Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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[US] in Nation LII 414/3: The secret bulletin [...] has extensively circulated among the Knights of Kadosh and the Most Worshipful Mug-Wumps of the Cabletow [DA].
at mugwump, n.
[US] Nation Vol. I n.p.: Look at those fellows now! . . . ain’t they a ‘penny ante’ lookin’ lot.
at penny ante, adj.
[US] Nation I 586: His manners and conversation, showed him to be a good deal above that class commonly called ‘low-down, trifflin’ people,’ or poor white trash [DA].
at lowdown, adj.
[US] Nation I 586: His manners and conversation, showed him to be a good deal above that class commonly called ‘low-down, triflin’ people,’ or poor white trash [DA].
at triflin’, adj.
[US] Nation 30 May 432/2: The true ‘shout’ takes place on Sundays or on ‘praise’ nights through the week [DA].
at shout, n.
[US] Nation July 57/1: To be ‘bushed’ was to be tired [DA].
at bushed, adj.
[US] Nation 30 June 411/2: We have been forcibly struck with the number of encounters, [...] knock-downs, drag-outs [DA].
at drag-out, n.
[US] Nation 6 Jan. 1/1: The opposition candidate for the Speakership, [...] in the opinion of the bystanders, ‘sold out’ to his competitor [DA].
at sell out, v.
[US] Nation 26 284/1: He had ‘to go light on Fairchild’ and ‘lam it into Hayes’.
at lam (it) into (v.) under lam, v.1
[US] Nation 5 Oct. 276/2: A corporation like the Pennsylvania Railroad must protect itself against loss through ‘scalping’ [DA].
at scalping (n.) under scalp, v.1
[US] Nation 5 Oct. 276: With the constant quarrel between railroads and scalpers, passengers have nothing to do [F&H].
at scalper (n.) under scalp, v.1
[US] Nation 16 Aug. 132/1: ‘The Street’ begins to play a larger and larger part in the financial world, owing to the enormous amounts of American capital it holds and of foreign capital it distributes [DA].
at Street, The, n.
[US] Nation 10 May 375/1: The strongest men in the party cannot be nominated, because they are hateful to the Blaine faction, and are certain to be knifed in the Convention in case Blaine does not get the nomination [DA].
at knife, v.
[US] Nation 49 68: An obscure Cork Orangeman named Wilson, for whose opinions on the question [...] nobody would give what the Duke of Wellington used to call ‘a tuppenny damn’.
at not give a tuppenny damn, v.
[US] Nation LXIII 485/1: Senator Wolcott has just come back from Canton in high feather. In fact, everybody who comes back from Canton is in high feather.
at in high feather under feather, n.
[US] Nation 3 Dec. 417/2: The question now coming up is whether this feature of our banking system can be amended without giving the field to wildcats [DA].
at wildcat, n.
[US] E.W. Hopkins ‘Ancient Monuments of the Deccan’ in Nation 1 Apr. 240/2: The Sa’b now lights a trichy, to measure by its ash how long it will take somebody to do something.
at Trichy, n.
[US] Nation 4 Oct. LXXI 270/1: A common slang among American soldiers for the word ‘credit’ is ‘jawbone’ [DA].
at jawbone, n.2
[US] (con. 1850s) Nation 73 413/3: The expression ‘Don’t Balahack it now,’ seems familiar too [DARE].
at balahack, v.
[US] Nation 17 Mar. 202: Writing of the ‘Jim Crow’ bills now before the Maryland Legislature, the Cardinal expressed his strong opposition [DA].
at Jim Crow, adj.
[US] Nation 22 Feb. 149: ‘Don’t honey-fugle,’ he advised the committee, ‘but go to the bottom in any way possible’ [DA].
at honeyfugle, v.
[US] Nation 29 June 687/3: Because he was a man of Wilson’s type, temperamentally and intellectually, he was exposed to that vice of ‘pussy-footing’ which will account for all our Ills.
at pussyfooting, adj.
[US] Nation 1 Oct. n.p.: The price boosters, the gougers who are making fortunes on war prices, are forcing the predicted famine [DA].
at gouger, n.
[US] in Nation 10 July 36: The Haitians in whose service the United States Marines are supposedly in Haiti are nicknamed ‘Gooks’ and have been treated with every variety of contempt.
at gook, n.3
[US] Nation 31 Oct. 487: In winter, when building is at a standstill in the North, northern workmen, ‘snow birds’ or ‘white doves’ in Negro parlance, flock south [DA].
at snow bird, n.1
[US] Nation 21 Nov. 570: We are not much impressed with the desireability of organizations specially formed to fight the ‘Kluxers’ [DA].
at klucker, n.
[US] Nation 29 Aug. 217: Send it to The Nation, where it will reach people who need to understand the Wob [DA].
at wob, n.
[US] Nation 4 Sept. 239: The ‘goon squad,’ as it is commonly called, consists of at least twenty picked thugs and ex-convicts.
at goon squad (n.) under goon, n.1
[US] Nation 7 Jan. 27: His vote against Jim Crowism.
at Jim Crow, n.
[US] Nation CLX II 17: The kind of deal the British have in mind is not, therefore, totally inconceivable [DA].
at deal, n.1
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