Green’s Dictionary of Slang
S.A. Mathews ‘Dialogue between Uncoo Cudjoe & Buddy Quow’ in Willshire Squeeze 80: Dis yaw time no tan lek biffo – bockra wok muse bruck ee backra, n.
S.A. Mathews Willshire Squeeze 30: And with bent knees, said if you please, / ’Tis six bits and a half [...] A bit is the twelth-part of a bit, n.1
S.A. Mathews ‘Dialogue between Uncoo Cudjoe & Buddy Quow’ in Willshire Squeeze 80: Den ee tun ee hed, ee say aw, buddy, aw no bin yerry so, awee in kum look pun um buddy, n.
S.A. Mathews Willshire Squeeze 23: One suck’d his thumbs, two scratch’ their bum, n.1
S.A. Mathews ‘Dialogue between Uncoo Cudjoe & Buddy Quow’ in Willshire Squeeze 80: Aw you see um so, ee face wosser more an chat, ee tun ee hed, ee cut ee yie, ee say clebber, cut eye, v.1
S.A. Mathews Willshire Squeeze 31: Pepper and limes, and salt sometimes, / Cost four dogs more. [...] A bit is the twelfth-part of a dollar, and 6 dogs is a dog, n.3
S.A. Mathews ‘Sayings of the Negroes’ in Willshire Squeeze 78: A black dog (a penny half-penny) buys trouble, and a hundred pound can’t clear you of dog, n.3
S.A. Mathews Willshire Squeeze 14: Joes and doubloons from purse / Were tumbled joe, n.3
S.A. Mathews ‘Dialogue between Uncoo Cudjoe & Buddy Quow’ in Willshire Squeeze 80: You no yerry say Sissy Quasheba hab quashiba, n.
S.A. Mathews ‘Dialogue between Uncoo Cudjoe & Buddy Quow’ in Willshire Squeeze 80: Ee say von foo quatter fo sisy bit an a haf, turrer quatter foo sisy bit and fower dog; put sisy an a haf pun sisy bit an fower dog, ee mno mek donner two bit and tre dog?at quattie, n.
S.A. Mathews Willshire Squeeze 31: I’ll bet ten joes, before he goes, / I squeeze the Yankey squeeze, v.
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