at A-1, adj.
at eat shit (and die)!, excl.
at ape-ass (n.) under ape, n.
at ...a three-dollar bill under queer as..., adj.
at dead-ass, adv.1
at drag-ass, adj.
at red ass, n.
at with bells on under bell, n.1
at bitching, adj.
at blowhole, n.
at shit for brains, phr.
at bushwhacked, adj.
at cage, n.
at cork out (v.) under cork, v.1
at crock, n.1
at wet dream, n.
at dumbshit, n.
at fart-sack (n.) under fart, n.
at Mary Fist, n.
at flash the hash (v.) under flash, v.1
at fruit salad, n.1
at fruit, n.
at gut-buster (n.) under gut, n.
at gutless wonder (n.) under gutless, adj.
at hang, v.4
at hang (it) easy! (excl.) under hang, v.4
at -happy, sfx
at heller (n.) under hell, n.
at heller (n.) under hell, n.
at hoist, v.
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