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Keep the Aspidistra Flying choose

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[UK] ‘George Orwell’ Keep The Aspidistra Flying (1962) 116: Surely there’s no need to go about looking like a rag-bag?
at rag bag, n.
[UK] ‘George Orwell’ Keep The Aspidistra Flying (1962) 90: This writing business! What b—s it all is!
at ballocks!, excl.
[UK] ‘George Orwell’ Keep The Aspidistra Flying (1962) 32: It was beastly cold.
at beastly, adv.
[UK] ‘George Orwell’ Keep The Aspidistra Flying (1962) 79: The voices were so soggy, so infinitely beery.
at beery (adj.) under beer, n.
[UK] ‘George Orwell’ Keep The Aspidistra Flying (1962) 193: If that man wasn’t too drunk to stand, I’d knock his block off.
at knock someone’s block off (v.) under block, n.1
[UK] ‘George Orwell’ Keep The Aspidistra Flying (1962) 30: Oh, boy! There’s a peach for you!
at oh boy!, excl.
[UK] ‘George Orwell’ Keep The Aspidistra Flying (1962) 225: Gordon waved a foot at the buggy ceiling.
at buggy, adj.1
[UK] ‘George Orwell’ Keep The Aspidistra Flying (1962) 168: He’d spend every penny he had if he felt like it. Ten whole quid to bust!
at bust, v.1
[UK] ‘George Orwell’ Keep The Aspidistra Flying (1962) 28: ‘Hullo, chappie!’ he said blithely.
at chappie, n.
[UK] ‘George Orwell’ Keep The Aspidistra Flying (1962) 105: And of course your char’s gone home.
at char, n.1
[UK] ‘George Orwell’ Keep The Aspidistra Flying (1962) 53: The little docile cit who slips home by the six-fifteen to a supper of cottage pie and stewed tinned pears.
at cit, n.
[UK] ‘George Orwell’ Keep The Aspidistra Flying (1962) 69: There was never anything that could properly be called conversation at all; only the stupid clacking that goes on at parties everywhere.
at clack, n.
[UK] ‘George Orwell’ Keep The Aspidistra Flying (1962) 17: Lawrence was all right, and Joyce even better before he went off his coconut.
at coconut, n.1
[UK] ‘George Orwell’ Keep The Aspidistra Flying (1962) 14: Dust thou art, to dust returnest [...] You’re cold meat, if ever Scotchman was.
at cold meat, n.
[UK] ‘George Orwell’ Keep The Aspidistra Flying (1962) 181: ‘Coming it a bit, aren’t you?’ said the commercial traveller.
at come it, v.1
[UK] ‘George Orwell’ Keep The Aspidistra Flying (1962) 29: Come on down to the Cri and we’ll pinch the barmaid’s bum.
at Cri, the, n.
[UK] ‘George Orwell’ Keep The Aspidistra Flying (1962) 30: ‘So that’s why you’re all dolled up, is it?’ [...] ‘You bet it is, chappie! Coo, what a peach!’.
at dolled up, adj.
[UK] ‘George Orwell’ Keep The Aspidistra Flying (1962) 208: It’s too much fag to shave every day.
at fag, n.2
[UK] ‘George Orwell’ Keep The Aspidistra Flying (1962) 240: He managed to fob her off with something which she said grudgingly she ‘didn’t think she’d had before’.
at fob someone off (v.) under fob, v.
[UK] ‘George Orwell’ Keep The Aspidistra Flying (1962) 9: A gallery of monstrous doll-faces – pink vacuous faces, full of goofy optimism.
at goofy, adj.
[UK] ‘George Orwell’ Keep The Aspidistra Flying (1962) 72: It was queer that a prosperous hack critic like Paul Doring should live in such a place.
at hack, n.1
[UK] ‘George Orwell’ Keep The Aspidistra Flying (1962) 89: It’s a drowsy kind of job. Swapping backchat with old hens.
at hen, n.
[UK] ‘George Orwell’ Keep The Aspidistra Flying (1962) 70: Half of them were those hen-witted middle-aged women.
at hen-headed (adj.) under hen, n.
[UK] ‘George Orwell’ Keep The Aspidistra Flying (1962) 22: Gordon put on his homey library manner.
at homey, adj.
[UK] ‘George Orwell’ Keep The Aspidistra Flying (1962) 11: Q.T. Sauce Keeps Hubby Smiling.
at hubby, n.
[UK] ‘George Orwell’ Keep The Aspidistra Flying (1962) 7: Fivepence halfpenny – twopence halfpenny and a Joey. He paused, took out the miserable little threepenny-bit.
at joey, n.1
[UK] ‘George Orwell’ Keep The Aspidistra Flying (1962) 17: Mangy little snob.
at mangy, adj.
[UK] ‘George Orwell’ Keep The Aspidistra Flying (1962) 250: Christ, what muck! But of course it was an American paper. The Americans always go one better on any kinds of beastliness.
at muck, n.1
[UK] ‘George Orwell’ Keep The Aspidistra Flying (1962) 17: A youth of twenty, cherry-lipped, with gilded hair, tripped Nancifully in.
at nancifully (adv.) under nancy, n.
[UK] ‘George Orwell’ Keep The Aspidistra Flying (1962) 18: A nice-looking boy, though, for all his Nancitude.
at nancitude (n.) under nancy, n.
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