Green’s Dictionary of Slang

stuff v.1

[SE stuff, to fill up but increasingly seen as a euph. for fuck v. (1); note double entendre in cit. 1719]

1. (also stuff it up) to have sexual intercourse with; also anal intercourse; thus stuff, an act of intercourse stuffed adj.; stuffing n.

Merry Milkmaid of Islington 14: Ant. My Master must have a fair Course with you; and so he bid me tell you, besides what other kindnesses he will do for you: but stuff your Pannier, he's resolved to do.
[UK] ‘The Three Glorious Things’ in Playford Pills to Purge Melancholy II 129: Three things must be stuffed, / I’ll tell you if I can; / A Pudding, a Cushion and a Woman.
[UK] in D’Urfey Pills to Purge Melancholy IV 129: [as cit. 1700].
[UK]Swift Polite Conversation 32: Poor Miss, she’s sick as a Cushion, she wants nothing but stuffing.
[UK]‘Lady H— to Mrs P—’ in Hilaria 156: Yet the French in past times were so puff’d, / That our bottoms were never consider’d complete, / Until sent o’er to France to be stuff’d.
[UK] ‘The Extinguisher’ Ri-tum Ti-tum Songster 24: A smart servant maid [...] Had been stuffed by each male that there was in the house.
[UK] ‘Wanted A Woman!’ Nobby Songster 27: She shall have meat night and morn, / For I am such a rumun / I always like to stuff ’em well.
[US] in G. Legman Limerick (1953) 95: There was a young Jew of Delray / Who buggered his father one day. / He said, ‘I like rather / To stuff it up Father; / He’s clean, and there’s nothing to pay.’.
[Aus]Dead Bird (Sydney) 21 June 1/3: We always thought Dan O’Connor was a terror on carving. He doesn’t like it in stone though [...] No, something hot, with a nice litle piece of stuffing, is the line for him.
[Aus]Sport (Adelaide) 5 June 4/3: Ken J. is very fond of stuffing ducks, but he can’t get many [...] They were all stuffed at christmas .
[US] in E. Cray Erotic Muse (1992) 55: My husband’s a butcher, a butcher, a butcher, / A very fine butcher is he. / All day he stuffs sausage, stuffs sausage, stuffs sausage. / At night he comes home and stuffs me.
[Aus]S .J. Baker Aus. Vulgarisms [t/s] 13: stuff: To coit (with a woman). Also, a stuff, n., the act.
[UK]P. Larkin letter 26 Apr. in Thwaite Sel. Letters (1992) 260: What d’you think of Liz J. getting 400 nicker to go and get stuffed in Wopland.
[UK]J. Orton Diaries (1986) 18 Dec. 211: I was in the gents and this young Moroccan was sucking me off and the other, older Moroccan was stuffing her.
[US]J. Lahr Hot to Trot 100: Who wants to stuff a psycho?
[NZ]H. Beaton Outside In I ii: Always stuffin’ herself, one way or another.
[Aus]R.G. Barrett You Wouldn’t Be Dead for Quids (1989) 88: You’ve probably been stuffed by half the Astra Hotel and I’ll end up with the jack.
[UK] (ref. to 1930s) in Porter & Weeks Between the Acts 75: I remember they used to say, oh I had a lovely time last night. I got stuffed.
[UK]N. Barlay Crumple Zone 125: Ain’t got no boyfriend. Needs a good stuffin’. Straighten her out.
[UK]N. Barlay Hooky Gear 99: A feelin I cant put my finger on of her bein shagged all over the shop, stuffed floor to ceilin, wheelbarrowed along the hall an back, seen to upstairs, downstairs an over my ladys chamber pot.

2. (also stuff up) to tease, to tell lies, to fool, to hoax; thus stuffed adj.

