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Helldiver Squadron choose

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[US] R. Olds Helldiver Squadron 69: In the rear seat [...] was Sam (Gunner) Kelly [...] for whom the patrol had been, as he told Dale, ‘one hell of a bone.’.
at bone, n.8
[US] R. Olds Helldiver Squadron 151: A hot exchange nearly ending in a knockdown fight ensued.
at knock-down, adj.
[US] R. Olds Helldiver Squadron 69: I’m fighting! Shoot you bastards! You’re faded!
at fade, v.2
[US] R. Olds Helldiver Squadron 227: McFarlane nabbed a Betty coming in from patrol. One pass sent the Jap tumbling into the sea.
at nab, v.1
[US] R. Olds Helldiver Squadron 78: One of the Hornet vets was Lieutenant Harold (Nig) White, a giant from Florence, South Carolina, and former all-American football star [...] Nig, with a big grin on his face, was walking toward Moe.
at nig, n.2
[US] R. Olds Helldiver Squadron 147: The Chaplain announced over the squawk box that the enemy had discovered the identity of the carrier.
at squawk-box (n.) under squawk, n.
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