1899 A.H. Lewis Sandburrs 188: D’ fam’ly was on d’ hog for fair when Bridgy gets there. [Ibid.] 288: His ratty eyes—one of ’em on d’ hog, as I states.at on the hog (train) under hog, n.
1900 A.H. Lewis ‘Politics’ in Sandburrs 97: I cops a sneak on d’ door, side-steps d’ outfit.at cop a sneak (v.) under cop a..., v.
1900 A.H. Lewis ‘Politics’ Sandburrs 96: I’m Dutch if he don’t up an’ sink his hooks in it.at I’m a Dutchman, phr.
1900 A.H. Lewis ‘Mollie Matches’ in Sandburrs 48: D’ old woman [...] stood d’ acid all right.at stand the acid (v.) under acid, n.2
1900 A.H. Lewis ‘The Humming Bird’ in Sandburrs 26: Youse put a poor sucker in d’ dark hole, an’ be d’ end of ten hours it’s apples to ashes he ain’t onto it whether he’s been in a day or a week.at apples to ashes (n.) under apple, n.1
1900 A.H. Lewis ‘The Wedding’ in Sandburrs 176: D’ priest is goin’ to bat an’ says, ‘Is there any duck here to give d’ bride away?’.at go to bat (v.) under bat, v.
1900 A.H. Lewis ‘Politics’ in Sandburrs 93: You can gamble your socks me friends is a flossy bunch.at bet one’s boots (v.) under bet, v.
1900 A.H. Lewis ‘Short Creek Dave’ Sandburrs 73: I now introdooces to you a gent who is liable to be as good a preacher as ever thumps a Bible.at bible-thumper (n.) under bible, n.
1900 A.H. Lewis ‘Crime That Failed’ in Sandburrs 81: There was a hay-mow full of money in that bin!at bin, n.
1900 A.H. Lewis ‘The Humming Bird’ in Sandburrs 27: ‘The Humming Bird?’ I persisted. ‘What is it like?’ [...] dey sets him in d’ trough, like I says, wit’ mebby its eight inches of water in it. [...] A sawbones gets him be d’ pulse, an’ one of them ’lectrical sriffs t’rows a wire, which is one end of d’ battery, in d’ water. D’ wire, which is d’ other end, finishes in a wet sponge. An’ say! hully hell! when dey touches a poor mark wit’ d’ sponge end on d’ shoulder, or mebby d’ elbow, it completes d’ circuit, see!at humming bird, n.
1900 A.H. Lewis ‘The Humming Bird’ in Sandburrs 27: ‘The Humming Bird?’ I persisted. ‘What is it like?’ [...] It’s d’ same t’ing as d’ chair at Sing Sing, only not so warm.at humming bird, n.
1900 A.H. Lewis ‘The Wedding’ in Sandburrs 173: She has him on d’blink from d’jump.at on the blink (adj.) under blink, n.1
1900 A.H. Lewis ‘Politics’ in Sandburrs 93: I’m goin to begin my money-bonin’ be givin’ a dinner.at bone, v.1
1900 A.H. Lewis ‘The Humming Bird’ in Sandburrs 26: If it wasn’t for d’ hop I shoots into him wit’ a dandy little hypodermic gun [...] he’d be in the booby house.at booby house (n.) under booby, n.1
1900 A.H. Lewis ‘Humming Bird’ Sandburrs 27: Foist dey shucks d’ mark – peel off his make-up down to d’ buff.at buff, n.1
1900 A.H. Lewis ‘Skinny Mike’s Unwisdom’ in Sandburrs 243: I ought to give myself up to d’ p’lice [...] an’ ast ’em to put me in Bloomin’dale or some other bug house.at bughouse, n.
1900 A.H. Lewis ‘Crime That Failed’ in Sandburrs 81: It was d’ bummest finish, all d’ same.at bum, adj.
1900 A.H. Lewis ‘Crime That Failed’ in Sandburrs 82: D’ old loidy lands wit’ bot’ her trilbys, though; d’ bank chunks her a bundle of fly-paper.at bundle, n.1
1900 A.H. Lewis ‘Mollie Matches’ in Sandburrs 44: It was lonesome over me joint [...] wit’ me Bundle chased over to do her reg’lar anyooal confession to d’ priest.at bundle, n.1
1900 A.H. Lewis ‘The Rat’ in Sandburrs 112: I’m goin’ to chew, come wit’ me an’ feed your face. D’ treat’s on me.at chew, v.
1900 A.H. Lewis ‘Hamilton Finnerty’s Heart’ in Sandburrs 66: He did naught but chew the rag.at chew the rag, v.
1900 A.H. Lewis ‘Crime That Failed’ in Sandburrs 81: He sprints for d’ nearest p’lice station at a 40 clip.at clip, n.3
1900 A.H. Lewis ‘Mulberry Mary’ in Sandburrs 11: She [...] boins all d’air off her cocoa doin’ it.at coco, n.1
1900 A.H. Lewis ‘Wagon Mound Sal’ in Sandburrs 149: She confides to me cold that she’s anxious to make a weddin’ of it.at cold, adv.
1900 A.H. Lewis ‘Politics’ Sandburrs 93: I’m rattled, wit’ all d’ glasses an’ dishes an’ d’ lights overhead. But I’m cooney all d’ same.at coon, adj.
1900 A.H. Lewis ‘The Garrote’ in Sandburrs 132: A cop shows up an’ lays it out cold if d’ Face don’t cork, he’ll pinch him.at cork, v.1
1900 A.H. Lewis Sandburrs 81: Not one of ’em coughs on me, an’ me name ain’t never in it.at cough, v.