Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Make A Skyf, Man! choose

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[SA] H. Strachan Make A Skyf, Man! 161: Let no liberal come to a bloubaadjie with condescension. [...] Let the Prisons Board come to this bloubaadjie, the former mayor of Pretoria [etc.].
at bloubaadjie (n.) under blou, adj.
[SA] H. Strachan Make A Skyf, Man! 92: Besides, however urgent it may be to get to Durbs and get me shut up again, they’ve had only one small piece of sausage each, with one roll.
at Durbs, n.
[SA] H. Strachan Make A Skyf, Man! 84: I was poep-scared man, with no idea of where I might end up.
at poep-scared, adj.
[SA] H. Strachan Make A Skyf, Man! 47: The Mandela plan [...] which envisaged numberless small local ANC cells, and an always-replaceable local leadership, so that all the prisons of the country could be propvol.
at propvol, adj.
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