1917 Wodehouse et al. Oh Boy! [musical] Don’t be ridic. Come and join the party and be a little ray of sunshine.at ridic, adj.
1950 Oh Boy! No. 13 8: Welcome back to the King of the Clots, Drip of the Droops – Stuporman!at droop, n.
1954 Oh Boy! No. 21 3: Phew! That was a narrow squeak!! I wonder if the blighter saw me bale out.at blighter, n.
1954 Oh Boy! No. 20 10: Dig dirt chum. I think I want a word with that speed agent.at dig dirt (v.) under dig, v.1
1954 Oh Boy! No. 20 9: You’re lucky I don’t feed yuh lead, Pop. I want yuh to live to tell ’em I’m plenty tough. Yeah!at feed someone lead (v.) under lead, n.
1954 Oh Boy! No. 23 10: Pin back your lug’oles, Folks!at pin back one’s lugholes (v.) under lughole, n.