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Tom Sayers choose

Quotation Text

[UK] H.D. Miles Tom Sayers 33: In return he had his cork drawn from his snout by Nats left.
at draw a cork, v.1
[UK] H.D. Miles Tom Sayers 32: Counter-hits now followed, in which Nat reached Tom’s scent-bottle.
at scent-bottle, n.
[UK] H.D. Miles Tom Sayers 33: Sayers lef off, caught Nat a heavy cross hit [...] inflicting a deep cut and drawing the carmine.
at carmine, n.
[UK] H.D. Miles Tom Sayers 32: Nat jobbed him on the nozzle, again disturbing the cochineal.
at cochineal, n.
[UK] H.D. Miles Tom Sayers 33: Nat [...] showed his left peeper in deep mourning.
at in mourning under mourning, n.
[UK] H.D. Miles Tom Sayers 30: Tom [...] pinked him twice in succession with effect on the nozzle.
at nozzle, n.
[UK] H.D. Miles Tom Sayers 31: Sayers [...] was propped heavily on the snuff-box.
at snuff-box (n.) under snuff, n.2
[UK] H.D. Miles Tom Sayers 7: A number of gentlemen, officers of the Guards, and sporting Corthinians.
at corinthian, n.
[UK] H.D. Miles Tom Sayers 23: Martin, whose head was much swollen, again planted a rib-bender, closed, and after a short struggle both were down.
at rib bender (n.) under rib, n.1
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