Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Rand Daily Mail choose

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[SA] Rand Daily Mail in Pettman Africanderisms 370: Behold one of the most striking types of Johannesburg life — the Peruvian.
at Peruvian, n.1
[SA] Rand Daily Mail 3 June 6 n.p.: The accused were members of the ‘Ishotsi’ gang, [...] composed for the specific purpose of robbery [DSAE].
at tsotsi, n.
[SA] Rand Daily Mail 21 Dec. 6: A man who admitted picking up a police constable and throwing him to the ground, said in the [...] Magistrate’s Court [...] that because he was a former ducktail, trying to reform, the world ‘had it in for him’ [DSAE].
at ducktail (n.) under duck, n.1
[SA] Rand Daily Mail I8 Oct. 4: Did you hear prisoners talking about sodomy? — Yes ... These people were called by various names? — Yes. Like ‘hawk’ and ‘Haasie’? – That’s correct [DSAE].
at hasie, n.
[SA] Rand Daily Mail 21 Apr. 5: Ordinary young men and women [...] delight in chatting in any Black language or a Black language mixed with ‘street’ Afrikaans, commonly known as ‘Tsotsi taal’ [DSAE].
at tsotsi-taal (n.) under tsotsi, n.
[SA] Rand Daily Mail 10 July 7: Ek se, where y’all vying after the jol? ... I say, where are you all going after the party? [DSAE].
at jol, n.
[SA] Rand Daily Mail 10 July 7: The Natal pronunciation of Afrikaans words such as ‘wit’ and ‘pik’ come out as ‘vet’ and ‘pek’. And our main ou, who is also a ‘chaar ou’ (Indian), has friends of all races — ‘vet ous’ (whites) ‘pek ous’ (blacks) and ‘bruin ous’ (coloureds) [DSAE].
at wit ou, n.
[SA] Rand Daily Mail 7 Oct. 5: ‘Why do you stadsjapies (city boys) come out here at this time of year?’ Tant Mart queried from under her Voortrekker sun-bonnet [DSAE].
at stadsjapie, n.
[SA] Rand Daily Mail 21 May 1: Five men [...] were making a ‘white pipe’ out of Mandrax and dagga [DSAE].
at white pipe (n.) under white, adj.
[SA] in Rand Daily Mail 14 Oct. (Eve.) 5: Former famous black residential areas like Sophiatown, Western Native Township and Alexandra went under quaint names like ‘Kofifi’, ‘Casbah’ and ‘Dark City’ [DSAE].
at Kofifi, n.
[SA] (ref. to 1940s–50s) D. Bikitsha in Rand Daily Mail 14 Oct. (Eve.) 5: A woman [in a South African township of the 1940s and 1950s] went by such titles: moll, cherrie [...] , shows, [...] and others [DSAE].
at mshoza, n.
[SA] Rand Daily Mail 16 Sept. 1: Detention without acquittal would remain in Zimbabwe as long as there were threats from ‘South African destabilisation, bandits and old Rhodies who still try to carry on the war which ended at Lancaster House’ [DSAE].
at Rhodie, n.
[SA] Rand D. Mail 23 Aug. n.p.: The SA Prisons service does not recognise or grant any special status to the ‘Generals’ and ‘Judges’ elected by prison gangsters.
at judge, n.
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