1996 S. Maloney Brush-Off (1998) 68: He had a bracket like a Borgia pontiff in a Titian portrait.at bracket, n.
1996 S. Maloney Brush-Off (1998) 72: Nobody gave a flying continental about academic results.at continental, n.
1996 S. Maloney Brush-Off (1998) 68: I could have eaten a nun’s bum through a cane chair.at could eat a baby’s arse through the bars of a cot under eat, v.
1996 S. Maloney Brush-Off (1998) 52: Isn’t it time that someone else got a fair suck of the sausage?at fair suck of the sav under fair, adj.
1996 S. Maloney Brush-Off (1998) 105: There’s even a school of thought that [...] the note [was] just a circumstantial furphy.at furphy, n.
1996 S. Maloney Brush-Off (1998) 133: Faye also wanted the good oil on the Cabinet reshuffle.at good oil (n.) under good, adj.1
1996 S. Maloney Brush-Off (1998) 286: Ken would start to go through my pockets and find what I had in my Reg Grundys.at Reg Grundys, n.
1996 S. Maloney Brush-Off (1998) 86: An overfilled garbage bag, a little on the nose in the heat.at on the nose under nose, n.
1996 S. Maloney Brush-Off (1998) 154: He’s also engaging in a bit of mutual pocket pissing with Max Karlin.at piss in someone’s pocket (v.) under piss, v.
1996 S. Maloney Brush-Off (1998) 81: You thrash about sucking in air and fill your plumbing with froth and foam until you choke.at plumbing, n.
1996 S. Maloney Brush-Off (1998) 105: A policy crisis, accusations of pork barrelling, being caught misleading parliament.at pork barrel (n.) under pork, n.
1996 S. Maloney Brush-Off (1998) 151: They were sharpies, an amorphous tribe of terrifying reputation, precursors to the skinheads [...] they were less a gang than an attitude of casual violence looking for something to happen.at sharpie, n.2
1996 S. Maloney Brush-Off (1998) 162: The Members’ carpark was where the silvertails held their chicken and champers picnics.at silvertail, n.