at crape-hanger, n.
at cop a plea, v.
at not give a good goddam, v.
at bit of all right, a, phr.
at not give a fuck, v.
at worth a good damn under worth a..., phr.
at ace boy (n.) under ace, adj.
at bass-ackward(s), adj.
at smart-aleck, adj.
at knock-down-(and)-drag-out, adj.
at not know one’s arse/ass from a hole in the ground (v.) under arse, n.
at con-artist, n.
at sure as hell under sure as..., phr.
at have one’s ass in the wind under ass, n.
at ass-kicking, adv.
at grab-ass, n.
at one’s ass sucks wind under ass, n.
at narrow-assed, adj.
at dog-assed, adj.
at lock assholes (v.) under asshole, n.
at give it away, v.
at back-talk, n.
at put the bad mouth on (v.) under badmouth, n.
at batshit, n.
at big thing, n.
at bigmouth, n.
at bird colonel (n.) under bird, n.1
at bird, n.3
at bitch, n.1
at blame, adj.
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