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Casey & Co. choose

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[SA] Casey ‘Kid’ Motsisi ‘Beedee Stuff’ Casey and Co. (1978) 24: He knows a guy who deals Beedee (back door) stuff who can sell me clothes real cheap.
at beedee, adj.
[SA] Casey ‘Kid’ Motsisi ‘Mattress’ Casey and Co. (1978) 18: The more I look at the Bible-swinging preacher the more I’m convinced I saw him drinking like a fish at Aunt Peggy’s shebeen. [...] Some woman whom I reckon is Mr Bible-Swinger’s illegally married wifey.
at bible-thumper (n.) under bible, n.
[SA] Casey ‘Kid’ Motsisi ‘Kid Hangover’ Casey and Co. (1978) 14: There’s enough booze to keep Mr Khruschev blotto for weeks on end.
at blotto, adj.
[SA] Casey ‘Kid’ Motsisi ‘Kid Hangover’ Casey and Co. (1978) 15: I’m being surrounded by a batch of gum-chewing cherries.
at cherry, n.1
[SA] Casey ‘Kid’ Motsisi ‘Kid Hangover’ Casey and Co. (1978) 15: I could do with some hooch. But I know that midnite party hooch is always ‘doctored’ with methylated spirits.
at hooch, n.1
[SA] Casey ‘Kid’ Motsisi ‘Beedee Stuff’ Casey and Co. (1978) 25: One of them kaplonks me on the head.
at kaplunk!, excl.
[SA] Casey ‘Kid’ Motsisi ‘Mattress’ Casey and Co. (1978) 18: Some woman whom I reckon is Mr Bible-Swinger’s illegally married wifey.
at Mr, n.
[SA] Casey ‘Kid’ Motsisi ‘Kid Cucumber’ Casey and Co. (1978) 21: He’s pickled with booze.
at pickled, adj.
[SA] Casey ‘Kid’ Motsisi ‘Mattress’ Casey and Co. (1978) 20: I shoot the bolt home and make for bed.
at shoot one’s bolt (v.) under shoot, v.
[SA] Casey ‘Kid’ Motsisi ‘Beedee Stuff’ Casey and Co. (1978) 24: I slug my drink and tell Bill my recentest raw deal.
at slug, v.1
[SA] Casey ‘Kid’ Motsisi ‘Kid Hangover’ Casey and Co. (1978) 16: He can pay me back the three quid I loaned him so’s I can pay Aunt Peggy for the ‘straights’ I got on tick.
at straight, n.1
[SA] Casey ‘Kid’ Motsisi ‘Mattress’ Casey and Co. (1978) 18: Some woman whom I reckon is Mr Bible-Swinger’s illegally married wifey.
at wifey, n.
[SA] Casey ‘Kid’ Motsisi ‘Kid Playboy’ Casey and Co. (1978) 27: The bright boys over there have turned the place into a gunsmoke and knife-happy township.
at -happy, sfx
[SA] Casey ‘Kid’ Motsisi ‘Kid Newspapers’ Casey and Co. (1978) 27: The potato boycott is affecting the shebeen queens, seeing as some of the concoctions they brew call for potato jackets boiled with horse lungs.
at shebeen queen (n.) under shebeen, n.
[SA] Casey ‘Kid’ Motsisi ‘Chance Encounters’ Casey and Co. (1978) 49: This guy [...] should have his brain pan examined.
at brainpan (n.) under brain, n.1
[SA] Casey ‘Kid’ Motsisi ‘Confessions of an Illicit Boozer’ Casey and Co. (1978) 65: I was able to raise the needed five pounds spot fine lest Stan spend the weekend in the chookie.
at chokey, n.
[SA] Casey ‘Kid’ Motsisi ‘Kid Booze’ Casey and Co. (1978) 47: The guy who decides to marry his ‘vat en sit’ girl after a donkey’s age.
at vat en sit, n.
[SA] Casey ‘Kid’ Motsisi ‘Kid Booze’ Casey and Co. (1978) 47: Their meeting place was always Aunt Peggy’s joint or some such hooch-hive.
at hooch-hive (n.) under hooch, n.1
[SA] Casey ‘Kid’ Motsisi in Casey and Co. (1978) 47: He [...] made a compromise — to drink only K.B., including the other homemade concoctions which are calculated to make you Nagasaky only after putting as little as a jam tin’s amount under your belt.
at k.b., n.2
[SA] Casey ‘Kid’ Motsisi ‘Kid Malalapipe’ Casey and Co. (1978) 44: This pal of mine Kid Malalapipe – which means a guy of no fixed abode.
at malalapipe, n.
[SA] Casey ‘Kid’ Motsisi ‘Chance Encounters’ Casey and Co. (1978) 49: Torch singer Thoko (‘A foggy day in London Town’) Mgcina took me out for a solid and liquid lunch.
at torch song (n.) under torch, n.
[SA] Casey ‘Kid’ Motsisi ‘Kid Malalapipe’ Casey and Co. (1978) 45: I begin to get the whim-whams when the fact hits me square in the face that Kid Malalapipe is not working.
at whim-wham, n.
[SA] Casey ‘Kid’ Motsisi ‘Mita’ Casey and Co. (1978) 74: You keep that babalaas bek of yours shut before I bash it in with this pot.
at babalaas, n.
[SA] Casey ‘Kid’ Motsisi ‘Mita’ Casey and Co. (1978) 73: Ma Tladi, one of the yard’s shebeen queens.
at shebeen queen (n.) under shebeen, n.
[SA] Casey ‘Kid’ Motsisi ‘Mita’ Casey and Co. (1978) 76: ‘Ja, Thomas, you tickey-line,’ Sponono said. Thomas looked up at his old flame, nodded his head and said, ‘Hiya, Spo.’.
at tickey-line (n.) under tickey, n.
[SA] Casey ‘Kid’ Motsisi ‘Mita’ Casey and Co. (1978) 72: Boike is dead. The tsotsis stabbed him.
at tsotsi, n.
[SA] Casey ‘Kid’ Motsisi ‘Kid Vat en Sit’ Casey and Co. (1978) 56: He has a nipinyana of ‘madolo’ [...] which he buys from Bra Victor at the bottle store.
at bra, n.
[SA] Casey ‘Kid’ Motsisi ‘Kid Vat en Sit’ Casey and Co. (1978) 56: He has a nipinyana of ‘madolo’ which is the name non-voters prefer to call wine.
at madolo, n.
[SA] Casey ‘Kid’ Motsisi ‘Kid Fall’ Casey and Co. (1978) 52: He has a few slugs of mahog.
at mahog, n.
[SA] Casey ‘Kid’ Motsisi ‘Kid Haja’ Casey and Co. (1978) 58: The most unexpected thing the everloving does is to dip her hand between her breasts and when this hand surfaces, it is holding this two R.
at ever-loving, n.
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