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Campbell Bunk choose

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[UK] (con. 1920s) J. White ‘Campbell Bunk’ in History Workshop 26: A rich veing of slang which harked back to an older London street culture [...] Words which were not current in ordinary working-class speech [...] chockers (boots) .
at chockers, n.
[UK] (con. 1920s) J. White ‘Campbell Bunk’ in History Workshop 26: A rich vein of slang which harked back to an older London street culture [...] Words which were not current in ordinary working-class speech [...] crampy - and umpty - (money is scarce) .
at crampy, adj.
[UK] (con. 1920s) J. White ‘Campbell Bunk’ in History Workshop 26: A rich vein of slang which harked back to an older London street culture [...] Words which were not current in ordinary working-class speech [...] crocus-lay (quack doctoring) .
at crocus (metallorum), n.
[UK] (con. 1920s) J. White ‘Campbell Bunk’ in History Workshop 26: A rich veing of slang which harked back to an older London street culture [...] Words which were not current in ordinary working-class speech [...] flowery (lodging) .
at flowery (dell), n.
[UK] (con. 1920s) J. White ‘Campbell Bunk’ in History Workshop 17: Gamblers would also pay boys to stand on street corners on the watch for piolicemen - ‘dogging out’ they called it.
at dog out (v.) under dog, v.1
[UK] (con. 1920s) J. White ‘Campbell Bunk’ in History Workshop 26: Besides the occasional back-slang (police were 'slops' or 'ecilops') and the usually abbreviated rhyming slang (a Greek, for example, was a ‘bubble’ — bubble-and-squeak), were words and phrases from those traditions which helped make up the Bunk.
at esclop, n.
[UK] (con. 1920s) J. White ‘Campbell Bunk’ in History Workshop 17: In the early 1920s [...] He would exploit these verbal talents in selling ‘funkem’ [...] an innocuous mixture of lavender and bran in little envelopes which he’d sell door-to-door.
at funkum, n.
[UK] (con. 1920s) J. White ‘Campbell Bunk’ in History Workshop 23: The junction of Paddington Street and Campbell Road became [...] a focus for the eveing life of the ‘hounds’, the Bunk’s street-corner men.
at hound, n.
[UK] (con. 1920s) J. White ‘Campbell Bunk’ in History Workshop 26: A rich vein of slang which harked back to an older London street culture [...] Words which were not current in ordinary working-class speech [...] kennedy (cosh) .
at kennedy, n.
[UK] (con. 1920s) J. White ‘Campbell Bunk’ in History Workshop 26: A rich vein of slang which harked back to an older London street culture [...] Words which were not current in ordinary working-class speech [...] show out (make a sign) .
at show out, v.2
[UK] (con. 1920s) J. White ‘Campbell Bunk’ in History Workshop 26: A rich vein of slang which harked back to an older london street culture [...] Words which were not current in ordinary working-class speech [...] shant (glass of beer) .
at shant, n.
[UK] (con. 1920s) J. White ‘Campbell Bunk’ in History Workshop 21: The provision dealers gave credit - ‘going on the strap’ or ‘strapping it’ - it was called.
at strap, v.2
[UK] (con. 1920s) J. White ‘Campbell Bunk’ in History Workshop 26: A rich vein of slang which harked back to an older London street culture [...] Words which were not current in ordinary working-class speech [...] crampy - and umpty - (money is scarce) .
at umpty, adj.
[UK] (con. 1920s) J. White ‘Campbell Bunk’ in History Workshop 26: A rich vein of slang which harked back to an older London street culture [...] Words which were not current in ordinary working-class speech [...] yossel (Jew).
at yossel, n.
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