[US]T. Haliburton Clockmaker III 57: They didn’t want facts to make opinions on, but facts to tally with opinions formed [...] and I always stuff such folks.
[Aus]Satirist & Sporting Chron. (Sydney) 11 Feb. 3/3: His Excellency entertained the Right Worshipful the Mayor to dinner [...] The Mayor, it is said, is stuffed and crammed daily by his Excellency — consequently he would know more about these matters.
[US]‘Ned Buntline’ Mysteries and Miseries of N.Y. I 111: I can stuff him with anything. Why he thinks I’m one of the best lawyers at the bar!
[UK]Hotten Dict. of Modern Sl. etc. 104: stuff to make believe, to chaff, to tell false stories [...] to make false but plausible statements, to praise ironically, to make game of a person, ― literally, to stuff him with gammon or falsehood.
[US]S.W. Payne Behind the Bars 145: ‘But say, George, wouldn’t you rather be a slave than to be free?’ ‘Now see heah, you white nigger, I spects you tryin’ ter stuff dis darkey.’.
T.B. Reed Willoughby Captains (1887) 80: ‘Look here, don’t you try to stuff us up. What's the use of saying it’s full when it's empty?’.
[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 18 Apr. 10/3: When you read that he has received ‘the following information from an undoubted source,’ or ‘on the best authority,’ or the like, you can guess I’m in it. Let it rip. He played the skunk when I made a slight slip. I’ll stuff him this evening again.
[UK]E. Pugh Tony Drum 47: Don’t try to stuff me up. I know better.
[US]Flynt & Walton Powers That Prey 225: [She] required that things be definitely demonstrated to her before being satisfied that she was not being ‘stuffed’.
Sydney Sportsman (Surrey Hills, NSW) 30 Oct. 4/1: With the usual and familiar every-day tear down, such as stuffing them, taking hold or dealing with them.
[UK]Marvel 23 Dec. 676: Someone has been stuffing you up, Carrington.
[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 24 Nov. 43/1: ‘Whiskis all over him? Gerrout, yeh can’t stuff me!’ breathed an incredulous neighbor.
[UK]A. Brazil Madcap of the School 32: ‘Whom shall I believe? Everybody tries to stuff me!’ wailed the injured Cynthia.
[US]Dos Passos Three Soldiers 66: ‘Why, a fellow back in that rest camp told me that it took four or five days to get anywhere.’ ‘He was stuffing you,’ said Eisenstein. ‘They used to run the fastest trains in the world in France.’.
[UK]E. Raymond Child of Norman’s End (1967) 134: ‘Oh, you’re stuffing us!’ protested Cynthia.
[US]‘Iceberg Slim’ Pimp 191: That young bitch [...] is gone lazy. She’ stuffing on you.

3. as a general euph. for fuck v. (1)

[UK]Sporting Times (London) 15 Feb. 3/1: ‘Go and stuff yourself!’ yelled Dicky roared the witness.
[NZ]D. Davin For the Rest of Our Lives 246: I’m off back to the Div. They can stuff their job.
[UK]P. Larkin ‘Toads’ Less Deceived 32: Ah, were I courageous enough / To shout Stuff your pension!
[Ire](con. 1940s) B. Behan Borstal Boy 171: Stuff you and Durham.
[UK]T. Keyes All Night Stand 35: ‘Stuff that,’ Gerry grunts, ‘I want to get home.’.
[UK]G.F. Newman Sir, You Bastard 60: Tell him he can stuff his promises.
[SA]P. Slabolepszy Sat. Night at the Palace (1985) 20: Stuff off, man!
[UK]F. Pitt-Kethley Sky Ray Lolly 32: I went to the pond and threw bread to the ducks – / ‘Stuff your Mother’s Pride’ they said, / ‘We want worms.’.
[Aus]R.G. Barrett White Shoes 168: Like Murray said, you don’t stuff with the Nortons.
[Aus]R.G. Barrett White Shoes 225: Seems like a shame to stuff up a good pair of track-suit pants.
[Aus]R.G. Barrett White Shoes 9: I was supposed to meet one of his mates and he can’t make it [...] It’s stuffed me up a bit.
[Aus]P. Temple Bad Debts (2012) [ebook] There’s a [drug] handover set for [...] 7 p.m. There was a bit of stuffing around, they didn’t get there till quarter past.
[UK]Indep. Mag. 12 June 8: To hell with the family, sod the job, stuff the bills.
[UK]Indep. on Sun. Culture 13 Feb. 1: But she’s obviously nervous that she might stuff it up.
[UK]Indep. on Sun. 27 Feb. 25: If by some strange quirk of science we’ve stuffed up, we’ll put our hands up.
[Scot]I. Rankin Falls 421: Well, stuff your miserable paper and stuff you.
[Aus]R.G. Barrett Mystery Bay Blues 48: Now, as well as stuffing up my back, you can bet the cops’ll be looking for me.
[Aus]N. Cummins Tales of the Honey Badger [ebook] Bees? Stuff ’em.
Twitter 9 July 🌐 [cartoon text] Stuff orf art of it, ya stink’n’ humans!

4. to place a false name on a payroll so as to draw the salary illegally.

Herald (Los Angeles) 28 Oct. 9/1: De Kernel was in his place fixin’ up some business about stuffin’ de great register.
[US]E. Hubbard Love, Life and Work 🌐 Tom found the name on the pay-roll, and as Tom could not remember how the name got there, he at first thought the pay-roll was being stuffed.

5. to defeat, to outwit.

[NZ]G. Slatter Gun in My Hand 166: Wait till we clean up Otago on Wednesday. We’ll stuff em.
[UK]B.S. Johnson All Bull 70: The generation that stuffed Hitler is to be admired.
[NZ]McGill Dict. of Kiwi Sl. 109/1: stuff to defeat severely, often in sport; c.1920.
Sun. Trib. 10 Feb. 8/6: We stuffed them.
[Ire]F. Mac Anna Cartoon City 26: The bad news is that Brazil are going to stuff Holland tonight.
[UK]Eve. Standard 28 Oct. 7/4: ‘We were done over — comprehensively,’ was the private verdict of a senior Labour politican [...] ‘The French stuffed us’.

