’s no mystery, bubba. It’s proving it that’s the bitch.
at bitch, n.1
[UK] G. Iles Turning Angel 204: He actually used the term ‘bone-dumb bluegums’ in front of me once.
at blue gum(med), adj.
[UK] G. Iles Turning Angel 204: He actually used the term ‘bone-dumb bluegums’ in front of me once.
at bone, adv.
[UK] G. Iles Turning Angel 130: She takes her CD out of the boom box.
at boombox, n.
[UK] G. Iles Turning Angel 106: Look, things are breaking fast on this.
at break, v.2
[UK] G. Iles Turning Angel 108: That’s no mystery, bubba.
at bubba, n.
[UK] G. Iles Turning Angel 213: ‘Bullcrap!’ Sims bellows. ‘That’s just bullcrap.’.
at bullcrap (n.) under bull, n.6
[UK] G. Iles Turning Angel 222: Don’t bullshit me, Penn. If it’s something I need to know, tell me.
at bullshit, v.
[UK] G. Iles Turning Angel 93: ‘Bullshit!’ yells one of the boys.
at bullshit!, excl.
[UK] G. Iles Turning Angel 196: Sonny fixes me with a no-bullshit stare.
at no-bullshit (adj.) under bullshit, n.
[UK] G. Iles Turning Angel 107: Did you bust the party?
at bust, v.1
[UK] G. Iles Turning Angel 179: ‘Chickenshit,’ I mutter as he walks away.
at chickenshit, n.
[UK] G. Iles Turning Angel 370: ‘Christ on a crutch,’ he says in his heavy drawl.
at Christ on a crutch! (excl.) under Christ, n.
[UK] G. Iles Turning Angel 380: Why is Drew the worst kind of chump, Quentin?
at chump, n.
[UK] G. Iles Turning Angel 373: ‘What about Marko’s flash drive?’ ‘I still have that. Let’s just hope it has something useful on it.’ ‘And that Lucien can crack it.’.
at crack, v.2
[UK] G. Iles Turning Angel 283: Cyrus’s homeys won’t say shit to those cracker cops.
at cracker, adj.1
[UK] G. Iles Turning Angel 93: Fucking cradle-robber. Pervert.
at cradle-robber (n.) under cradle, n.
[UK] G. Iles Turning Angel 157: Jimmy’s old man threatened to beat the crap out of him if he didn’t tell the truth.
at knock the crap out of (v.) under crap, the, phr.
[UK] G. Iles Turning Angel 234: The girl Cyrus was in bed with made the 911 call, and she’s not part of his crew.
at crew, n.
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