1938 L. Ortzen Down Donkey Row 75: ‘Oh boy,’ chuckled Perks. ‘This is a bit of all right, eh?’.at bit of all right, a, phr.
1938 L. Ortzen Down Donkey Row 51: Wish they’d hurry up messing around with their deuces and aces.at deuce and ace, n.
1938 L. Ortzen Down Donkey Row 26: Now you see why the crowds came round to help with the bull and cow and get yer away from the splits.at bull and cow, n.
1938 L. Ortzen Down Donkey Row 76: You’re all makin’ a hell of a bull and cow to say yer gonna be quiet.at bull and cow, n.
1938 L. Ortzen Down Donkey Row 165: This perishin’ ’eat put me right orf me Lilley and Skinner.at Lilley (and Skinner), n.
1938 L. Ortzen Down Donkey Row 11: Cuddle and Kiss – Miss; referring to a girl.at cuddle and kiss, n.
1938 L. Ortzen Down Donkey Row 33: The pot and pan’ll give you a bit over for yerselves.at pot and pan, n.
1938 L. Ortzen Down Donkey Row 25: If we walk up the frog an’ toad an’ take tanner bets – it’s dark cells for us.at frog (and toad), n.
1938 L. Ortzen Down Donkey Row 148: I’ve jest bought a new whistle an’ flute.at whistle (and flute), n.
1938 L. Ortzen Down Donkey Row 24: It only cost a pound to start that read and write.at read and write, n.
1938 L. Ortzen Down Donkey Row 115: A bus passed them slowing down. ‘Let’s ’op on this swear and cuss,’ cried Charlie.at swear and curse, n.
1938 L. Ortzen Down Donkey Row 79: ‘My five brothers’ll be home soon’ [...] ‘Five one-anothers. Hell!’ he thought of a sudden.at one another, n.
1938 L. Ortzen Down Donkey Row 108: The Bible-thumpers and ’ymn-singing pooftahs step in and say you’re exploitin’ the public!at bible-thumper (n.) under bible, n.
1938 L. Ortzen Down Donkey Row 107: Yer build up a little business of yer own – and wot ’appens? The big pots come along and smother yer.at big pot, n.
1938 L. Ortzen Down Donkey Row 158: The ’re of the Church ’All for the night is only ’alf a caser.at half-a-caser (n.) under caser, n.1
1938 L. Ortzen Down Donkey Row 267: ‘Wot yer having mates?’ he cried. ‘I’m in the chair!’.at in the chair under chair, n.
1938 L. Ortzen Down Donkey Row 24: It’s a good job I’m around, and there’s some china plates in the street.at china (plate), n.
1938 L. Ortzen Down Donkey Row 145: I puts a slister onter the job. I mean, wot’s the Workman’s Compo Act for?at compo, n.
1938 L. Ortzen Down Donkey Row 139: The fight’s cooked – I kin beat this boy wiv one ’and. I’m backin’ meself [...] but keep it dark.at cook, v.1