1913–14 E. O’Neill The Web in Ten ‘Lost’ Plays (1995) 57: Git dat kid out of here or I’ll put yuh in the cooler as sure as hell.at sure as hell under sure as..., phr.
1913–14 E. O’Neill Warnings in Ten ‘Lost’ Plays (1995) 83: Why don’t you ball out Pop?at bawl out, v.1
1913–14 E. O’Neill Warnings in Ten ‘Lost’ Plays (1995) 74: I declare, a body can’t have a moment’s peace in this house with you children all the time wranglin’ and fightin’.at body, n.
1913–14 E. O’Neill The Web in Ten ‘Lost’ Plays (1995) 54: D’yuh think I’m a simp to be gittin’ yuh protection and keepin’ the bulls from runnin’ yuh in.at bull, n.5
1913–14 E. O’Neill The Web in Ten ‘Lost’ Plays (1995) 53: Aw, shut up! Yuh make me sick with dat line of bull.at line of bull (n.) under bull, n.6
1913–14 E. O’Neill The Web in Ten ‘Lost’ Plays (1995) 64: Yuh tell ’em yuh don’t know anything about me, see? Give ’em a bum steer.at bum steer (n.) under bum, adj.
1913–14 E. O’Neill The Web in Ten ‘Lost’ Plays (1995) 52: In appearance he is a typical ‘cadet,’ flashily dressed.at cadet, n.
1913–14 E. O’Neill Warnings in Ten ‘Lost’ Plays (1995) 77: Mind you don’t wake the baby with your carryings-on.at carrying-on, n.
1913 E. O’Neill A Wife for Life in Ten ‘Lost’ Plays (1995) 4: Now me and money never could get on noway. They cleaned me out in Lawson this time and I reckon they’ll clean me again the next time.at clean out, v.
1913–14 E. O’Neill The Web in Ten ‘Lost’ Plays (1995) 61: I went to a doc about a month ago. He told me I had the ‘con’ and had it bad.at con, n.2
1913–14 E. O’Neill The Web in Ten ‘Lost’ Plays (1995) 57: Git dat kid out of here or I’ll put yuh in the cooler as sure as hell.at cooler, n.
1913–14 E. O’Neill The Web in Ten ‘Lost’ Plays (1995) 62: They got me and this time I went to the coop fur five years.at coop, n.1
1913–14 E. O’Neill The Web in Ten ‘Lost’ Plays (1995) 58: There, there, Kid, cut the cryin’.at cut, v.4
1913–14 E. O’Neill The Web in Ten ‘Lost’ Plays (1995) 57: But yuh wouldn’t have me pinched, would yuh, Steve? Yuh wouldn’t do me dirt like that?at do dirt to someone (v.) under dirt, n.
1913–14 E. O’Neill The Web in Ten ‘Lost’ Plays (1995) 53: Who said I was chasin’ any dolls?at doll, n.1
1913–14 E. O’Neill The Web in Ten ‘Lost’ Plays (1995) 56: A fine mother you are and dis is a swell dump to bring up a family in.at dump, n.3
1913–14 E. O’Neill The Web in Ten ‘Lost’ Plays (1995) 58: If yuh bother this goil again I’ll fix yuh and fix yuh right. D’yuh get me?at fix, v.1
1913–14 E. O’Neill Recklessness in Ten ‘Lost’ Plays (1995) 134: You know when you’re here we’re always on the go.at on the go under go, n.1
1913–14 E. O’Neill Warnings in Ten ‘Lost’ Plays (1995) 79: You ought to be ashamed of yourself, you big gump.at gump, n.1
1913–14 E. O’Neill Recklessness in Ten ‘Lost’ Plays (1995) 139: Tell me you lie, damn you, or I’ll choke you to hell.at to (high) hell (adv.) under hell, n.
1913–14 E. O’Neill The Web in Ten ‘Lost’ Plays (1995) 57: I’ll have yuh pinched and sent to the Island.at Island, the, n.
1913–14 E. O’Neill The Web in Ten ‘Lost’ Plays (1995) 63: What’s it to you?at what’s it to you?, phr.
1913 E. O’Neill A Wife for Life in Ten ‘Lost’ Plays (1995) 6: We’ve taken out hard knocks with the imitation of a laugh.at knock, n.1
1913–14 E. O’Neill The Web in Ten ‘Lost’ Plays (1995) 58: Git outa here, yuh lousy skunk, and stay out!at lousy, adj.
1913 E. O’Neill A Wife for Life in Ten ‘Lost’ Plays (1995) 5: Well, it’s too many for me. I give it up.at too many, adj.
1913–14 E. O’Neill (The Web) in Ten ‘Lost’ Plays (1995) 63: I wanted to give the noise time to blow over.at noise, n.1
1913–14 E. O’Neill The Web in Ten ‘Lost’ Plays (1995) 63: Yuh swear yuh won’t squeal on me?at squeal (on), v.
1913–14 E. O’Neill The Web in Ten ‘Lost’ Plays (1995) 55: Yuh’re half drunk now. And yuh been hittin’ the pipe too; I kin tell by the way your eyes look.at hit the pipe (v.) under pipe, n.1