6. (US black, also stuff up) to attack, verbally or physically.

[US]E. Folb Runnin’ Down Some Lines 102: Applying muscle is seen, for example, in a number of sports-related terms – to fire, to gun, to stuff, to stick.
[SA]P. Slabolepszy Sat. Night at the Palace (1985) 13: So because I want to stuff him up, Carstens has a big shit from the bench. Says I mustn’t cause strop.

7. in basketball, to slam the ball downward through the hoop.

[US]W.D. Myers Hoops 173: Tomkins had recovered and went up with me. I stuffed over him, and the crowd went crazy.
(ref. to 1945) D. Jenkins His Ownself 55: A godlike figure named Jackie Robinson carried Paschal to the 1945 state basketball championship [...]. He could dunk the ball. That word hadn’t reached our vocabulary yet. We said he could ‘stuff’ it.

8. to cause trouble for; thus stuffed adj.

[UK]N. Barlay Curvy Lovebox 66: I’ll get stuffed tomorrow.

In compounds

stuff-gut (n.)

a glutton; also attrib.

J. Collins Scripscrapologia 4: When I hear Doctor Stuffgut intemperance decry, / While his table, from skies, earth and sea. Is decked out with dainties, — sure that’s all my eye.
[UK]Gentleman’s Mag. Mar. 266/2: I have the honour to remain, your lordship’s very humble servant, Stuffgut Gormandize, General-in-Chief.
[UK]E.V. Kenealy Goethe: a New Pantomime 252: The sages / In their fat lists of stuff-guts of all ages.
[UK]Worcs. Chron. 20 Nov. 4/3: Michaelmas fair (or, as it was popularly but coarsely called, Stuff-gut fair).
R. Browning Aristophanes’ Apology 112: In me, ’t was equal-balanced flesh rebuked / Excess alike in stuff-guts Glauketes / Or starveling Chairephon.
[UK]Western Mail 28 Feb. 4/7: In the county of Angelsea there lived a most remarkable physician, a slovenly stuff-gut, of a hang-dog of a Saxon-type.

In phrases

stuff it up (v.)

see sense 1 above.

stuff up (v.)

1. to ruin, to make a mess of.

[Aus]Bulletin issues 5626-33 105/2: We argued that Australia would go down the gurgler, that we’d be a lot of galahs, if we allowed the forces of globalism to stuff up our lingo.
[Aus]S. Maloney Something Fishy (2006) 40: Stuffing up a fisheries operation [...] The press are going to love it.
[NZ]P. Shannon Davey Darling 45: Anything I said these days was getting me in the shit. [...] He was intent on beating me even when he’d stuffed it up himself.
[Aus]T. Spicer Good Girl Stripped Bare 238: Newsreaders [...] go to the toilet, just like you. We stuff up, just like you.

2. see sense 2 above.

3. see sense 6 above.

In exclamations

stuff and butter it! (also stuff and butter me!)

(N.Z.) an excl. of annoyance or surprise.

[NZ] McGill Reed Dict. of N.Z. Sl. 203: stuff and butter it! Exclamation of exasperation. [...] stuff and butter me! Exclamation of surprise.
stuff it!

a euph. excl. for fuck it! excl.

[Aus]R. Park Poor Man’s Orange 69: ‘Ah, stuff it,’ replied Suse concisely. ‘Go tell the bacon factory they need yer.’.
[UK]F. Norman Fings I i: All right, mate, stuff it.
[UK]A. Wesker Chips with Everything II x: Cut it! stuff it! Shoot your load on someone else, take it out on someone else.
[US]R. Price Blood Brothers 117: MacDonald just looks at her an’ says, ‘Aww, stuff it, bitch! Ah quit!’.
[UK]T. Wilkinson Down and Out 112: I’m not coming back on Monday just to collect my pay, so you can fucking stuff it.
[US]‘Joe Bob Briggs’ Joe Bob Goes to the Drive-In 155: P.S. Joe Bob says to stuff it.
[Aus]Penguin Bk of More Aus. Jokes 262: Stuff it, I didn’t want to be a nun anyway.
stuff me! (also stuff me sideways! stuff my old boots!) [euph. for fuck me! excl.]

an excl. of surprise, astonishment.

[NZ]G. Slatter Gun in My Hand 206: Well, what d’ya know? Old Georgie. Stuff me sideways. You really rocked me.
[UK]Galton & Simpson ‘Man of Letters’ Steptoe and Son [TV script] Cor, stuff my old boots.
[UK]K. Waterhouse Soho 121: ‘Conducted tour of all the haunted spots in Soho.’ ‘Stuff me!’.