1972 D. Jenkins Semi-Tough 121: Personally I wouldn’t give you two cents for him.at not care a cent, v.
1972 D. Jenkins Semi-Tough 171: I just don’t give one goddamn how many transplant cases are walking around healthy.at give a damn, v.
1972 D. Jenkins Semi-Tough 167: [He] is gonna get himself ass-deep in so much young Scotch that this palatial suite of ours better be able to float.at -a, sfx
1972 D. Jenkins Semi-Tough 220: Fifties and hundreds over here is what Burt Danby is known to say when he takes a client into an action bar in New York and is looking for hooks.at action, n.
1972 D. Jenkins Semi-Tough 170: There were scrawny old Aggies whose daddies had made them go there in the first place, to Texas A&M.at ag, n.1
1972 D. Jenkins Semi-Tough (1978) 33: Big-un would drink himself a lot of that Colorado Kool-Aid.at Colorado Kool-Aid, n.
1972 D. Jenkins Semi-Tough 207: There was nobody ‘alive,’ she said. ‘Nothing is happening.’.at alive, adj.
1972 D. Jenkins Semi-Tough 152: I’ve known the all-time girl and I’ve loved her and she’s loved me.at all-time, adj.
1972 D. Jenkins Semi-Tough 3: That, and jack around with somebody else’s wife or husband.at jack around, v.
1972 D. Jenkins Semi-Tough 15: I don’t think I’d let the world jack me around so much if I was a spook, but then I can’t actually say.at jack around, v.
1972 D. Jenkins Semi-Tough (1978) 303: It was always old Eighty-eight for sex and smart-ass, and it was always old twenty-three for sweetness and understanding.at smart-arse, n.
1972 D. Jenkins Semi-Tough 22: The Maras would have moved the Giants to Bermuda or Honolulu just as sure as hell.at sure as hell under sure as..., phr.
1972 D. Jenkins Semi-Tough 236: [He] is gonna get himself ass-deep in so much young Scotch that this palatial suite of ours better be able to float.at ass deep under ass, n.
1972 D. Jenkins Semi-Tough 252: To get in some licks on defense and let the other side know you’ve come to stack asses.at stack asses under ass, n.
1972 D. Jenkins Semi-Tough 262: Bite my ass, Puddin. You haven’t been off your belly all day. Sixty-four’s all over you like the crabs.at bite my ass!, excl.
1972 D. Jenkins Semi-Tough 125: I don’t see how you can be any kind of coon ass legend when you ain’t got no x’s or u’s in your name.at coon-ass, n.
1972 D. Jenkins Semi-Tough 20: Eat his ass up is all you’re gonna do.at eat someone’s ass off/out under ass, n.
1972 D. Jenkins Semi-Tough 238: Anybody who don’t want to wish me luck can jump up an armadillo’s ass.at jump up my ass! (excl.) under ass, n.
1972 D. Jenkins Semi-Tough 10: ‘I’m what a lot of you spooks might think of as a red neck with a terminal case of the dumb-ass’.at dumb-ass, n.
1972 D. Jenkins Semi-Tough 4: Nobody can help being what he is, whether it turns out to be black as a cup of coffee at a truck stop, or a white Southern dumb-ass.at dumb-ass, n.
1972 D. Jenkins Semi-Tough 11: If any of us get the red ass about something, then we ought to talk it over among ourselves without any goddam agitators or business agents.at get the red ass (v.) under red ass, n.
1972 D. Jenkins Semi-Tough 14: Old Billy Clyde’s salary is up there in big figures now, and if you lump three years together, it’s a real ass-tickler.at ass-tickler (n.) under ass, n.
1972 D. Jenkins Semi-Tough 252: I still can’t believe how nervous we were [...]. Whatever the record was for tight ass holes, the Giants broke it.at keep a tight asshole (v.) under asshole, n.
1972 D. Jenkins Semi-Tough 104: Like if she would change in any way and start putting a lot of bad-mouth on a man for some reason.at badmouth, n.