1963 A. Burgess Inside Mr Enderby in Complete Enderby (2002) 65: Been smelling the barmaid’s apron, that’s your trouble.at smell of the barman’s apron (n.) under apron, n.
1963 A. Burgess Inside Mr Enderby in Complete Enderby (2002) 70: He’s gone off [...] We had a bit of a barney.at barney, n.2
1963 A. Burgess Inside Mr Enderby in Complete Enderby (2002) 70: ‘Have you got a bob you can let me have’ [...] ‘Not a sausage [...] I blued it all on booze’.at blow, v.2
1963 A. Burgess Inside Mr Enderby in Complete Enderby (2002) 161: Here was the authentic fleapit [...] eptiome of every bughouse that Enderby had, as a child, queued outside.at bughouse, n.
1963 A. Burgess Inside Mr Enderby in Complete Enderby (2002) 65: Too much hoot altogether, mate, to my way of thinking, that’s what you’ve got.at hoot, n.4
1963 A. Burgess Inside Mr Enderby in Complete Enderby (2002) 65: This here’s my fist [...] You’ll get it straight in the moosh, straight up you will.at mush, n.2
1963 A. Burgess Inside Mr Enderby in Complete Enderby (2002) 70: ‘Have you got a bob you can let me have’ [...] ‘Not a sausage [...] I blued it all on booze’.at sausage, n.
1963 A. Burgess Inside Mr Enderby in Complete Enderby (2002) 65: This here’s my fist [...] You’ll get it straight in the moosh, straight up you will.at straight up, adv.
1963 A. Burgess Inside Mr Enderby in Complete Enderby (2002) 69: There were criminal-looking coppers there, with wide-boy tashes.at tash, n.
1963 A. Burgess Inside Mr Enderby in Complete Enderby (2002) 73: Coming [...] half a tick.at tick, n.4
1963 A. Burgess Inside Mr Enderby in Complete Enderby (2002) 69: There were criminal-looking coppers there, with wide-boy tashes.at wide-boy (n.) under wide, adj.
1968 A. Burgess Enderby Outside in Complete Enderby (2002) 341: All right [...] you win. Take your ackers.at acker, n.1
1968 A. Burgess Enderby Outside in Complete Enderby (2002) 266: I suppose you’ll be sleeping in your shirt or in the altogether.at altogether, the, n.
1968 A. Burgess Enderby Outside in Complete Enderby (2002) 365: Got it this morning on the talkbox, in the near-and-far.at near and far, n.
1968 A. Burgess Enderby Outside in Complete Enderby (2002) 365: Laid out, brad, in some arsee plum-and-apple in the Smoke.at plum and apple, n.
1968 A. Burgess Enderby Outside in Complete Enderby (2002) 303: The gobblers leave it strictly on the old antonio.at on the antonio under antonio, n.
1968 A. Burgess Enderby Outside in Complete Enderby (2002) 305: Little stoshny [? = stash] I got up this street of a thousand arseholes.at arsehole, n.
1968 A. Burgess Enderby Outside in Complete Enderby (2002) 302: And this is you on it [i.e. a passport] and the whole thing donk and not one little bit gritty. The genuine, and you ready to ash it up.at ash, v.
1968 A. Burgess Enderby Outside in Complete Enderby (2002) 327: The man at the blackboard had just finished writing Hot kitchens of his ass.at ass, n.
1968 A. Burgess Enderby Outside in Complete Enderby (2002) 298: If anybody else wants to go, I’ll have to tell them to let it bake until we get to Marrakesh.at bake it (v.) under bake, v.1
1968 A. Burgess Enderby Outside in Complete Enderby (2002) 297: She’s going on about you being a dangerous criminal, which sounds to me like a load of balls.at balls, n.
1968 A. Burgess Enderby Outside in Complete Enderby (2002) 362: Left the whole bimbang kadoozer to you then has he, brad?at whole bang shoot, n.
1968 A. Burgess Enderby Outside in Complete Enderby (2002) 300: Slops out. Here’s your skilly, you horrible murderer, you. Snout-barons.at baron, n.
1968 A. Burgess Enderby Outside in Complete Enderby (2002) 302: Your name I know but I won’t blart it.at blart, v.
1968 A. Burgess Enderby Outside in Complete Enderby (2002) 302: Had to blow, see the great wide open.at blow, v.1
1968 A. Burgess Enderby Outside in Complete Enderby (2002) 304: The Yank junks go bonko for it.at bonkers, adj.
1968 A. Burgess Enderby Outside in Complete Enderby (2002) 302: Fifty or so miles from the capital, boojie little rathole.at bourgie, adj.
1968 A. Burgess Enderby Outside in Complete Enderby (2002) 304: Call it what you like, brad.at brad, n.3
1968 A. Burgess Enderby Outside in Complete Enderby (2002) 361: You sure he’s footed the old garbage-can proper?.at kick the bucket, v.
1968 A. Burgess Enderby Outside in Complete Enderby (2002) 335: Now bugger off and buy yourself a shave.at bugger off, v.