1934 E. Raymond Child of Norman’s End (1967) 36: Lord-a-mussy, did you ever see such a drainpipe?at lor-a-massy/-mussy!, excl.
1934 E. Raymond Child of Norman’s End (1967) 77: Ah, be javers, and I suppose you work with these creatures all day.at bejabers!, excl.
1934 E. Raymond Child of Norman’s End (1967) 23: ‘Oh bust it!’ muttered Cynthia, beginning to sulk.at bust it! (excl.) under bust, v.1
1934 E. Raymond Child of Norman’s End (1967) 345: But Germany wants a navy as big as ours, and we can’t have two navies cock of the walk.at cock of the walk (n.) under cock, n.3
1934 E. Raymond Child of Norman’s End (1967) 439: Come awf it! You’ll make a joke in a minute.at come off it! (excl.) under come off, v.1
1934 E. Raymond Child of Norman’s End (1967) 73: If the foreman cops me, he won’t kiss me good-bye when me day’s work’s done.at cop, v.
1934 E. Raymond Child of Norman’s End (1967) 439: MacSoloman’s his name, I don’t think.at I don’t think, phr.
1934 E. Raymond Child of Norman’s End (1967) 440: P’raps the Admiral’s her fancy boy.at fancy bloke (n.) under fancy, adj.
1934 E. Raymond Child of Norman’s End (1967) 365: Wouldn’t Mother have forty fits if she saw me here?at forty fits (n.) under fit, n.3
1934 E. Raymond Child of Norman’s End (1967) 257: The man sets out to be perfectly frank and free, but he funks it at the last.at funk, v.2
1934 E. Raymond Child of Norman’s End (1967) 85: They would lure him to a quiet place and there give him a lambing.at lam, v.1
1934 E. Raymond Child of Norman’s End (1967) 48: But law! your ma isn’t half in a stew.at law!, excl.
1934 E. Raymond Child of Norman’s End (1967) 36: ‘Lummy!’ cried Rob [...] ‘What an ass!’.at lumme!, excl.
1934 E. Raymond Child of Norman’s End (1967) 438: Strike me blue if there ain’t the Gen’ral!at strike me blue! (excl.) under strike me...!, excl.
1934 E. Raymond Child of Norman’s End (1967) 74: It wouldn’t be good for a young shaver like you.at shaver, n.1
1934 E. Raymond Child of Norman’s End (1967) 336: I wonder [...] if that old woman is on her balcony – old Miss Hackett, who split on us last time.at split, v.
1934 E. Raymond Child of Norman’s End (1967) 135: I’m loving you – loving you for [...] having the spunk to throw your ball over the garden wall.at spunk, n.
1934 E. Raymond Child of Norman’s End (1967) 134: ‘Oh, you’re stuffing us!’ protested Cynthia.at stuff, v.1
1934 E. Raymond Child of Norman’s End (1967) 51: She could turn on the waterworks at the least provocation.at turn on the waterworks (v.) under waterworks, n.
1934 E. Raymond Child of Norman’s End (1967) 268: I nearly lost my wool with him myself last night.at lose one’s wool (v.) under wool, n.1