Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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The Tommyknockers choose

Quotation Text

[US] S. King Tommyknockers 181: You’re right, it really is the best thing I’ve ever written, but it’s still your basic oat opera.
at oat opera (n.) under oat, n.1
[US] S. King Tommyknockers (1989) 232: But look! Neat-o, huh? Awesome!
at awesome!, excl.
[US] S. King Tommyknockers (1989) 176: Just to keep from going batshit with the noise, I keep up with them.
at batshit, adj.
[US] S. King Tommyknockers (1989) 292: Hilly’s doped off again. His eyes are open, but ...
at doped, adj.
[US] S. King Tommyknockers (1989) 343: He had spoken one phrase quite clearly: ‘All the G.I. Joes’.
at GI Joe (n.) under GI, adj.
[US] S. King Tommyknockers (1989) 218: They smoked reefer and ‘did the horizontal bop’ almost every weekday afternoon.
at horizontal dancing (n.) under horizontal, adj.
[US] S. King Tommyknockers (1989) 10: Looky ’yere, Huck.
at huck, n.
[US] S. King Tommyknockers (1989) 100: Jag-drinkers frequently come off their binges deeply depressed.
at jag, n.1
[US] S. King Tommyknockers (1989) 160: I was sitting on the jakes.
at jakes, n.1
[US] S. King Tommyknockers (1989) 84: Jesus-jumped-up-fiddling-Christ!
at Jesus!, excl.
[US] S. King Tommyknockers (1989) 123: The huge brainless grin of a KO’d fighter just before his knees come unhinged.
at k.o., v.1
[US] S. King Tommyknockers (1989) 232: But look! Neat-o, huh?
at neato, adj.
[US] S. King Tommyknockers (1989) 348: Listening intently as his father yarned.
at yarn, v.
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